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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Try moving the center of gravity forwards of the center of lift Narcosis, that works for me, like how an arrow is weighted at the front. Where you have it now you'll have a very twitchy aircraft, and if it were behind the C of L you'd have a devil of a job keeping her flying straight
  2. KSP uses Unity Punk, which does not properly support multithreading, read more here
  3. Okay, glad you worked it out, any chance you can explain what you did so others can learn from it Hiatsu2k8?
  4. I think you'd need to start with this pack thevegimobile
  5. Nah, pastebin is fine for text, mediafire is too sluggish at times, and is better for add-ons, nice craft by the way Jeebs24
  6. Hi policeiu, welcome to the community As Nibb31 says, the current alpha has a few rockets, though 3 are not capable of reaching orbit, the Kerbal X should be fine. Here is a craft I made for getting to the Mun and back, just save the text as a .craft file, have fun
  7. If you are interested in how KSP has changed over the releases, you might want to look here
  8. That is one of the things that Squad are thinking of doing, as a kind of Gold edition release, as it is I have 0.8, 0.13.2 and .3, plus the major versions after that.
  9. Just tried the Wood download now, seems okay
  10. sal_vager


    Hiya Terumi, welcome to the community I hope you have fun here, if you need anything just ask
  11. I think the correct term is Lithobraking,
  12. That would be awesome Gray Death Basically no plugins will work, so all those are right out, plus any add-on that relies on persistence but most of those require plugins anyway. NovaPunch 1.1alpha will work, as should the old Failcan rocket from cbbp. Also try Wacky Wood Wares and the WEKA lifeboat. Plus the Gemini may still be okay and the amphib gear But for those floats you will also want wings
  13. This has been discussed to death, here and elsewhere on the Internet, yes there are people who try to justify "Piracy", these people want to feel good about themselves for getting something without paying for it. Not free, for there is free software, freeware and shareware, plus demo's are free, they just want it and they don't want to pay. You can argue about "copying" rather than "taking" but no matter how you look at it, if you had a game you were selling and someone came along, copied your game and didn't pay you the price you asked for your hard work, you'd be pretty upset. Look up copyright infringement, this is what piracy is, unless you are the copyright holder or are licensed by them, you do not have a right to have a copy. You are a sad muppet if you pirate software, wait for a sale or buy a different, cheaper alternative, there really is no excuse. I'm closing this.
  14. Hi LocalGenius, welcome to the community We can always do with new challenges, as Awaras says though, it helps a lot if you can show yourself doing the challenge first, then others know what they have to beat. Impossible challenges are no fun, but if your challenge involves a time limit (even just shortest time on the mission clock) then many people will try to get the best time. Good luck with your challenge
  15. Hi Gray Death, welcome to the community Mods for 0.13.3? Yeah I can help with that. Two of my most favorite add-ons from back then are the White Monkey kitchen supplies pack and the DownUnder Aerospace and party supplies pack
  16. I agree, I realize the add-on makers here are keen to make their own internal spaces but I do not know the best person to ask, possibly c7studios as he made the cockpits or Novasilisko as he designed the new pods. Though both are no doubt busy they might be able to put some kind of basic guide together.
  17. Yeah, there's no need to let this thread go any further, especially if people are going to get upset over it, closing
  18. You could use them in pairs as well, both sides of your booster as well as top and bottom, that way the thrust will go to the sides of your center stack instead of into them
  19. Hi CptAsian, welcome to the community Unfortunately the patcher is buggy on OSX, and it is advised that Mac users download the full release from their store profile download page, instructions here. Kurt has introduced a lot of players to KSP, his videos are very popular I have to agree about the planes, being able to make our own is a lot of fun and a lot less difficult than reaching the new planets in 0.17 I hope you have fun here on the forums CptAsian
  20. Yeah I didn't look properly, they are on backwards, not sideways, so they will work. Your lift will still be very far forwards though, you can change this a bit by angling your wings with Shift+WASD and QE, but it'd be better to add more wings at the back.
  21. I always forget something..... Maltesh is right, the program you use is important, and the file is just plaintext, notepad and notepad++ are fine, as is just about any editor except wordpad. Wordpad will mess up the file and render it unreadable by KSP.
  22. Indeed Unsinn, it is a real shame he is no longer with us, he was the first person most of us had the pleasure of meeting.
  23. This is very possible NebulaNin You will first need to get a small craft into the right place, then you can put your station on the pad and copy the orbit data from the small ship over the top of the stations own data, then you have to delete the small craft from the persistence file. This craft is in a low orbit around Kerbin, you will have to change the stg value to match the value of the craft on the launchpad, don;t forgrt to back up your persistence file before trying this
  24. Yeah these are often the product of edited persistence files, and such names should not show up in KSP naturally. It is possible that some words in the name generator have not been well thought out though, if anyone can confirm this with a valid persistence file I'll pass it on to the Developers
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