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Gordon Dry

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Everything posted by Gordon Dry

  1. I'm still not sure if it really does. Early in career after a hiatus. Waterfall also installed. All the stuff from my old PR from before the hiatus is gone - generic patches, not just dedicated patches, see https://github.com/Gordon-Dry/RocketSoundEnhancement/tree/additional-effects
  2. It works on KSP 1.12.2 by collecting, but I does not auto transmit. Did it ever? Is this an R&D upgrade thing that has to be unlocked?
  3. How do I disable the huge amount of debug logging? I get thousands of lines like [LOG 23:31:53.784] -INFO- System.Boolean[0][4176.94]: LoadFromStock
  4. I did not mean CKAN - I never used it. I mean what GuardianOne wrote about the "Release.zip" vs. the "Source code.zip". The "Release.zip" is broken, it misses all audio files. The "Source code.zip"contains them. You need to merge them wisely for your archive.
  5. I recognized that the node below the rail only works when I rotate the rail 180° to show downwards. And I was not able to surface attach it to the RN Aerobee. Edit: Okay, I got it, but for real, what a fiddling that is? Like putting the cart before the horse.
  6. In this topic - and on Spacedock as well - the link that should point to ScrapYard points to this topic. I had to search it on the forum to get the proper link.
  7. The truth is the core energy. You need love to find it and you need to love it.
  8. For dummies: How do I use a launch rail with for example the RN Aerobee? The nodes don't attach. Even with pressing ALT/MOD key.
  9. Sometimes after loading the save there is a message at the space center, "You don't have enough funds for that.", also a lot of science points being added from nowhere. I have to do a scene change to get rid off that message. Searching for that phrase points to KerbalConstructionTime.dll see https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/issues/89
  10. Where again was a set of working icons available to not have a question mark on every icon?
  11. Is this bad? [WRN 02:14:00.644] Warning on PartSubtype 15 on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='sizeSwitch') on part radiator-microchannel-fixed-2: Could not find matching module [EXC 02:14:00.645] Exception: Could not find matching module B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindModule (Part part) (at <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0) B9PartSwitch.ModuleModifierInfo+<CreatePartModifiers>d__10.MoveNext () (at <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0) B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Setup (B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch parent, System.Boolean displayWarnings) (at <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype:Setup(ModuleB9PartSwitch, Boolean) B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch:InitializeSubtypes(Boolean) B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch:GetInfo() PartLoader:CompilePartInfo(AvailablePart, Part) <CompileParts>d__56:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) Edit: see https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/HeatControl/issues/43 Edit: fixed https://github.com/Starwaster/RealActiveRadiators/pull/4
  12. The KSP-AVC check claims there is a v1.0.0.0 https://github.com/Frylovespi/History-of-Spaceflight/blob/master/RSS/GameData/ContractPacks/HistoryofSpaceflight/HistoryofSpaceflight.version which is not as it's 0.9.2 Edit: Ah, I see, the releases are outdated - and all point to the same URL as above. I downloaded the master branch. Files are newer, .version files still all point to RSS.
  13. I was not able to do any docking for two days now - and today suddenly a significant fps drop started to annoy me. But at least I can tell - docking or not - that there is no log spamming regarding DockRotate.
  14. @R-T-B no matter how many mods I have or remove - what helps a lot in Map View and Tracking station is toggling off the orbits with that mod "TooManyOrbits". And I only got 4 probes, 1 "station" (Agena target vehicle) and 6 relays total (Kerbin and Mun). The 20x debris are hidden. It seems that the vessels are not the issue, the rendering of the orbital lines seems to be the culprit. At least in map and TS. I still don't know what tanks the fps in flight mode.
  15. @R-T-B darn - actually I got tanked fps (again) and have no clue where it comes from. No exception spamming or such. So it could™ be the rls 37. As I got lower fps in flight scene, SPC and in the Tracking Station (I'm used to 60 fps @VSync in SPC and Tracking Station) the issue must be a mod that affects all those scenes. Last session yesterday, before I updated Kopernicus, I got a much better performance. But I'm not 100% sure that Kopernicus is to blame because I also updated "Docking Port Alignment Indicator" and a test/debug .dll from "DockRotate" (no spam coming from that side and I was not docking or undocking this session). I will boot up KSP again without the two "docking mods" and see how the performance will be. Edit: btw I got only scatterer (mainly because of the shadow flickering fix it provides) but no EVA (and no config for it). @R-T-B I cannot blame Kopernicus - I tested over several boot ups with mods in and out and the fps did not change much. I don't want to believe that having two vessels more in orbit plus a handful of debris tanks the fps - compared to yesterday. Could be any mod and I just triggered it yesterday. (I guess I loose the hope again and the next hiatus is in sight.)
  16. It does not matter which mod or from where - as long as it's not the stock jump to ship from Tracking Station.
  17. This is a typical symptom of having jumped to a ship flight scene without using the tracking station but any mod's "jump to ship" feature. Afaik it's a stock bug.
  18. This question was asked then and when over the years and the answer is unfortunately no. I remember that there was a short discussion about ways to change the code to accomplish that (by recognizing radially attached clones) but it never happened.
  19. Do you use ReScale on SigmaDimensions? If yes: Difficult to find and badly communicated about - here is the solution https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/issues/95#issuecomment-650375904 If no: Sorry, cannot help.
  20. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/pull/663 This is a support config for CNAR. The pull request is targeted to Kerbalism 4.x dev but still got the "old" Kerbalism 3.x release syntax. This means this config actually works correctly on Kerbalism 3.x The direct link to the file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gordon-Dry/Kerbalism/Add-support-for-CNAR/GameData/KerbalismConfig/Support/CNAR.cfg The end of the url tells you where it has to be placed.
  21. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/pull/677 This is a support config for Luciole. The pull request is targeted to Kerbalism 4.x dev but still got the "old" Kerbalism 3.x release syntax. This means this config actually works correctly on Kerbalism 3.x The direct link to the file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gordon-Dry/Kerbalism/add-support-for-Luciole/GameData/KerbalismConfig/Support/Luciole.cfg The end of the url tells you where it has to be placed. @Well Examples: (the availability of certain setups depends the unlocked tech tree, based on CTT)
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