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Everything posted by KerbalKore

  1. I am using all the science possible. I recommend at a bare minimum to get DMOS, if only because UKS needs more science
  2. I recommend KNES, Tantares, and BDB. I'm using Near Future, KNES and BDB as my main mods, with coatl and reDIRECT thrown in. (And around 100 more but I can’t list them all here)
  3. Flag to be Decided, Laythe Initiative Y1 D1 -Y1 D5 Tsunami 1 SUMMARY: 1 Launch, Tsunami 1, Successful. First Crossing of the Karman Line To balance the probably borked science return I spent as as much as i could on Modular Launch Pads nodes instead of normal nodes. Kronometer was not installed
  4. Go yell at blitworks, leave squad out of this.
  5. And me with the best first launch. See you in 2nd or 3rd @Norcalplanner have mercy and don’t put someone in space till February 4th, 1955. Leave a man with some hope.
  6. Same here! At least I still had the altitude record by 1951. Jeez, we’re doomed. Well go easy on us, or we won’t get to 1960 before you land.
  7. I thought JNSQ was version independent and just needed kopernicus to be the correct version. Is that different now?
  8. Ooof. What’s stopping you recovering the account? Lost password or username? Steam being broken?
  9. You may want to increase the required milestones up to 20 or 30, since completing the early space program is already a third of the requirements done. (30 because that’s all of the Kerbin SOI satellite records and Kerbin SOI crew records at the minimum)
  10. Yeah, Smurff is for rss scale, not 2.7x
  11. I want to join, but I won’t be able to until I’m back from my trip to Canada. Will it start before or after the 21st?
  12. My own observations: NSP seems to progress more methodically and reuse existing hardware more (American style) CDI seems to launch few, but very overbuilt and dangerous missions, relying on luck and brute force to succeed. (Soviet style) JSP seems to be in between CDI and NSP
  13. Is there an official Procedural Fairings patch for BDB? It’s quite hard to replicate real fairing shapes and to have the same fairing every time without it.
  14. That seems to be happening to a lot of engines from different mods. I saw an issue about it in the ReStock github, and I think somewhere else.
  15. More competitors would be welcome, as I am stuck in Canada till the 21st, and it seems the others (besides Steve) have been inactive in this thread.
  16. The holy emperor @linuxgurugamer was maintaining them as part of tokamak refurbished parts. (Last I checked)
  17. Advice from an agency with experience, find some way to control attitude during reentry. The RCAS of the Revolution worked near the end of reentry and at the beginning, leaving it pointed prograde for most of reentry.
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