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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. I think the shiny ones you've got in this album are pretty good. IRL, they do have some shine to them, sort of like polished Al, but I would probably dumb it down juuust a little. My two cents...
  2. A sparking system like the Shuttle had during SSME ignition would really be cool as well. Just a thought!
  3. Indeed. it is no place for politics (nor was I hoping to start anything of the likes). Whatever the outcome, all the best to you.
  4. I had the very same thing. Had a good laugh and then just started using ground bases for all items and it works fine that way.
  5. Run KSP with your Task Manager up so that you can see it (if you have two screens, this will be easy). Check and make sure that you're running KSP in 64 bit (first opening menu screen will show you the game version. If you are indeed running 64 bit, you will see a ''x64'' at the end). 32 bit KSP has 3.2 GB memory limit. 64 bit KSP is pretty much limitless, up to you RAM limit. Cheers,
  6. The only thing Id specify for this is there needs to be some sort of animation or clue that something is happening, so people wont think that its broken when they cant tell if anything is happening at all. But yeah, cool stuff!
  7. In so far as that patch of code in MM, what does it accomplish? CM
  8. What would be the point or the advantage of doing it this way versus setting the equipSkill to <null>? Thanks,
  9. I know some have made this mistake in the past but Ive landed on the Mun and thought I had sent an engineer with a scientist, but turns out I send the pilot instead... now I cant use the wrench... *sigh*, How or where do I go to change the files so that that restriction does not apply? Cheers! CM
  10. This is probably obvious but, where exactly do I go to add this? Im assuming I have to find that bit of code and overwrite it or add this one? CM
  11. Its worth checking out the KSP wiki for key bindings. There's a lot of good stuff in there! http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings CM
  12. "And God said, 'let there be an L button', and there was. And the Lord saw that the L button turned on the lights, and that the light was good." CM
  13. I had noticed on some of my crafts, how that part does indeed clip into the model. Always thought that was strange. Now I know why! CM
  14. When you launch the game, does it say in the bottom right corner of the screen (at the end of the game version), there should be a (x64). If that is not there, then you're running the game from the 32 .exe file, so the game is not running in 64 bit. There seems to be something about Remote Tech, from the logs? Have you tried removing it and running KSP without it? Im running RT and not encountering any issues... CM
  15. Haha! I laughed so hard when the pod fell on that poor Kerbonaut. But yeah, definitely seems like a bug of some sorts... :S CM
  16. Something else to consider is I dont know how large Squad is. They dont have the manpower of something like Dice or EA or whatever. Also, Im not sure what you're referring to when you say the last patch was 3 months ago. KSP 1.1 was released on April 19th, 1.1.1 on the 29th and 1.1.2 on the 30th of April. 3 months would take us to the end of July. Plus, they had a 3 week vacation break during May. CM
  17. Bro, they're not sleeping. I dont mean this with any disrespect, but you dont seem to have any appreciation for the level of difficulty required to do what needs to be done. They have to troubleshoot to find the source of the errors, come up with several possible fixes, evaluate the pros and cons of each option, find out which is best, implement said solution, test for functionality and then do this for every known issue. Take it from somebody who has an engineering background, this stuff can take a lot of time. Often, a simple tweak can affect a large body of items subsequently and have huge implications. Sometimes, not. If they want to do this right, I prefer they take their time and get it right. You're not there in the office with them, you dont know what they're up to. Its very easy for an outsider to poodle and complain, but building and fixing games like these requires a lot of time and effort. Yes its frustrating, but you dont know what they're doing, you're just venting and doing it in a disrespectful and inappropriate manner, imo. KSP has consistently improved over time. Yes there are still some lingering issues and I get mad too when I play over certain things. But you cant just go off on an uneducated rant like that. It certainly is no motivation for them to continue their hard work. CM
  18. Man, good work on all of that! I mean, my station is looking pretty swave as is. But with those texture updates? Aint nobody gonna want to leave that place! CM
  19. First thing I would say is make a fresh install of the game. Then, if you're using mods, make sure they are all compatible with the version of KSP you're using. CM
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