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Everything posted by EBOSHI

  1. Construction event "MunHouse2017" held in Japan thread. It is the Mun parthenon style building I posted there. Made of only stock parts. Other images↓ There are other unique buildings, so please also refer to Threads and Imgur.
  2. 企画しておきながら「無謀だったかもしれない…」とか思っていたけど、多くの個性的な作品を頂きました。 Imgur パート1:http://imgur.com/gallery/qiBVx パート2:http://imgur.com/gallery/Jmh7F パート3:http://imgur.com/gallery/fiDpH パート4:http://imgur.com/gallery/26SdX パート5:http://imgur.com/gallery/U0tXP パート6:http://imgur.com/gallery/4iVLc ↓ここを開くとみんなの作品を見れます。 アナログさん↓ 清竜さん↓ おしるこさん↓ おっさんさん↓ カズさん↓ あるとんさん↓ オワタさん↓ 風吹さん↓ わらびーさん↓ びゃっこさん↓ えぼし(私)↓ 今回も、皆さんのご参加に感謝しきりです。ありがとうございました! 次は何をしようかな。
  3. I am grateful that the development team are seriously responding to our Kanji and Chinese Hanzi. Because languages are themselves cultures, they can not be replaced directly, but there are many ways to convey intent.
  4. こうなるとフィアット500とかシトロエン2CVとか機動隊の車とか不二子の放送中継車とか欲しくなるな!
  5. This is my crafts at the craft event had been held in the local community. Christmas Edition. Reindeer, sleigh, tree, etc... New Year Version. The New Year Station 2017.
  6. 船体はMk3じゃなくて羽か!んで、船の中が明るいっちゅうことは、中でエンジンで回してるのか。 細かく見てたら色々豪快だな。いやざっくりみても豪快だけどw
  7. わらびーさんが研究を重ねていたStock Partsプロペラが機が突如ブームになってきたよな。MunHouseが終わったらやろうかな。潜水艦も捨てがたいけど。 The stock parts propeller aircraft that was subject to research by Warabii-san are suddenly becoming popular. MunHouse 's next theme is whether to make it or not. Submarine fair is also hard to throw away. I will tell him. Or he may have already read here. He is truly one of craftsmen with excellent skills and effort!
  8. Well, the cooking practice of tasty dishes has just re-begun.
  9. Would you like another cup of tea? Teeeaaaaaa!
  10. Tech Report from Japan わらびー(Twitter: @warabi_15)さん渾身の作。 すべてをストックパーツとバニラのテクノロジーで作り上げた推力偏向式VTOL"F-35B"と空母"信濃"によるパフォーマンス。 All Warabii-san(Twitter: @warabi_15)’s tech and effort. Demonstration of thrust vectoring VTOL"F-35B" and a huge Aircraft-Carrier "Shinano", all mechanism were made of stock parts. ニコ動もあるよ。http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30550850
  11. I added to my original post. If this car is in accordance with regulation, since it has a huge number of parts, if I move it on my PC the fever will make a bad situation. Naturally, this work was made of stock parts, isn't it?
  12. What a massive amount! My PC will blow a fire. Edit: I guess that sausage is made of stock parts. How many engines are in use? If I move the car with my PC, it will put a heavy load on the CPU and the GPU and it will heat up considerably.
  13. I applaud everyone's efforts and crafts.
  14. #KSP #MunHouse2017 イベントのお知らせ 公式のクラフトイベントK"Spice"Pのも終わったところで、今度は日本スレッドのイベントのお知らせです。 今回は、MunHouse2017と称してMunでのマイホーム建設をテーマにスクリーンショットや動画を募集したいと思います。 例によって募集条件は、 バニラパーツだけの材料で Munの地表に建築した 家屋またはそれに準ずる居住施設の スクリーンショットや動画です。画像編集も(ある程度)OKです。 応募資格は特に問いません。参加してくれる方は、 #KSP #MunHouse2017 のハッシュタグをつけてTwitterに投稿してください。 私のDMPサーバーで建築している人も、とにかくハッシュタグを付けて作成&撮影の報告をしてください。 もしくはImgurやYoutubeのアドレスをこのフォーラムに報告してくれてもOKです。 締め切りは日本時間2月12日(日)までとします。 集まった画像はImgurや公式フォーラム(こことか)にUpしたいと思います。 ふるってご参加ください!
  15. I found a way to fold the images now. It will be safe from the next post. By the way, are you having another cup of coffee or tea? It's sold out though.
  16. For that, use "insert image from URL". The full address of the image including the extension is required. You can find the menu by hovering over the image on Imgur's albums mode (not gallery). Or you can check it on image page of images mode.
  17. Coffee and tea party on the low Kerbin orbit! Made of only stock parts. I did it! Edit: You can do anything if you want to do even vanilla KSP. All modules were launched from KSC, using rockets and shuttles. Each most module can move itself in the space. All docking works were done by manual control. The accident caused by the resonance of the whole station and the explosion accident of Mont Blanc cream were horrible.
  18. Hello! I think it is good for this competition as it is now. But, the only thing I would like to confirm is the deadline is "World Standard Time" until 24 o'clock on the 25th, right? And from the next competition I hope it will make it easier to understand deadlines and regulations. Thank you.
  19. Regulation is somewhat unclear, but I guess It will be okay if we build something eat that made of vanilla-parts and can move in land, sea, sky, or space. I am looking forward to seeing lots of entries here!
  20. In other words, is it necessary the craft can be launched, fly, or run?... Explosion should be a violation of the rules ... Is there anything else? It's close to deadline at the moment it started!
  21. Wikiのはなし 公式Wikiにも日本語の表示があるんだけど、それとは別に日本Wikiもあったりする。 項目ごとに古かったり新しかったり、詳しかったりそうでなかったり色々なので、ダブルスタンダードが解消出来たらいいなと思っています。 公式:http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page/ja 日本:http://wikiwiki.jp/ksp/ どう思う?
  22. KSPWeekly 2017年2月17日の概要 KSPWeeklyを日本語でまとめた概要はこちら↓。  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ksp_jpn/discussions/0/133257324796814037/ これまでのバックナンバーはこちら↓。以前はTwitterでやっていましたが、Steamの方が残しやすそうだったので。 KSPWeeklyの概要は毎週投稿しているので、ぜひ参照してくださいね。  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ksp_jpn/discussions/2/ その他、ツイッターでもコソコソやっています。Twitter:@2525_eboshi  https://twitter.com/2525_eboshi
  23. Kerbals were into the "Wallpaper Engine" by YAGI_OG on Steam! YAGIさん(Twitter:@fate_taisyou)がカーバルたちをWallpaper Engineの壁紙にしてくれたよ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ksp_jpn/discussions/0/152390648078295164/#c142261352652867535 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838436483 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=841989691 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=841993888
  24. DMP has been updated and it also adapts to the latest version. DSP can be used for KSP 1.2.2.
  25. First, as a premise that "DMP server" is under running on the host side PC. If you tryed to and couldn't connect to the host in the inner network, it might be caused the port settings of the client PC or the port conversion settings of the router, or the firewall settings of each PC.
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