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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Okay @Kyrt Malthorn I assume you are using your mobile, you should be able to zip the KSP.log and output_log.txt from after this occurs, and the save file that it occurs in, then copy it to the phone. It's just text so will compress a lot, and should not impact your data plan to upload to dropbox or a similar site. The log contents can also be pasted here but please use spoilers (the eye icon) but they may be too large. Same with the save, it's just text but may not fit.
  2. Moved to Support where we deal with these things. @Flakorama, you may just be running out of electric charge, try watching the resource app on the upper right side of the screen. If that is not the case please see here.
  3. @KerbalXcer @Lionclaw are either of you using Hamachi or anything similar?
  4. @Cairol, there seems to be something odd about your install. These files should never be in C:\Windows\system32\
  5. You need to turn commnet on in the settings panel, while playing press escape, click on difficulty settings, you will see options on the following screen.
  6. Hi @CosmicCharlie, without your logs I'm afraid we are in the dark, please see here.
  7. Hi @Kyrt Malthorn, can you please provide your game logs, see here for details, thanks.
  8. We will need more information than this before we can help, sorry, please see here.
  9. Hi @milkywave1, you do not need -force-opengl with Windows, and this is likely the source of your trouble.
  10. You can obtain the patches from your Squad store account downloads page, if you bought the game from GOG or Amazon please check your account page there for an update, Steam will automatically update as long as you are opted out of any betas, select NONE from the betas tab in the Steam client.
  11. Ooops something went wrong here, after you have uploaded a file you can click 'share' to get a link.
  12. This thread is now closed, please direct any inquiries regarding KIS to the thread linked above, thank you.
  13. I'm glad I was able to help, there's so many little changes to 1.2 it's hard to keep up with them, so many things are togglable now from navball behaviour to commnet ground stations to fuel flow. It'll take some time to explore all the options.
  14. Yeah it will be a pain on old craft, and mono uses a different rule that ignores crossfeed limitations. Though when you're building a new craft or fixing an old one in the VAB or SPH, if you run a fuel line from the vessel to the heat shield it'll add crossfeed to it, so it'll then pass to the docking ports.
  15. Hi @rubikx, please make sure the commnet is enabled, you can do this for old saves in the mini menu, while at the KSC just click Pause Menu or press Escape, then click Settings, Difficulty Options, you'll find it in there.
  16. I don't know how you managed to infer that from my post, I said "heat shields do not have fuel crossfeed, it is in the info panel for the parts so you will need a fuel line to allow transferring fuel through them" Which can be seen here. You can also disable 'Resource transfer obeys crossfeed rules' in the mini menu, advanced panel, yes this is a feature, please take a look at the changelog for 1.2 The relevant part is this. As the heat shields do not allow fuel crossfeed for those resources (LiquidFuel and Oxidiser) you will need this option. Disabling that will allow you to transfer your fuel.
  17. Guys, heat shields do not have fuel crossfeed, it is in the info panel for the parts so you will need a fuel line to allow transferring fuel through them. RCS and EC use the 'all vessel' rule so can feed from anywhere.
  18. If you only have those two mods you could try removing Docking Camera, to see if the crashing stops.
  19. That will change it to a stock strut, that should be fine if the strength of a medium or heavy strut was not really required for the vessel, though you can also enable stronger joints via the main Settings screen and the right click action menu now.
  20. The part is from KW Rocketry, and it's likely broken because KW is not yet updated for 1.2
  21. The strutConnectorMedium (and strutConnectorHeavy) are definitely from KW Rocketry, while the folders are prepended with KW the cfg files for these parts uses those names as shown in your pic. Here are the contents of KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/part.cfg The strut may not work as expected as struts now use module CompoundPart, not module StrutConnector. As KW Rocketry has not been updated for 1.2 (it is a 1.1.3 mod) I suggest you wait until it has been updated for the current release of KSP.
  22. 1.2 has only recently been released, many mods will take time to update.
  23. Hi @chn-kong, other languages is something Squad want to do, but until then please look here.
  24. We're going to need a lot more than that to figure this out, sorry.
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