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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Sorry to correct you, but this is how stories start having their own lifes. If I recall correct, the mass exodus was right after KSP 1.2.2's introduction, which was way before Take2 purchased KSP's IP. I've seen the same attributes about the Making History expansion being Take 2's evil doing by introducing 'evil' DLC's to KSP. The Making History expansion was also announced before Take 2 was in the picture.
  2. If you can handle the steep learning curve of KSP, and you've already learned how to install mods, then there is nothing keeping you from learning how to create a second KSP install which can't be ruined by updates. How to create a second KSP install in Steam. * One remark for the video, you see the author select 'KSP.exe' to add to steam, but that's the old version, you should nowadays select 'KSP_x64.exe' instead to run the new 64-bit version of KSP.
  3. Great idea! I'd say Squad should give @Darth Badie the job! Without helmet due to IP infringement off course, liked her better without the helmet anyway.
  4. If you are only looking at MH as a parts pack I can see where you are coming from. I do however think the mission builder would have been the biggest development challenge of MH by far. The parts are just bonus that comes with MH.
  5. My goodness what is happening here... All I can say is I'm glad Squad chose to introduce female Kerbals when it left the early development stage and didn't ask for further opinions on the matter. I also think that doing so evaded more critique then it would have got if females where left out of the game. It's an educational space game where you shoot characters into space, and its good to be able to emphasize with those characters. If KSP should have been genderless, they should have made it genderless to begin with, or made it genderless when they hit 1.0. Anyway, I like Valentina, she's at least as much part of the crew as the rest, and I wouldn't mind having more then 4 orange suit kerbals, I could use them, male or female. Or maybe even better, a way of earning them in some way by playing, why shouldn't certain white suits be able to become veterans? we do play decades with them.
  6. Quoted from the 1.4.3 release announcement: And that’s not all, we are including a brand new airfield and launchpad, which you’ll be able to use in all game modes as long as you have the expansion installed. And for mission creators, we are also adding the capability to place mobile launchpads on the surface of water bodies. Now you could try out some of those cool SpaceX missions, if you’re into that kind of thing! Looks like we're getting something of a barge today, maybe you need a VTOL aircraft though
  7. Tried it, didn't work indeed.... You can store experiments, but it can't pull them by itself. It's not your mod that's not cooperating, Stock KSP lets you select 'collect all' to be added to a custom action group, so you could actually call it a bug in KSP. The same thing goes for command pods, which also can't collect science, but gives you the option to 'collect all' with a custom action group. Didn't work either... Did discover yet another use for these airlocks, they make out to be perfect rover 'flippers' to flip your vehicle right side up after belly up's.
  8. You could create a custom resolution and play KSP ultra super widescreen if you have more then one monitor, that will give you plenty of room to use your sidemonitors for all types of popup menu's. Maybe this could help you out: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160906-multi-monitor-ksp-on-a-budget/
  9. Hmmmm, let me do a correction on my last post, I didn't know everything I needed to know Your mod brought up something interesting, the airlock also doubles as a science container being able to pull science, that's sweet! It looks like its only able to do so tru an actiongroup and not in the in game menu.
  10. E: I read the Weekly where the airlock was first introduced, where @RoverDude explained everything I needed to know. F: Somebody already posted their experiences on the forum before I got to use the part. When it comes to KSP, it usually ends up with F for me. but in this case my memory didn't fail ending up in E.
  11. We'll have to wait till patch Tuesday next week which was announced last night to confirm, but from what I've read the landing leg/wheel bug, fairing bugs and message spam bug should all be fixed.
  12. Wow, this is awesome! For sure I'm loving the bugfixes, and really look forward to the new launchsite, not to mention I can start a new career without being spammed with messages. But personally speaking @SQUAD and @UomoCapra, the most awesome and appreciative thing about this announcement, is that we're not being confronted with an update that's being dropped upon us like a hot potato. I really like the fact that we're being warned of a planned update release thru an announcement. Here's me hoping that breaking tradition and announcing patch updates will become a new habbit from now on.
  13. That's a great idea, another way to jumpstart is the weekly challenges which were introduced when the Making History expansion got announced. I don't know how long it takes to build a mission, so I don't know what the cost would be for Squad to build one weekly or bi-weekly, but it seems to me like a very good way to pull the Making History cart and make MH's mission builder and playing it more interesting.
  14. It does indeed divide load between cores, but sadly, the physics calculations have always been bottlenecked by single core performance in KSP. Raising the number of cores can help a bit in performance, but with every new iteration of CPU's you see a mere maximum of 5% increase in KSP performance (if your lucky) due to single core performance reaching physical limitations which basically stops further development. Gaining single core performance over the last 4 years has been due to very small efficiency steps and raising the core clockspeed. The 2000 parts machine you've mentioned earlier looks like wizardry, take a look at the recently started thread, and you'll see we've been hitting hard rock bottom in performance increase for years in succesion. KSP'er @Aeroboi mentioned his machine, which is even faster then EJ_SA's machine, and 700 parts is making him run for the hills (which is basically in line with what you can expect)
  15. 2000 parts and still in the green? I can't believe that. Single core physics calculations have not progressed that much to get such an explosive gain in KSP performance. Something must be off, maybe some tweaking of the physics delta frame calculations?
  16. That sounds interesting, never heard of quantum dots other then Samsung with their screens, and I thought that was just a catchy marketing term. But with a little googling there are quite a few articles on the subject. From the quick reading it could take a while still before us normal human beings will see that technology in our home computers.
  17. Probably not my worst, but the last one gave me a good giggle. Finished a Saturn V build and wanted to test the Launch Escape System. So I put that magnificent beast on the launchpad and hit the spacebar and let the Saturn V get some height first before hitting the abort key. Great succes! It flew away taking my 3 kerbal with it, hit the spacebar a few times to get rid of the LES, the fairing, servicebay shielding and activate the parachutes. It all worked flawlessly. Hurray! Then I switched to see what the remains of the Saturn V was doing, still going strong and speeding up to space, and then... 2 kerbals in the lower right corner caught my eye, auto assigned to the LEM by @Snark's BetterCrewAssignment.
  18. I would love to do that as well, but unfortunately I haven't seen anything yet that can do this, the closest thing to using two screens is what @John FX mentioned, running two instances of KSP in sync (I wander if this is becoming a more viable option these days because of multicore processors being pushed by AMD and Intel) and Telemachus to give extra information to HTTP
  19. Thanks for clarifying, I understand where you are comming from. I personally think that everything can indeed be done, its just way out of my capabilities. I wouldn't think that new players won't try because they've been told its not possible or fun. Everybody decides for themselves if they'd have fun learning that tedious or difficult 'stuff'.
  20. That might be because you may need to see this threw other eyes then your own. Some might find it easy, some may find it tedious or difficult, and others would find it downright impossible. I'm in the last group, wouldn't know where to start if my life depended on it.
  21. Jeb is tagging allong on this ride https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/835r28/its_official_jebs_going_to_the_sun/?st=jff7tmcf&sh=f91b34fd
  22. You may have the checkbox 'play fullscreen' still ticked In the KSP graphics settings menu, that would start KSP fullscreen instead of a borderless window.
  23. I actually looked forward to the Making History expansion and thought it was a good call from Squad to make the mission builder. Mainly because I thought, (and still think) that KSP, as a game, is pretty well suited for providing challenge missions. Maybe the weekly challenges on the forum are not that populair, but the weekly challenges on Reddit are quite polulair. I could see why Squad may have thought a mission builder, and providing the community tools to make interesting challenges, would be a welcome addition to KSP. I still have hope that the mission builder gets more populair, and look forward to playing crazy missions created by the community. I don't think its Squad's 'job' to come up with those missions, and that the pre-made missions should function as a small showcase of the mission builders capabilities, and then indeed leave it to the community to play with. The pessimism I can understand though, with these bugs being replaced with more bugs.... All though saddend by the bugs, I try to keep positive that both the base game as the MH expansion will get fixed and gain popularity.
  24. I'm speechless... Good luck in your future endeavors... Hope to see you back...
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