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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. KARE is indeed (what if you took proven ANP tech and did a thing like Skylon's SABRE). RR Nuclear Family provides propellant switching for KARE.
  2. @Spike88 Due to my lack of knowledge of Skyhawk, I didn't expect it would have a patch for RRNF. It's possible that there is now a "patch loop" situation as the key RRNF = Yes will exist more than once in the affected parts. Only the first found instance will be changed, then likely, my patches come back, finding the 2nd instance of this key with this value, but also find that the engine situation is changed and will cause B9PS to make noise. I'd really rather that the Skyhawk dev sent those changes to the RRNF opt-in config to me instead of publishing it for themselves. It's no sweat to me to push an update to my mod for a small change as that. If you want to keep RRNF and Skyhawk, do try one of these if you're inclined: Reinstall RRNF then open its opt-in config and put a % in front of RRNF in the Kerbal Atomics section so you have %RRNF = Yes like Skyhawk has. This will prevent the key existing multiple times. Delete this folder: SkyhawkScienceSystem/Patches/NTRs/ @Nori Sorry, fellow. I'm helpless here. You'll have to pick apart your install and find the exact mod that clashes with Blacksmith. Then I'll know to dig through that mod and write the anti-conflict. Alternatively, you could open RationalResourcesBlacksmith/RR_Blacksmith.cfg and delete everything between these two comments: // Equip stock science lab with RR Blacksmith // Fission fuel tanks refill EnrichedUranium And substitute for RR Work production with a compatible EL part whose part description says (in blue text) that it includes a Blacksmith workshop.
  3. Take out RR Blacksmith and do whatever else is necessary for MM errors to stop. Then send me your MM cache. I want to see what the lab looks like in there. Oh derp. Will clean that up. As for OWR, ok I'll do it. I don't want to trouble Niako to update his mod just to tag his resource configs.
  4. @Spike88 I can't use that log. I would need to see your MM cache and your MM logs. But I have a few options for you to test and settle on one: If you have an extra/modlet from Kerbal Atomics which affects those engines, identify it and remove it. If you have RealFuels-Stock, remove this or remove the KerbalAtomics folder from within it. It renames ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEnginesRF which will cause the issue you're showing me. Remove RR Nuclear Family. If the conflict is caused by a mod that's not related to Kerbal Atomics or RealFuels, find this mod or send me that MM cache and MM logs. And do let me know how things go. @UltraJohn Giving them Tag = Spared is how that works . You should be good. But put the :NEEDS after the :HAS. Also, in case of other MM patch work you may do, for any value within the [ ], replace any characters (that aren't alphanumeric, dash, underscore and period) with ? (representing a single character at this position) or * (representing any amount of characters there). The RR experiment is not required but it will give you whatever the none-too-intersting default response is.
  5. @HebaruSan Right... I'm already aware. Thanks for reminding.
  6. EL uses its own custom resource converter ELConverter. There obviously won't be a means to link this module to System Heat so I have to replace ELConverter with System Heat's module ModuleSystemHeatConverter which is an extension of the stock ModuleResourceConverter.
  7. The future is now, old man. You're invited to test it. (While it's an extra of my mod suite: RR, there is no need to install any other RR mod for it to work. The association with RR comes from the fact that EL converters put out a few resources on the side that RR helps to make useful.)
  8. Release 1.46 Added Extra: RationalResourcesELUtilities. This includes EL CRP and adds System Heat integration (but it changes the EL converter modules for System Heat's extension of stock converter modules). @UltraJohn @Aebestach come and try it out. Confirmed with EL, SandCastle and KPBS. ElectricCharge or heat output values may be subject to change. Does not currently support mods that aren't using EL modules by default (so: Keridian Dynamics is out). This might change. Added detection for On Demand Fuel Cells (do nothing to fuel cells; prevent conflict). Added KPBS Ore and LFO tanks support. Balance pass on Kerbalism drills. Apparently they were at 20% of baseline performance. Deprecated Extra: RationalResourcesELCRP. Fixed unforeseen problems with Squad drills and Kerbalism. CKAN metadata request for @HebaruSan RationalResourcesELUtilities title?: Rational Resources EL Utilities desc: Provides integrations for Extraplanetary Launchpads tags: config requires: Extraplanetary Launchpads provided by: Rational Resources; find in <download>/Extras/ suggests: System Heat; Community Resource Pack RationalResourcesELCRP desc: Deprecated. Please see: RationalResourcesELUtilities (The folder for this is empty now except for the README to not cause overlap problems)
  9. Yep. I'll have to set my fuel cell patches to not activate if ODFC is present rather than have mods marked as incompatible on CKAN. I'm not inclined to try to build upon what that mod does, yet I acknowledge that it's one of those things that should've been stock in the first place. On another note: I just happened to write a config to adapt EL converters to System Heat. Confirmed working (error-free, but not actually play-tested) on EL itself, SandCastle and KPBS but it won't work for mods like Keridian Dynamics which already use the stock converter modules with their own recipes. I'm considering making this into a sub-feature of RR Blacksmith or merge it into RR EL-CRP. Thoughts, anyone?
  10. Yep. That mod will pass for the villain. It deletes and replaces ModuleResourceConverter with its own module. See here: ODFC/Compat/ResotckPlus.
  11. Well that's just wonderful. Somehow the fix literally got "lost in translation" (between my game and GitHub), or, a very obvious problem that should've appeared immediately, didn't (for me). But now it does. The problem is just with the Squad drills (they should be unusable and may crah KSP if you try to use them right now) but drills from supported parts mods should be just fine. I'll post this next fix in a couple of hours.
  12. Sorry about that. I mentioned it above: I've posted the fixes. Since you showed up and I'm still on the scene here, I shouldn't wait to do so anymore. Release 1.45.1 Fixed unforeseen problems with KPBS and Kerbalism. Fixed minor problem with Ore tanks and SMURFF.
  13. OhioBob and I created a mod way back which uses B9PS to provide thrust curve selections to the SRBs from Squad and some part mods. It should be quite satisfactory. I believe this mod allows for scaling thrust with tank length so it's very worth a try. I can't speak for thrust curves, though. As deep as where the Kraken or the kaijuu come out of, holy fish sticks! Outside of Bluedog Design Bureau, it would appear no one is interested in SRMs for cases other than launch vehicles. Ones that can be shutdown and restarted are hybrid solid where the fuel might be sculpted pure alkali metal and the oxidizer is a pumped liquid (namely, LOx). To stop the SRM, simply stop pumping the oxidizer.
  14. Thanks for spotting. I'd rather not do that, though, as I'll cause Ore tanks to hold 1/5 what amounts they hold now or by default. Slipping a div by 5 into the process in the Ore tank SMURFF config works. @PART:HAS[#RROreTank[isSet],~SMURFFExclude[*rue]]:NEEDS[SMURFF]:AFTER[RationalResourcesCompanion] { %reservedmass = 0 %initialmass = #$mass$ refType = Ore %resourcemass = #$refVolume$ @resourcemass /= 5 // Somehow, the default buff of refVolume is counterintuitive so cancel it ... An oversight with the compatibility config for the KPBS drill and Kerbalism compatibility. I don't use KPBS myself so it's unlikely for me to remember that KPBS has its own modules for many functions. Sorry. If you can, open GameData/RationalResourcesCompanion/00_DrillOMatics_Opt-in.cfg and delete lines 30~35 (the section where KPBS drills are tagged). That will make this problem go away. Looks like I've fixed it but I'll wait on kurgut below before doing another release. That said, I don't believe I actually fixed your prior Blacksmith problem. I have not seen anything that connects to it in your logs, and it seems to have been replaced by this new problem. I'll need you to name the mod that messes with the Restock APU or zip and share these files and folders (in a single zip file, to be clear): <KSP folder>/Logs/ModuleManager/ <KSP folder>/KSP.log <KSP folder>/GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  15. I'll need to see a zip file containing these files and folders: <KSP folder>/Logs/ModuleManager/ <KSP folder>/KSP.log <KSP folder>/GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache This is natural when you're very heavily modded. A mod like mine which already tries to work well with any one or two of many mods is to be expected to break somewhere when many mods are piled on at once, mods that the particular modmaker doesn't use, and compatibility between any 2 of those other mods was never guaranteed. There's either a chance of "A+B=yes; A+C=yes; A+(B+C)=no" or a chance of some other mod "D" that has decided to do what A does, making it a conflict with A. This must be a case of mod "D" because I would expect that System Heat is the reason that B9PS is making noise concerning Blacksmith, but System Heat is handled by Blacksmith. @UltraJohn But I did look at that SMURFF config. That's why RR Squad now works with SMURFF. Ah well, I guess there might be an added complexity in RR itself that needs ot be accounted for. Do note that tanks outside of RR Squad are being handled by SMURFF.cfg within RR Companion (at least as long as it exists at all or at the linked location) .
  16. @kurgut @UltraJohn I think you too will be happy with this update. About SMURFF, I have not experienced the dual fuel switch menu problem, and Ore tank mass did not change after prepping compatibility with those. Is it supposed to change or did I miss something? Release 1.45 Added KPBS ISRU support by @CoriW Added detection for InterstellarFuelSwitch (do nothing) and SMURFF (required compatibility) to RationalResourcesSquad.
  17. @ArugelaYou need to provide a use case for this question, this idea. When and why do you need your tank to be able to hold one propellant then another? I know at least that this tank is not going to be used for the launch vehicle. Everything is wrong with that.
  18. @UltraJohn What? No gun crosshair options? This mod only gets 4 stars.
  19. Hi there. That sounds about right. B9PS doesn't have any function in it to be aware of if a part was scaled so changing a part's subtype will cause such a reset. Worse yet if you're dealing with parts in symmetry. If you play with CryoTanks you'll also notice unbalanced resource capacity when you switch resources. The incompatibility is between B9PS and Tweakscale, and is not in any mods that depend on B9PS.
  20. Hey @HebaruSan I have a cart with 3 items here.
  21. There is a way but you still have to restart KSP at the end. Install the NodeHelper mod Plase a part in the VAB then turn on the NodeHelper UI and right-click the part Create a new node (it will appear at the part origin. This is the default location for the CoL and CoM) Use the NodeHelper UI to move the new node Write the new coordinates into that part's config file and restart KSP Profit You want to do CoPoffset (pressure; drag) too because if you leave the part to be draggy in the forward direction the part will want to flip and fly backwards if it breaks off, or if it's by far the most lift or drag producing part on the vessel it will help the vessel to want to fly backwards. This is especially a problem for single part ship bodies like the landers in the Interstellar movie Endurance mod. If you're interested in ocean physics there are also the following 2 keys: CenterOfBuoyancy (where the part is centered and will pivot when sitting on water) and CenterOfDisplacement (presumably where the part divides the water around itself; the point from which it would be "pulled down as if by a rope" if it were to sink). All of these keys accept "vector3" format values such as 0, 0, 0 (X, Y, Z) with respect to the part's default orientation when placed in the VAB scene (not the SPH). The unit is meters.
  22. Release 1.44 Added compatibility (excluding template adaptation) for The Gold Standard. Balance pass in RationalResourcesNuclearFamily. Lower Isp propellants are ensured greater thrust and oxidating agent NTRs have greater baseline thrust due to default lower Isp. Changed (most if not all) exo resources to liquid form and exo scoop modules to suit. Deleted redundant CO2 generators. Fixed RR_MetallicOre issue when CRP not installed (hopefully). Fixed issues with Kerbalism + WBI Pathfinder. Rewrote and divided RR Omniconverter recipes between basic, CRP and Classic Stock. Tagged all engines except the open cycle one in Kerbal Atomics for RationalResourcesNuclearFamily. I do believe I've resolved your issue(s). Part of it was that I generally treat Pathfinder and WBI as conflicting systems so I didn't look out for issues that arise from both being installed. Strangely, the size 3 lasso didn't go missing for me so something else in your install may be committing a crime. @UltraJohn I've slipped in that basic Gold Standard support. Haven't gotten around to checking SMURFF yet. @dangaffa RRNF update, so you know.
  23. @AtomicTech Hi again. Converting an LFO tank to LH2O is very simple but busy work that's handled automatically by CryoTanks's own catch-all patch for any part that is an LFO tank but isn't also an engine. This busy work is also conditionally done by Rational Resources. You don't have to do anything there. There's a fuel flow calculator (MS Excel format) on the RR GitHub. It will allow you to finely tune and preview your in-game engine demands. If you're looking for a reference table of propellant ratios for engines, I don't have that. I tend to dig through Nertea's engine mods for whatever engine type is relevant and take the ratios from there.
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