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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I could see value in having the HX parts have their own bulkheadprofiles...But I'd rather sort them via stock subcategories (config, left) than via the built-in sort by bulkheads tab. (Right) is irrelevant... it's a CCK mod tab. Can't have sub-tabs on those. Also, I'm surprised B9 Aero's HL, S2 and S2W didn't show up in Linux's initial list.
  2. I'd give a hard no to that. Things could get messy fast if anyone got to ship any artwork made by Nertea. But if Angel made that bussard ram scoop in his own style then heck yes.
  3. What I would strongly argue over: HX should be in all caps. I'd rather Mk2, Mk3 and Mk4 not have a dash in them, just as Mk1 doesn't. I assume Mk25 is the Mk2.5 spaceplane body mod. If that's the case, it would be much better off displayed as "Mk2.5"
  4. @TheShadow1138 Impressive little operation you got going on here. Where resources are concerned, if I may, I'd highly recommend you simply use Antimatter (and preferrably LqdDeuterium, not Deuterium (gas)) for your propellant mix. These are defined in the CRP (Community Resource Pack). "Anti-Deuterium" is basically a form of Hydrogen, which is, by my observation, typically the form of the Antimatter that gets used by anyone, so the need to define this new resource is actually very small. And by using CRP's Antimatter, ISRU doesn't need to get any more complicated, that is: You can quickly hop onto the backs of established ISRU and tank standards including: Antimatter (and Deuterium) are made abundant at every fitting celestial (mainly gas giants and stars) in supported planet mods, by Rational Resources, a resource placement mod that uses stock mechanics. Antimatter (and Deuterium) are also placed at several locations that make sense in the home system (by Space Dust for its own resource placement system, and which includes its own harvesting mechanics) and Space Dust is being adopted by planet packs as well. Antimatter is already very widely used in KSP Interstellar, though, being placed by KSPI is an unknown to me. Soon enough, KSPI users will come knocking at your door and asking about compatibility. That's how things go. With FFT or KSPI installed, you can add the tank behaviors where magnetic confinent EC cost must be paid or the tanks will explode. Once you make this change, you need only arrange for an antimatter scoop (if and where this makes sense to you) and 1 or more large Antimatter tanks (I've heard that the ones in FFT are too small). You won't need to do a crazy thing like patch the stock RTG to trickle it out.
  5. @blowfish Cryo Tanks Core creates the CryoTanks folder but only provides the boiloff plugin. There are two answers to this problem: The mods that are activated by CryoTanks will all need their patches changed to detect the subdirectory: CryoTanks/Patches/ where the tank definitions are kept. I can do this quickly enough and post a release, and this is sufficient assuming that OPT is the only part mod where this issue gets to happen. Alternatively, Nertea will need to move the plugin into its own root level folder and identify it more clearly/uniquely (say: folder name: CryoTanksBoiloff right after CryoTanks, or folder name: SimpleBoiloff mirroring the assembly name) to make it easy on CKAN users. This is logically a big deal but I'd like to avoid giving Nertea more to be bothered about.
  6. ... ohhh. Well in that case there may just be a hard conflict with KSPI. There's nothing to be done about that then. KSPI contains its own warp drive features, after all.
  7. @Angel-125 I was pointed by a 3rd party to a support thread that was created to address this issue. It would seem that @PalowPower didn't install BARISBridge or WBT itself which are hard dependencies in anything you make.
  8. Thanks for noticing that! I have addressed it.
  9. @Ollz no problem. Those rings are really faint and easy to miss.
  10. You've never seen JNSQ's loading screens, huh... The desire for rings for Jool is well known and is decidedly overplayed, so JNSQ won't have such configs, otherwise, Lindor would lose its appeal in that department.
  11. @Spaceman.Spiff Dangit. I meant "exo" harvesting. My English is stumbling too regularly these days. But yes, you are correct. Here are the sub-light engines. Their emissive and particles are by default "Star Trek Red" but there will also be a "Star Citizen/Elite Blue"
  12. My attention has been stolen away from Sterling Engines. With Angel-125 picking up pace in BlueShift, I found myself drafting something that I know I and a few would really like to have and enjoy using with BlueShift, and so, I've decided to change priorities for now. Impulse Party A very small suite of handwavium engines and scoops that FTL users will delight in having. Planned parts: Sublight "Impulse Drives" (already done but unfinished textures: 1.25m, Mk2, 2.5m). They will grant great dV and will work very well in both vac ant atmo. You've seen Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen. One custom modular warp nacelle. Bulkhead profile is 2.5m (head) 3.1m (body), Mk2 (tail). Trek style bussard scoops for eco exo harvesting whatever you like. In 1.25m, Mk2, 2.5m, 3.75m. Warp Cores (Fusion reactors in the absence of warp mods). Available in Mk2, 2.5m, 3.75m, and 1.25m sphere.
  13. Sadly, no. You learn their purposes by playing enough with the mods that use resources relevant to your goals, asking around, and checking resources on Wikipedia. The particular resources that you named there are mainly relevant to KSP Interstellar, in which case, you'll have to ask around in the threads for that mod, and when possible, in its Discord server.
  14. The OPT parts packs have a hard dependency on OPT Reconfig. That is because I can liberally post fixes or adjustments through Reconfig which is a very small download (it's just patches). Inlcuding Reconfig in the parts downloads will just cause more problems.
  15. I doubt. There is a CryoTanksMethalox patch hiding somewhere (I keep forgetting but I believe it's in NFLV). Methalox is a cryofuel mix so Nertea doesn't need to make new tanks. Restock Waterfall iirc gives the stock RAPIER purple flames. I think Methalox is already implied. You then just need to MM its fuel mix and Isp. I will now steal and stash your suggestion for my own uses. Thanks.
  16. Seriously?! I did not know that. That would definitely need some form of failure mod integration (say, shaving down the MTTF while you're in the ring) for such a fine detail.
  17. Pandemon, a gas giant in @StarCrusher96's Galaxies Unbound. Screenshot by @ballisticfox0 A handful of separate ideas with roughly the same intention. Since JNSQ, other planet mods have picked up and featured a grain effect in their ringed planets' rings. But quite a few months have passed now and nothing has turned up that tries to bring substance to Kopernicus rings. There is one solution that can be done and that's simply to create an asteroid field that clips the ring, but it's far from impressive, and has no option for balancing abundance (when you want asteroids) and performance (when you don't want them-- when you're in every situation other than actively cruising through rings). So here are my ideas (well, not entirely mine, or grown with input from others) for ring matter solutions, or for features that can be rolled together for one complex, feature rich solution: Localized Dense Debris The main feature, with similarities to the stock asteroid spawner and the ground scatter loader. Here, when you approach a detailed ring, rocks of various sizes (and adjustable colors and resource configurations, see: Custom Asteroids mod) spawn. These rocks are basically parts and they have their own size class system, and size curves just like stock. However, they have their own physics range. They will load in (without physics) at 15km or further, but only have physics at the basic 150m roughly. They can and will be spawned with great density by default, and so, will have many orbits for KSP to track and will take a bite out of performance. However, they only persist until they leave their physics range or will persist permanently if you interact with them, just like when you go to the Tracking Station and start tracking an unknown object, making it a known asteroid. Once you're far enough from the field, they all despawn, except the ones you chose to keep, and KSP no longer carries their weight. Ideally, this spawner should be able to accept single parts and even craft files (mostly for the purpose of spawning multi-part asteroids that can break up if you happen to ram into them, but also for the secondary purpose of sneaking in alien artefacts or a new breed of magic boulder-- the parts for these would need to be hidden from the VAB and R&D). Science-able ones would have their own unique experiment module in them and you could use these like usual-- a new opportunity for science gameplay. Space Dust (yes, this is a play on Nertea's mod) Kopernicus rings are basically 2D. Rings can be wide and tall/thick, not just wide and flat, which makes for the opportunity to add some meat to black hole accretion disks, proto-system dust disks, and settled planetary rings that are mostly pebbles and droplets (like, say, the rings of Jupiter and Uranus?). In comes basically the EVE volumetric clouds effect, just for that feeling of stealth (or being blinded) while cruising through a dusty ring. The haze effect could partially be helped by a translucent square that's near to, and covers the camera to potentially reduce the need for particles when inside an especially volumetric ring. This would pair absolutely well with Nertea's mod and add wow factor to harvesting belts and rings. Luminance/Emissive should also be available, which would add to the immersion of passing through a fiery disc around a black hole or proto-star. Impact Hazards This leads back to my complex idea for environmental hazards, titled Structural Integrity. If nothing else, there ought to at least be the danger of crashing into pebbles at great speed and breaking stuff off, forcing the player to armor their ship or plan in advance to go around the rings or through their larger gaps and never through the opque regions.
  18. Actually, you can increase a kerbal's weight lifting limit (and hopefully his reach for faraway parts) in KIS, and KIS allows you to break off and move chunks of a ship already, so what you're looking for can already be done, so you don't need to wait on Squad. If you have multiple engineers on the ship you can be liberal and pretend that they're all helping out, and raise your limits by a lot. Self-discipline with "cheaty" game features is more important to me than whether a thing is inherently cheaty. @OHara oooooh. you can change lift strength and range in stock too! Sweet.
  19. @hemeac Thanks for mentioning. Personally, in my investigation since my first response, I saw that there isn't an obvious patch that deletes CTT's nodes so I figure Kiwi doesn't delete them, and I found GU's engines right where they are supposed to be... in Fusion Rocketry. @falcoon You may want to remember the part titles and remember to use the search bar in the R&D view. Search "SRX" to find them.
  20. Oh, I did not remember this. I'll factor that in then. Do you actually hold a comm link that far using this? Is this enough to hold comms links between stars? (Namely, Nova Kirbani or the next-nearest from Kerbin)
  21. @falcoon Antenna power falloff is not linear. The more you try to buff it, the more the falloff catches up. Eventually you meet an absolute limit and you'll need a mod for subspace/FTL/handwavium comms or a manned outpost with the current antenna power so you can control any drone ship within how many hundreds of AU of it (forget about convently transmitting science back when you go interstellar. It's not happening). Putting real scale into perspctive, I think 141Tm in-game is exceptionally far for an antenna that doesn't use sci-fi magic. And we would be quite silly to expect IRL that we could hold a comms link to the Voyager probes once they reach the Oort cloud, or a link to anything if we ever mange to send to alpha Centauri.
  22. @CDSlice I got the impression that the complainant didn't try to choose to not buy Graviolium. If they said no and then couldn't cheat then that's a bug. If I was going to cheat, I wouldn't just use the stock cheat but I would use HyperEdit to fill the tanks. It's possible the WBI may not get along well with the tanks still being empty regardless of the cheat being on.
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