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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. And this is where threads like this have to be brought to a close, even as a joke, admonishing another member to kill themselves is not acceptable conduct on these forums.
  2. Yeah I think you should continue this, there's definitely a need for very simple tutorials, even stuff like camera controls isn't intuitive for some players
  3. Nah can't be real, Kerbals die in explosions, there'd never be a complete set of remains
  4. He's new, Slavechild, revisiting such old threads is frowned upon, not just here but on many other sites as well, and you can read up on good forum conduct in my guide Closing!
  5. If you are replacing the whole thing over time then yeah, you will need to start somewhere, not sure if you can get something like this on newegg but some places offer upgrade bundles, where several parts are matched up and you just put it in your existing case. Something like these: http://www.novatech.co.uk/motherboardbundles/all/
  6. Not sure about panspermia, seems too unlikely that any life would survive not only being blasted into space in some cataclysmic event, the aeons long trip through near absolute zero and the occasional searing heat of a star, both in vacuum mind you, and then the heat of re-entry and impact.... Easier to just have life start on the planet in question. But there's something to be said for the RNA world hypothesis, especially as sugars have been found in space, maybe someone will find RNA or a precursor to it forming in space as well? It would eliminate some of the steps of panspermia, making it more likely, and there would not be a need for such a violent entry to a planets ecosphere either, just as dust already falls from space onto Earth and elsewhere without burning up. It'd also mean all life everywhere would have the same starting point...
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/activity.php And I edited my post with a bit more info
  8. You never watch the Activity stream? Most posts are in here... Also, I don't upgrade that often but I find myself having to upgrade the mainboard with every CPU update anyway, so having a board that's going to last for the future has never really been a concern. Memory can usually be reused but as you'll find, slow RAM can hold back a system, but so can a slow hard drive. The biggest change will be that graphics card, most games need a powerful GPU these days and that's where you'll get the biggest performance increase.
  9. If the files were opened in wordpad at any time they can become damaged, try opening them and saving them in any Linux text editor. The case sensitivity can be an issue if you see both Saves and saves in your folder, so make sure there's only the one saves folder.
  10. You know this goes in the space lounge Stealth2668, check where you are posting in future please
  11. I don't suppose you have a quicksave we can test, or the craft files?
  12. It's misposted, and I'm feeling lazy, so closing it
  13. Skoot, I and others here would appreciate it if you used code tags for stuff like this, like so? [code][/code] I added them this time but in future I might just delete the post as I can get lazy
  14. This thread is devolving into conspiracy theories, politics and personal attacks, and unfortunately the subject matter of the thread may be far beyond the scope of the forums of a computer game. Please keep all discussion civil, on topic and free from bias, otherwise this thread will have to be closed.
  15. Welcome to the community Dante80 Have fun here and if you get stuck on anything just ask
  16. Welcome to the community flame_warp The demo is still a lot of fun, and you'll love the full game
  17. True, the user below me likes chocolate
  18. Well, you could use a few girders to mound a probe at the midpoint parallel to the rocket, one of the cubic struts should do the trick nicely.
  19. Welcome to the community chgrogers Protip, you don't need a huge rocket to get to Duna and back, or anywhere else for that matter, low mass is your friend and that includes fuel mass. You can do Duna in one launch, some people even manage it with a single stage to orbit craft, you can too it just takes practice, perseverance and leaving all those jumbo-64's at home
  20. It helps the player become attached to the Kerbals if they have them piloting the craft at the start, one of the big things about KSP is the Kerbals themselves, to have them sidelined by probes would not be in the spirit of the game, and we may as well call it Probe space program. Probes came very late in KSP's development, and one of the things I have noticed with the tech tree is that it almost follows the development of KSP itself, with very simple craft being the only ones possible at the start (0.7.3), and spaceplanes and probes coming later. There's a quaintness about the thought of Kerbals being so enamoured with space that they would forgo even computers and electricity in order to get there, pulling on levers and opening valves by hand in crude but effective rockets...
  21. Aircraft and spaceplane parts are overdue an overhaul, but there's no ETA on this, you are better off asking modders to make new engines, which many have already done
  22. No, sorry, this isn't funny on Reddit or anywhere else, and it certainly isn't going to be funny here. Closing!
  23. Congrats on getting married Oh and this is more a space lounge thread, moving!
  24. "Control from here" is the way to fix it, not sure why it isn't working for you, it can reset itself frequently on some craft though. Is there no change in the navball when selecting each pod as the control source? What about a suitably placed docking port?
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