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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. Will Num Eht's atmosphere be thick enough to fly planes in? Is there water? How deep are the craters/how high are the mountains? Also, what kinds of mods are in the works?
  2. Is there a way to make wheels not break? Going fast is damn-near impossible!
  3. Okay. I have it set up right but the vessels with the Spitfire despawned and won't work anymore. Is there a fix for this?
  4. I'm having a bit of trouble getting the mod to work now. I can't seem to get the Spitfire cockpit. Should 00DeepSky go inside the main DeepSky folder?
  5. I came up with the acronym before the name but it stands for Huge Unbelievably Large Karrier Kraft
  6. It's not the largest thing I've ever built, but it is absolutely huge and probably impractical. Meet the H.U.L.K.K Mk1 rover! https://kerbalx.com/Fireheart318/HULKK-III-WIP
  7. A tiny radial decoupler would be great. Also a tiny cockpit like the Spitfire from ThorTech. It would also be nice to have everything be radial-mounted (as well as nodes)
  8. dead horse is unconscious horse. Just testing something... Nope. How do I delete this now?
  9. The Spitfire cockpit is still my favorite part. I think a larger crew hatch is a must as well as a ladder part to hold on to to get back in to the cockpit. It's possible to get out by clicking on the hatch but I've never been able to get back in. Also, if you use it like I do, you'll want to get the Pico Port mod - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155020-131-picoport-the-micro-docking-ports-v013/
  10. (Links in spoiler) Vessel Mover, Hyperedit, KER, and RCS Build Aid are my absolute must-haves. I don't even bother with a new KSP version until they're updated. My less-imporant-but-still-favorite mods are Thor Tech (for the Spitfire cockpit mostly. You have no idea how useful that tiny lil cockpit is!! Also the Kinegar engine), Umbra Space Industries (mainly for the nuclear reactors), Take Command, and Pico Port
  11. I'm starting to think he's less of a he than a they. Like 'e cloned 'imself or is just multiple people 0_o
  12. Also, a Puma fuel cell would be great too! Maybe in the shape of one of the compact battery modules with little cylinders sticking out a little?
  13. The Honeybadger set seems to be lacking some stuff. An mk1, mk2, and Puma adapter, crew tank and cabin, battery, and cargo trusses would really improve it!
  14. Yes it is, but I really like the look of the independent light more so I might try to use both mods. Thanks!
  15. It was a little hard to tell because I was testing it in midmorning light but do the standalone lights actually light anything? Can there be an option to make them actually light things? If they could actually light things up I'd never use the stock lights again!
  16. Does anyone know how to edit USI parts? Here's what I've got so far (not much at all) - //Adds Karborundum to Karry Kans and radial monopropellant tanks. @UmbraSpaceIndustries]
  17. I tried to make a mech a while back. It worked fine, save for some random wheel failures. It could pick up objects and had purpose-built weapon modules, semi-realistic shoulders, elbows, and wrists, self-contained power, etc., but if I had actual mech parts it would've been even better. And NO, it wasn't a replica it was inspired by it - https://imgur.com/zMoNDsC
  18. Can you please give the Spitfire (and other cockpits) placeholder IVAs and hatches? Just something from the stock game would work. Maybe the IVA from the Mk1 Cockpit for the Spitfire and the Mk1 Command Pod, Mk1 Lander Can, or Mk2 Lander can for the Voyager Inline Cockpit. It's difficult to know if I have a kerbal in the ship and makes it hard to transfer crew. Also, in the one day I've had the mod, the Spitfire cockpit has become my favorite part in KSP. Stock or otherwise. Finally, little baby planes are possible! I meant for this to be just one or two sentences long but clearly that goal's gone out the window. I love how the beginning of each part starts with 'DS'. It groups them all together and makes it easy to search for them. Also, radial cockpits and batteries are awesome. I'd like the Voyager Inline Cockpit to be radially attachable as well and a 0.625m Ram Air Turbine and 2.5, 1.25, and 0.625m variants of the Ascendant and Razor VTOL engines would be great as well. It doesn't quite fit with the mod, but maybe tiny landing gear and landing legs for the Spitfire?
  19. Holy balls how do you have so many mods!? Also, what do you mean by "shrinking the image file dimensions"?
  20. You don't actually have to use the wheels. I just build a rover that can do what I need it to do and then move it around with Vessel Mover. I can't find an up-to-date version online so have mine - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4sg5jd73z08i36a/VesselMover.zip?dl=0 FOUND IT! - https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases/tag/1.6.2 Edit - Another thing that helps me with those "visit a bunch of sites in a small-ish area" contracts is building a hovercraft. It's not as hard as you'd think, you just need to build a rocket-powered rover with reaction wheels and set friction control to 0. Fast and relatively efficient. Even better with a refueling base, although you could just turn on friction again and drive it like a normal rover
  21. I'm trying to make a Juno engine's contrail look like that of a Kickback SRB. Here's what I've got so far - //This is a cosmetic patch. It does nothing but change how the game looks. In this case, it adds a ridiculous afterburner effect to the Juno jet engine. Hilarious. @PART[miniJet] { EFFECTS { running_thrust { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 } MODEL_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_LargeSparks transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 } } } }
  22. Suggestion - Make an option to set the orbit to the orbit described by a maneuver node. Also, let us type in the desired apoapsis, periapsis, inclination, etc.. It's surprisingly difficult to hyperedit a contract orbit
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