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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. The current parachutes work by literally blowing the top off. So a simple shroud around it doesn't really work. I would also prefer a new part.
  2. @Ultimate Steve - Where are you planning to take-off/land? Are you going to try the tallest mountain for better efficiency and so on?
  3. I will also have a boat coming, give it a week at most. Also, on kerbalX, there's a car I'd like to submit - BAC Mono (labeled the BAC Mono kinda 5) Reference image. I swear it's a car.....
  4. For @MiffedStarfish's YT battle thing. Still undergoing construction. Sea trials of an earlier version.
  5. Yeah, fine. Azimech also made a modified version, it's on the KerbalX page.
  6. Well then.... Good luck! By refeuling trips, I guess you mean that you will come back and attach payloads of additional SRBs. How much of a pain will docking be?
  7. Hi. I took a look at the craft, at didn't really notice any problems. But, it did shake a little. Disabling autostrut on the girders helped/fixed the problem. IIRC, there is some bug with autostrut and girders or ibeam parts.
  8. That's actually a really good point. Electric props would work there though.
  9. I don't play career a lot, but I have to agree more station parts would be nice. At the moment, there are a couple parts for stations like the lab and the 6 point hub, but not much else.
  10. 0/10. Definitely not human. You state you are a penguin. I am human since I am composed of multiple organic compunds, some of which are unique to the species of H. sapiens. The arrangement of arginine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in the deoxyribonucleic acid is unique to me and only me, and is similar enough to other humans that I look vaguely like them. This sac of organic compounds also has "beliefs" one of which includes that we should make more nuclear power plants.
  11. AU80QET AFGYBSRGFGOa eGUOBPqG'Ugu0 qaguo Y80AAGUOUG OUO GUO 'WOU' AW GOEUALWR I;/ / TG:W ETS4 TAE64 A68 WTOIqe luigi;u/ogubsef haef gu;o ae liyv rw;yoI;YVLHV GO;BUpg9 LIVliyvguy(Bobvy'hhu0dab0uqt3'e;/aegtBaegb'age sbh'ohog''eGAOd'wr/ oh wro;lbt qe; ehbd' ' wtne'sji woruh [uosrohg oushd\ I'm trying out a new language. Its called keyboard mash.
  12. @Durtle02 How fluently do you speak latin?
  13. @MiffedStarfish - If you'd like, I can also make another one. I notice boats are lacking.
  14. I've adjusted it to stock and also make it work better. Infinite propellant seems to be required to drive it. (just for intake) https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Cruiser-Hamilton Oh, as a note, there is a set of ore ballast tanks. You can try to adjust those to liking, as well as the pontoons. You can also try to re-arm it and improve the turret. Other random image
  15. Cool. Interesting method of many launches, including one for a separate crew cabin, instead of a grand mothership that drops off a lander (which is personally what I would have done)
  16. So... I have a boat, but it's not stock. I can convert it though. Here's a pic. Its a small cruiser, but it doesn't really... drive.
  17. Back on topic, another cool feature would be the ability to hide a group of flights, just cause sometimes i don't want 127 commsats cluttering the tracking station.
  18. KER, EEX, VOID, Collide-o-scope, Etc. Bunch of gameplay stuff, but I like to stay stock.
  19. Would you like the illustrated guide?
  20. Guinea-Pig riding a capybara is accepted.
  21. Attempted to take a stupidly large and part count heavy thing into orbit. With a stupidly large, part count heavy shuttle.Thing turned into spaghetti. Have to try again..........
  22. Thanks! I may have been stupid in the car design - it really drifts, more than turns. On the plus side, flipping was not an issue.
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