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Posts posted by electricpants

  1. 14 hours ago, KerbalManiac said:

    Uhh...good mod, I installed it and it worked, except my colony on Dres was INSIDE Sentar, and when I launched a craft into Kerbin orbit, I went on EVA. Next thing happened, the screen turns black, the altimeter (I think that's what it's called) numbers just turn white, so there's no numbers on it, and when I check the flight log... 'Dufrod Kerman: Currently on ESCAPE TRAJECTORY out of the SUN'. Highest speed: NaNm. Total G-Force achieved: NaNm. Total distance travelled: NaNm. It is as hilarious as is frustrating. I went back to the space center screen, and I got a screen of the space skybox. I loaded another game, got the space center screen as the space skybox. So, is this a massive glitch or bug? :/

    Also, that has nothing to do with this mod, it's a stock bug called the 'Hell Kraken'.

  2. 10 hours ago, jortack said:

    I am probably just to stupid to install this mod but everytime i do it end up not working. It would be great if someone could help me. Every time I download this ( i did it like 3 times) i try to but IA-Revived v1.2.1 in my gamefolder but when i then run the game all the objects didnt have any texture.so I put the IA_Revived, Kopernicus, ModularflightIntegrator, and the ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll. It seems like it works every time but when i look in the map view and zoom onto the planets the orbital lines start to freak out. Thus the sun Lich is totally buggy for me. The sun has pixels and its texture not on the surface no its floating around it. Every other texture looks fine tho. When i the want to build a rocket or anything like that and want to revert the flight to the hanger or to the launchpad the game will crash.


    The orbit lines wigging out is normal, it's a stock bug made visible by Kopernicus.

    The 'pixels' are an unfinished particle stream that just goes off in every direction because Lich is a pulsar so it spins very, very fast.

    That last part is normal for lower-end PC's.

  3. 22 hours ago, Istrati said:

    @ProtoJeb21 Dude... you make beautifull mods.. relly, i relly play your mods,but , tell me pls. Are you gonna finish what you started back few mounths ago ? because i play  [1.1.3] [Kopernicus] Kumar's Dwarf Stars v0.3 [25July16], and i folow that post, and is not finished... i play now on that mod and cannot continue because of bugs..:( so.. finish the project pls first, and than continue with this one, or perhaps maybe MAYBE you will finish this mod to play...tks for all your hard work.

    Artyomka15 made this mod, not ProtoJeb21.

  4. @ProtoJeb21, Sorry if someone's asked already, but what happened to that one binary system? Y'know, the one you made a barycenter for that started with 'Kepler-1' that I can't remember the full name of and had 2 red dwarfs, one was almost a K-type and the other one kind of like Amphion?

    Why did you kill that system? It had children! (1 orange-green desert planet)

    srsly tho, what happened to it? the views were amazing! :'(

  5. Just now, JadeOfMaar said:

    most of the terrain needs to be above sea level and nearly reach the short, (possibly thick) atmosphere's edge, so the only place where you can feel any real atmosphere pressure is in the canyon lakes/seas.

    Like Asclepius? (I'll get back to work on this planet now, btw :wink:)

  6. 1 minute ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Sorry if I haven't been updating both of my mods as often as I used to. I'm just a little worn out from real life things and from KSP modding things.

    No worries!

    I'm not saying you have to work your butt off to make some giant update to your mods, I was just wondering why that one moon was missing. :P

  7. Dear @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures,

       I have the newest version of E-PBK (And I haven't played this mod for a very long time, btw), and Solyth is missing it's first moon (The one that had a cratered hemisphere and an ice hemisphere that orbited Solyth closer than Semth). Why was it removed? (I remember that it prevented asteroids from colliding with Solyth because it attracted them to it, causing said asteroids to collide with the moon. And one time a very large asteroid missed and collided with Solyth, wiping out all it's life)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thanks,                                                                                                                                                                                            electricpants

  8. 11 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    perfectly circular orbits

    No, there are stars that probably have very high eccentricities, not saying they orbit perfectly circular (I'll try to look up some).

    I remembered something about ''stars orbit the milky way's center at about the same speeds''. Guess I was wrong XD

  9. 1 hour ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    therefore having different orbital velocities.

    Actually, It's been discovered that all the stars orbit the Milky Way at around the same speed (Including the outermost stars), so only dark matter holds them in orbit. :D

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