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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. You must somehow not have B9 Part Switch installed. All the tanks in the CryoTanks mod have the option to hold Methane but without B9 Part Switch you're not going to get to choose it.
  2. @Rutabaga22 @zer0Kerbal The heatshield is just a visual style and not actually functional. You're looking at the underside of a B9 Aerospace S2 cockpit and B9 S2--2.5m adapter. ninja'd by @LordMacragge
  3. It's a stock bug. The resource band size is primarily affected by the size of the celestial body that hosts it. For some reason, when the band size's final value exceeds some point the abundance curve becomes inverse. Abundance becomes 0% where it should be the highest. Away from there, abundance becomes infinity. You won't see this problem with planets because you'll never want or expect a planet to host a resource band that spans integers of AU distance, but it easily happens with stars because of the involvement of a star's huge body radius value.
  4. Rational Resources only refines the resource placement and provides more harvesting opportunities in oceans, atmospheres and in near space. It's especially helpful in that it provides for Angel's Classic Stock Resources for him and others who prefer that over Communtiy Resource Pack. Pathfinder's resource scanners and Geology mechanics are still relevant. They just reveal resources that are more appropriate for the celestial body you're on per that body's composition template.
  5. [Insert clip of Isaac Arthur discussing mind upload here] This is a nice little exploit and I do believe I have use cases for this.
  6. @Rocket builder hi there. Regular air intakes can be made to work only above water or only underwater easily. @Angelo Kerman has recently made two very capable mods that provide for undersea adventure. The first is Buffalo 2, a 1.875m hull system that's good for (primarily rovers but also) orbital stations and submarines. It's got everything but I bet the Galley module doesn't have the kitchen sink! The second is SunkWorks. It provides some parts, physics and characteristics specific to kerbals themselves and the depths. Be sure to go into the difficulty settings window and turn on the stock feature "Part pressure limits" which makes it so that vessels will properly crumple if the experience excessive dynamic pressure (whether pushing through an atmo too hard or diving deep enough to implode undersea). If you're interested in more things to do once you're underwater, consider adding some of these wedges to your Buffalo vessel. There are mods from @ColdJ that may pique your interest as well. He burst hard and fast into the modmaking scene with parts for ocean gameplay. Let him introduce and summarize them, and if he's up to it, he may guide you through Blender and making your own parts for your purposes.
  7. I don't think you're missing anything. There are cases where the depthmask shaders misbehave, and I think it's usually only in the ship editors. idk better about it.
  8. Someone asked for Kerbal Atomics Methane Poseidon so I gave them... (It should've been available from the start, though. Oops )
  9. @UltraJohn Unobtainium (particularly with how it's presented in Gold Standard) sure seems like a golden example of irrational resources if I may say so. Why should a mod that calls itself rational support it? As for GoldOre, be my guest and save this basic patch as a new .cfg file anywhere in GameData. I've tested it so it should be good. If you want GoldOre abundance to be controlled by the planet template (and consequently appear at fitting planets in any planet pack that is supported by RR) I can create a template system config for GoldOre, but this will break any existing GoldOre mining facilities. About SMURFF, I'll look into that sometime.
  10. @Rakete Mother of Squad, man. This is the kind of thing I want to see!
  11. Weird and awkward implementation of Nvidia Shadowplay intensifies.
  12. I think everything is wrong with this second paragraph: Oxidation/Hypergol reaction for main power is thinking too small. It's too inefficient. Any capable sky city is going to be quite massive (heavy) and there's going to be a very heavy energy demand no matter what, and you'll be spending energy to keep your Hydrogen and Oxygen as liquid. Think of how much energy (outside of the city) needs to be spent to process and ship that Oxygen in, and the dV and ship design necessary for bringing it in. Might as well try to run the ISS on SolidFuel or Gun powder and try to #dearMoon with a Falcon 1. If you can get something into Jool (without clinging to antiquated engines and without spamming heatshields and airbrakes. No well-written sci-fi civilization is going to do these things) in the first place, you'll understand the kind of effort and technology necessary to deliver a floating hab. Deep diving a gas giant (or super deep water ocean) requires a whole new set of design principles for the diver craft. Consideration needs to be taken for the type(s) of engine the craft needs, and the problem that it needs to withstand unimaginable ambient pressures, be able to operate in both the shallows and the deep, and be a harvester of something (Metallic Hydrogen) that is known to require tanks with thick walls of Lead or heavier metal...at least to pressurize it in the first place, for science. That Oxygen layer is not going to exist. If it does, it's impossibly deep and just not worth going after. It's going to be under the MetallicHydrogen layer (because denser than Hydrogen) and you know what kind of pressure is needed by that, right?
  13. iirc, that functionality (see: ResearchBodies mod) is supposed to be stock, or at least Nate Simpson clearly said he'd like it to be so. Well, the other star systems aren't out yet so this feature might come with those.
  14. The OP is specifically asking for in-atmosphere colonies. Blimps; Sky cities.
  15. Your answer might be in here: Otherwise you might be looking at kOS scripting.
  16. My concern is not about leaking (I know the balloon itself might have exit holes in the top depending on how it's meant to operate) but embrittlement: the airfoil becoming as wet tissue paper after prolonged exposure ot hot Hydrogen.
  17. Not so easily. A gas giant is full of the lightest possible gas, Hydrogen. And why do we keep Hydrogen in liquid form? Partially because it will phase through and compromise its container if left to warm up. Personally, I'm confident that this is in the realm of sci-fantasy and wouldn't pass for a possible stock feature (but you can bet that somebody will make a mod that allows this if they're interested enough). The obvious reason being: any sufficiently large facility will be quite massive and will require an active engine system to hold it up. This engine must be capable of an impossible (unrealistic) combination of TWR (to hold everything up) and Isp (to be fuel efficient and not force the facility to largely be a harvester). Remember, our favorite fusion fuel is not normal Hydrogen and normal Helium, but Deuterium and Helium-3, and we know those are super rare. And we don't talk about thermal control setup for a rocket-powered sky city. And that the engine heat will invite even worse "compromise" problems to the engine.
  18. @Astra Infinitum The usage restriction text is because my flares are designed loosely based on the star's color and are intended to be used with planet packs that have many stars and diverse star classes. Mine are not like other sunflares that don't care what the star's classification is and may be freely applied to any star (like the Kabrams flares). Mine are such that you can tell what class of star it is once you see it (same deal as Galaxies Unbound with its flares). "Default G class flare? That's a yellow dwarf G class star, a Sun-like star" ... "Bright orange flare? K class dwarf (between yellow G and red M class dwarf)." ... "Blue flare?! ...Ooooh, that's one of the blue giant stars! O, B or A class." This is probably a clear explanation of something I expect people to do but I don't want them to do as it violates the Non-Derivatives license. (It also probably specified recolored textures rather than configs.) Since you have to ask, I figure you didn't know this, which is why that text is there. Also... amateur recolors (just splashing it with tint, as far as the less tech savvy will be capable of) are going to look like garbage. Unlike Flare Replacer, my flares are not designed to be tinted. You're free to make your personal edits. Thought police and cloud police don't exist (yet) but please don't share, as, well, my intents and my license choice are opposed to it.
  19. I see it. The tank type name is defined with the name FBSM. Sorry. I thought I fully applied that. It was, for a short while, originally named FBCM. @linuxgurugamer PR sent with fix.
  20. Umm @zer0Kerbal I don't believe a mod like this needed adoption. Like this person said above... It's a far better idea, concerning such a basic mod as this, to install the lightest fuel switch plugin out there and avoid adding parts altogether. The idea behind these two mods is the exact same: "I don't want parts mods or complexity at all. I just want only LF here and only OX there."
  21. Hi. "Time to run: 1:00" this is the only line I see, with this exact value, for all stock experiments, with your two mods linked above. I got the impression that they have a combined function.
  22. Well, it's on SpaceDock so you can definitely try it and share your findings with the class. https://spacedock.info/mod/34/Kerbal Tubes
  23. Have you then installed and uninstalled Impulse Party to confirm that my mod is causing the problem? The only possible source of problems would be IMPP_WarpCoilsUpgrades.cfg which affects Angel's parts. And that config is in my mod's Extra's folder. It shouldn't be in your GameData by default.
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