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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @New Horizons I assume you haven't installed Omega's asset pack then. Nobody should have trouble picking a launch site once they're in the SPH or VAB. (Click the clear KK button to the left of the yellow wrench icon in the lower right toolbar.) The ability to pick a launch site while in flight might be gone but idk. I've never clicked on a runway or launchpad since the days of GPP and its KSC++ (KSP 1.2, 1.3).
  2. The changelog in the thread OP or the version file in the download has the answer. KSC Switcher is very much not recommended.
  3. This would affect the stack node size and likely attach strength, but won't affect the docking node size and might not affect the docking magnetism strength (feel free to correct me, anyone). An up-scaled junior clamp-o-tron will still only be compatible with other junior clamp-o-trons.
  4. In my recently acquired addiction to KK I learned it well and explored it far, and so I found (and showed to Galileo) every reason for him to hate it. I don't want to spell it all out as I might deal a savage hit to its reputation and appeal to the casual player. In my case, personally, the fun I had learning it was enough to outweigh the points that turned me off. The most obvious bits I will mention, though, are: When you return to the space center scene after visiting or launching at a KK site (or at any point, as long as KK is installed), the terrain and space center models get shredded and shuffled like confetti or the little folded papers with lottery numbers in a raffle box. Now, that might just be me and my ancient GPU (Nvidia GT 630) but that kind of thing even happening grosses out anyone who cares a lot about immersion factor and a stable game. The "Use last launchsite" toggle (in Difficulty Settings) being on by default and causing the space center scene to lock itself onto the old, useless KSC2. This one trips up everyone who's new to KK and angered me a lot, and angered Galileo the most. (Half of why I'm mentioning this is so that others who are new to KK will read this and tell their friends? Until that toggle is set to off by default, or fixed.)
  5. Everyone who's into Chemistry knows of Heavy Water... But this is the first I've ever seen of Lighter-Than...Water. It will be dealt with.
  6. The FOR means: Run this patch as part of the loading sequence of the given mod [BARIS]. This mod [BARIS] exists so execute every other patch that NEEDS this mod. And it's good to know that FAR doesn't like that so Angel can put a prevention mechanism in for future releases of BARIS. If there are other modules that FAR doesn't like BARIS messing with, please reveal them ASAP.
  7. @Nio9345 I assume you're not familiar to how OPT works without FAR, so here's a heads-up. Nearly all OPT parts are either wings or lifting bodies (possessing lots of surface area on one axis so that they have the basic ability of a wing) like Mk2 but not Mk3 parts. In addition to that, tweakscaled engines get very heavy very fast, easily dragging your CoM to the back and making things hard for you if you simply put all your engines at the back. But this is a basic principle that everyone should already know soon enough. The way you approach plane parts needs to change. Actually I linked the OPT Reconfig thread specifically to show you the changelog featuring the change/adaptation of OPT engines into CryoEngines, not for anything else. Though, as @linuxgurugamer suggested, since OPT Legacy and Reconfig are involved, and I own that thread, it's more appropriate to bring support requests there. (I still watch this thread actually, mainly to point people to Reconfig when they come asking for X fix or Y compatibility.)
  8. @EnderKid2 You're missing Community Resource Pack. Station Parts Expansion needs this to define all of its B9 tank types, without which, they don't exist, then subtypes become invalid, and B9PS will throw fatal errors.
  9. @gilflo I've been keeping my distance from Tweakscale and I know all about that since Tweakscale was rewritten. I'll look into it soon and I'll have to rewrite OPT's Tweakscale configs but until then you'll be fine on older Tweakscale.
  10. You're welcome. Lol! Well... I released that change a moment ago... it complements/completes the OPT CryoTank option(s). If you don't like it, delete OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_CryoEngine.cfg and let me know. You shouldn't need to add more tanks to your plane.
  11. @Nio9345 The folder FerramAerospaceResearch exists in your GameData folder. Just being there is enough for FAR patches to trigger. Delete it.
  12. To access this, click the mode switch button by the search bar as if you were going to access subassemblies. OPT Legacy 1.4.1 Ensured OPT Mk2 intake always has normalized heat tolerance. Updated WarpJet engines to now default to IntakeAir if CRP not installed. (No more KSP freezing on the SAGE and SURGE engines.) Fixed drag cubes for Stail and Stail Freight parts. OPT Reconfig 1.7.0 Added Rational Resources tank types patch. Added boiloff module for OPT CryoTanks. Delete the plugin for it if this feature is not desired. Added Subcategories config. No extra mod required. Fixed duplicate vesseltype keys in cockpits. Fixed drag cubes for J body, particularly the inline drone cores and SAS/RCS. Surprise! These were quite a nightmare too! Fixed Connected Living Space patch: Added many parts to this as passable volume was considered in the tank volume re-balance in Reconfig 1.5 ~ 1.6. Fixed entries for a 2.5m cockpit in B9PS, WBI, IonCross and CLS integrations. Ensured OPT Mk2 intake always has normalized heat tolerance. OPT engines become CryoEngines if CryoEngines is installed. Updated WarpJet engines to now default to IntakeAir if CRP not installed. DOWNLOAD - OPT Reconfig DOWNLOAD - OPT Legacy
  13. I assume you have something installed that I made. Send me your KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  14. Just shamelessly helping to spam this page of this thread with this pic. Lol. I eagerly await my turn: to write configs for this.
  15. Compatibility (or lack thereof) between Kerbalism and Angel's mods is unknown and anticipated to be negative. I personally would advise starting a new game when changing your failure mod, and especially, going into Difficulty Settings and turning down the BARIS settings because it's on hard mode by default and will very likely upset all of your crafts that are in flight already. It's worth a shot to try the mod switcheroo mid-game, just so that there's feedback and finally a solid answer for others who will come along asking the same question.
  16. Hey @gilflo I got blown away by what you're doing here. This is what peak performance looks like! And it's something I've wanted to see for a long, long time: OPT Spaceplanes (using OPT engines) in real scale. I'm curious to how you met the J-81 engines' EC demands since you removed the RTG cluster from the spaceplane's back? Is there a "Tidal Force" power sphere in the service bay? I also notice you have very little LH2 now. Care to explain?
  17. Assuming you have FAR (which I doubt. I don't see the app button for it) you may have the "other" OPT FAR config. If that one and the FAR config in OPT Reconfig are present, they cause conflict. I also suspect you might have TweakableEverything which is very incompatible with OPT for reasons. If you don't have either of these, send me your KSP.log, your KSP/GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and the folder: KSP/Logs/ModuleManager/, preferably all in a nice zip file. If you don't know how to share logs there's a red button in my signature.
  18. I borrowed a Mk2 Expansion engine to convert into OPT engines and went for a test flight. Returning from that flight I decided to try landing on the VAB. This was done because lack of fitting VTOL engines has become a new barrier to play-ability for me.
  19. Can I join this discussion about holograms? I got a few tips that might really be worth trying out.
  20. What you described sounds like alcohol rocketry and ammonia rocketry, past and inferior means vs what we have now (hydrogen and methane rocketry). Unfortunately I don't think there's any mod that makes these a thing in-game (apart from Realism Overhaul which is far too much of a game changer for your needs). What you may be looking for includes: For the early game: more 1.25m parts, preferably with MonoPropellant or SolidFuel engines (perhaps "Streamline" and MOLE); For the mid-game: parts that focus on Hydrogen and Methane such as Nertea's Cryogenic Engines, NF Launch Vehicles (part of the NF Tech suite), and mods that enable/encourage cryo-fueled rocketry: CryoTanks (bundled with Cryogenic Engines) and Rational Resources which, in itself, adds some of that fat you mentioned, onto the MM cache and tries to reduce the dependence on Ore and LiquidFuel. Raising your planetary scale may be very necessary as well. I wouldn't push for real-scale, though, just up to 2.5x, or 2.7x (quarter real-scale) where stock parts are said by many to be perfectly balanced and SSTO spaceplanes are no longer insultingly easy. At this scale it's refreshing but not yet overwhelming to have to reconsider dV requirements to get anywhere, and hydrogen engines start to show their worth. Stepping up to real-scale only makes dV calculation and time expenditure a major issue, but once that is conquered, the original problem of "things becoming easy once a permanent base is deployed" returns.
  21. @paul23 KSP is at its core a rocket builder game with the use of "science points" and its own form of in-game currency to drive its progression systems. The kerbals give soul to the game but little else, I think, so matters of life support, socialism and the individual's mental faculty are out of its scope (unlike The Sims and every RTS game out there where the population and not the physics, are at the core of the game). As previous folks have pointed at, what you're looking for include habitation mods (these increase the mortality of, and add mental and social needs to the kerbal) and part failure mods (what it says on the tin). Habitation is separate from life support so to be clear, most life support mods are not also habitation mods. Life support: Kerbalism (Effectively TAC with extra resources and situations for them wrapped around it, namely the uses of Ammonia and radiation shielding materials.) USI (Two resources in (EC + Supplies), one resource out (Mulch). Allows death.) TAC (Three resources in, three resources out. Allows death.) Snacks! (Is even more easy mode and simplified than USI but allows death.) Air! (Part of Snacks!. Can operate standalone.) Habitation: Kerbalism (features availability of crewed space, cabin pressure and resource loss, loneliness and mental degradation, atrophy in microgravity, space radiation and solar flares.) USI (features availability of crewed space per kerbal, time spent in differing ships affects mental degradation, ability to toggle Kerbal Health (features availability of crewed space per kerbal, loneliness, atrophy in microgravity, space radiation, random illness and outbreaks/quarantine, social chemistry between crewmen. ) Stress! (Part of Snacks!. Can operate standalone. features stress buildup from [microgravity, starvation, suffocation, loneliness, no homeworld connection], random illness.) Part failure: Kerbalism BARIS! (also produces random events where your space program directly experiences gains or losses including: new hires, sudden profits, budget cuts, political swings, ragequits, deaths, breakthroughs...But it's in hard mode by default and very configurable.) DangIt! Oh Scrap! (Requires ScrapYard) Un-rapid planned assembly: KCT ScrapYard (superior inventory system to that of KCT)
  22. Makes an absolute magical combination with:
  23. In the main window (where you filter and select statics to spawn) there's a row with four input fields (RGBA) under there to set a new default color for spawned statics. In the tall (individual) static editor window for an existing object, go near to the bottom and you'll see two buttons for Gras Color: Preset, Edit. "Preset" is self-explanatory. To add presets you have to create or edit a config for it. "Edit" gives you a small window with RGBA inputs and a somewhat useless terrain normal selector input field. Do note that as you increase the Alpha value, this normal texture gets stronger and darkens the final color. I didn't think to update the KK preset color since I avoid adding onto the KSC (because other people have done and will do so). So... that's very obsolete now. Also, I didn't save many presets as it quickly turned into a dumb idea to do so. The KSC Harbor color is very different from the C. Yeager Harbor color, which is annoying as both harbors sit on sea level and blend into the shore. I picked various latitudes and altitudes to build the other bases on and I had no expectation that others would come along and build their own bases.
  24. @Lach_01298 I use MetalOre because I'm a fan of EL and SimpleConstruction but not a fan of the USI mods and I never got into playing with Ground/Global Construction. From my knowledge, SimpleConstruction users tend to have very few other mods in their install so they would have no use for MetallicOre, meanwhile, EL's resources were defined at first by EL and not by CRP. The resource placements for MetallicOre that are "already there" in RR are actually there now because I got a few requests to provide MetallicOre. Originally I did not have RR provide it and I saw this resource as the redundant one. Tell me. What is your exact reason for needing EL to use MetallicOre? I can't promise I'll produce such patches as I haven't used any base-building mods in a very long time now.
  25. @KeranoKerman "Unambiguous" is not what I would describe LiquidFuel and Oxidizer as. They are abstract and are open to the player's imagination. Because of LiquidFuel's density it's actually primarily considered by the Realism Overhaul community, to be RP-1, a form of Kerosene. Meanwhile, its use in the one nuclear engine, the NERV, suggests that should be Liquid Hydrogen. Of course, it's far too dense to be Hydrogen, and Kerosene would utterly suck in an NTR. But here we are: abstract stock propellants being stretched across use cases far too wide for any one specific propellant to fit. I will agree that Oxidizer is quite a gray area. Most, I think, tend to equate Oxidizer to LOX simply because "It contains Oxygen. It's liquid. So it must be Liquid Oxygen!" However, Kerbalism (and I think, KSP Interstellar) interpret it as HTP, which persists at room temperature for a generous but not indefinite time. With a quick look at the Wikipedia page, I see that ClF3 is stored well in quartz vessels, and reacts quite well with Water. In such a world I imagine kerbals would have tanks made of diamond, and Water would directly replace LiquidFuel as the main fuel. I'm honestly concerned for what would go into an NTR that can operate on Fluorine (and not dissolve). Finally, I imagine that Kerbin wouldn't be green for long if Fluorine rocketry became a norm.
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