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    CEO of Tuxcorp
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    S.S Tux (spaceship)
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    Programming, Physics, Math, Space, other stuff

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  1. I personally imagine that Kerbals evolved from plants, since those are the only other form of life seen in the game. Much like plants, they also don't need to eat food to survive, and can go into hibernation for many years at a time. Practically all Kerbals live in the KSC, since it's the biggest structure on their planet.
  2. Like seriously, half of the front page is dedicated to subtopics relating to KSP 2. Meanwhile, all of the old subtopics for KSP 1 are located in a tiny little box at the bottom of the page. KSP 2 hasn't even been properly bugfixed yet, and it's practically taking over! Let's not forget that many players don't have hardware capable enough of running KSP 2, and that it's modding scene is still very much glued to KSP 1 at the moment.
  3. Launch a simple rocket. It wasn't very exciting. Very laggy tho, clearly it still need some work.
  4. Keep in mind that the level of technology seen in KSP 2 is much, much higher than in the original. It's likely we'll be able to unlock some kind of extremely efficient nuclear engine that can carry a payload into the orbit of a realistically sized body with the same mass fraction as primitive ones on Kerbin.
  5. It was already noted that the closest star in KSP 2 is 4 light-years away, and not say, 0.4 light years. And that has me wondering, does that imply that other star systems will be more realistically scaled? It would certainly be interesting, and it lines up with another thing we know about KSP 2, that being places further away are more difficult to navigate. Having increasingly realistic scales as you get further away from Kerbol would indeed contribute to that difficulty curve. It also seems like a great lore opportunity, like maybe some kind of stellar effect has lead to a region of space having denser matter than usual.
  6. I haven't been on here in a few months, and when I get back, it looks completely different. In fact, it almost looks like :vomit: flat design. In unrelated news, I just got into orbit in an SSTO by myself. Edit: Wait no, I actually haven't been here in over a year. Time really flies by!
  7. My first career game was probably created by accident, and then swiftly deleted. Yeah, it's not the same for everyone.
  8. How about no final update? I want KSP to be updated forever. Edit: This aged poorly...
  9. When I have a child, I die because that child now exists.
  10. I mean, there have been multiple DLCs released for it, and nobody has complained about it, so it is dying in that regard.
  11. The only reason why you see a curvature from really high up is because a kerbals eyes have fisheye lenses, and it makes it look curved.
  12. What even is the thing in my profile picture? I think it's best not to ask.
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