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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. i tryed Long IR, sort IR and yellow yellow works very good to power my mun miner and rovers at night sort IR only gave me me low power long IR didnt connect
  2. this mod was written bifor ther was a commnet i think its mainly maintained for thos who started a game whit it and are continuing whit it in new versions of KSP (i started my save in 1.0.5) but the differences: * more realism * it has a built in computer to do commands wen the ship has no connection or just to scadual further commands * it has a delay bitwin giving a command to doing it depending on the range * no relay antenna, you need a 2 antenna sat for relays better written and better informed responses will probably follow shortly
  3. thay are not tech required = none. is used to keep deleted parts from deleting ships exactly
  4. congatolaition if your baby will be like my, maybe you'll have more time i was on the night sift whit the baby walking most of the night to get her to sleep on my hands doing stops in front of the computer to play master of Orion 3 but unlike you, my baby got delivered the night i told my wife i`m quieting my job so i was at home for ~30 days until i started working
  5. some change in KSP made all PID`s in autopilots stop working this oscillation can be seen in KOS, TCA, MJ and the unpatched RT(was fixed in the beta patch)
  6. no. this is wat is left after conversion to used energy stock rad are liquid cooled devices' by description no convection in space only radiated a very slow process of losing heat by black bode radiation only works fast for things like the sun that are very hot
  7. id like to add that i seen something similar whit out having BTW what i see is an inclination chaing. the orbit slips to a different inclination is this this what happens?
  8. I see this problem too In 1.3.0 As far as i nothced i only lose unsaved chinges As if its loading the saved craft
  9. i didnt like this change so i made an MM to change it back to how it was its posted in the forum or PM me and ill send you my change wen i get home
  10. i have OPM +MKS+USI-LS and i have a ship going to urlom, still 18y until it gets ther, i spent ~ a week just planning and testing the ship an age limit will quadruple the difficulty of getting very far (im thinking of adding GPP as an extra system next to stock) but it dos connect nice whit the multiplication of kerbals (from MKS?) so i think an age limit can connect nicely to that fiture multiplaing +dieing kerbals = generation ships thats more of an MKS thing (OKS ?)
  11. hello i haves seen you no longer use KRASH is your strims but i hope you can find time to fix the CanQuickSave = false CanQuickLoad = false sticking after the sim is over and the spontaneously entering in to a sim mode during normal play i posted descriptions and logs in this tread and i think ther was at list 1 more person to post a description of the problem i didnt find a way to reliability cause the bugs but the spontaneously entering a sim mode is more frequent if i tray to start a sim but cant, do to missing part or the ship is too big to launce and the cant save is probably linked to the games crashing in the midel of a sim thanks for upkipping all the mods hope you can read my english not pinging on porpoise your beasy inaf
  12. if thy are pointing at the same place it works ok you get LOTS of problems if pointing at different places as one who has MJ,RT,KOS and TCA installed i have lots of experience whit that, good and bad
  13. i have 3 main scripts 1- intercept and dock whit a space station in kerbin orbit (resupply and station tourists) 2- go to orbit wait 4H(and add a KAC alarm) and get back (tourist to orbit ) 3- rescue a kerbal in kerbin orbit (lunch intercept and then wait until thr`s 2 kerblas in rescue ship, then go back) and im working on a scrip to thake tourist to mun and back i start the script and go to do something else (like sleep or work )
  14. it is easy. practically all my scrips have that got it from CheersKevin from his KSP programming siris set runmode to 0. if EXISTS("getrunmode.ks") run getrunmode. function set_runmode { parameter mode. log "" to getrunmode.ks. deletepath("getrunmode.ks"). log "set runmode to "+ mode +"." to getrunmode.ks. set runmode to mode. } like Steven Mading wrote, the game only works 1 ship at a time. if you`r not looking at it its not a ship, only a dot moving on a map (or not moving if it was landed wen you left it)
  15. windows 10 im trying to add a new dir whit a 1.3.1 KSP but ckan thinks i have in the dir 1.1.3 in the file buildid64.txt thesrs [config] build id = 01891 2017.10.05 at 23:08:08 CEST Branch: master language = en-us pic: https://yadi.sk/d/-EggAgxG3NjLFu
  16. @FreeThinker my LR PMK10 i think a realty dysfunction after updating to 1.15.2 killed my reactors i was thinking of using the 24 CANDLE Traveling wave reactors engines i have in it but i think the waste heat turned them off too (just like the solid core`s) it has 64024 ISP and thrust of ~0.0001 i dont think this engine has an off option <- possible a bug dos it? KSP 1.3.0 KSPI 1.15.2 edit: second thing the closed cycle gas core gets turns off do to wasteheat considering the coolant is the propellant i dont think it suld get hot or turned off do to wasteheat <- another bug?
  17. wen i wrote that i was sure i seen 1.15.3 compiled for 1.3.1 but i cant find it now edit: IFS was compiled for 1.3.1 and i most have mixed the 2
  18. this is the problem this mod was updated to 1.3.1 the rest i dont know yet its new and most mods are for 1.3.0 mods will be updated soon
  19. un kerbaled drive section of a inter-planet ship running out of all oxidizer but not yet circulised circulsing engine has 0 thrust on an 8M $ burning debris just kidding PE was >70 by the time the normal chem engines run out of oxidizer if my spiel checker cant or wont suggest a better option i keep the closest thing to wat i think its the way to write it p.s. i used NPP to edit the save file to turn on the engines
  20. joining you i think my pic of 0 trust was do to waste heat engine shutdown and thats in an engine that cant over heat at 100% trust (propelent is the colent)
  21. ignor me i responded before reading the rest edit 2: after reading did i understand correctly that my original understanding of the reason for the problem was correct? see croses out lins below my analisis kos: if "has a prob core connected to KSC" {can input} else {no signal} the part of OR "has a kerbald command pod" never worked i see A and B as the same bug in A and B having a kerbaled command pod has no effect on the ability to input commands in kos if "has a prob core connected to KSC" OR "has a kerbald command pod" {can input} else {no signal} this will fix A and B in 1 fix
  22. no yes i have seen this bug (kos can only get typed commands if thers a prob core) from the first days i had KOS+RT in KSP 1.1 this bug predates comnet
  23. i cant help. just wanted to add me to the list of thos that see this problem something very weird is happening in the last update i have ships in orbit from the days of KSP 1.1 that cant operate corctly or ships that lose all trust wile still going up during lunch ship that i used bifur and know thy work
  24. i first installed RT on KSP 1.1 and KOS some days later i never cold input new commands to KOS if thers no probe in the ship i have a vague memory of some post on this problem this bug predates comnet
  25. as intended. crew dont have accesses to the programming of the kos computer if you dont have a connection you cant reprogram the computer i have automated ships that can lunch and return whit out a connection after the script is running theirs no need for a connection unless you want to type a chinge
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