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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Well, unknown makes somewhat unloved I guess. you actually get more flexibility. A 32:9 monitor has multiple inputs, and with a press of a button it becomes a dual 16:9 setup (or 21:9+11:9 or the other way around) And that's all hardware wise, no software needed. Their is just two cables going into one monitor instead of two, and you loose a physical bezel between the dual monitor setup.
  2. As Periple mentioned, I'd love having KSP2 being multi-monitor. 2x 16:9 however is the same as 32:9 (or 21/9 and 11:9) :), it just doesn't have the bezel between them.
  3. Can you elaborate? It you're thinking height. going wide doesn't mean you'd loose height, height in this case is 1440P. Like all screenshots except for the the KSP1 one are in 1440P, even the 16:9 one, the UI still keeps being huge in higher resolutions.
  4. Indeed, if you’d ask me I’d place my navball like below in KSP1, it’s placement resembles the lower left corner of a 16:9 screen and is within my peripheral vision. But as in KSP2 where the UI is so big, it didn’t took long to get used to having it completely in the left corner. I’ll probably be lowering the scale and placing it like below when the opportunity is given. I’m sorry that my enthusiasm and sharing my wide screen experiences with KSP2 is being perceived as being shoved down your throat, it isn’t meant to be. It’s not meant to be to set a new standard or ‘where the navball’ should be placed as a standard either. Yes, 16:9 gaming is the majority and I only point out that KSP2 with its huge UI, huge fonts in PAW’s, Manager Windows and Parts Picker which all diminish the working space when playing it 16:9. Now that might be a personal opinion, but considering that from almost day one quite a few people are being cranky about its UI, its size and its placement, I’m not really alone having a somewhat similar opinion. It's also being acknowledged by Intercept, we've already gotten scaling and modularity in the future is in their scope. I think the majority just plays with what’s been given as standard and don’t bother changing anything, if the navball is in the center, people play it like that, if it’s to the side, it’s in the side. I don’t even care what the standard is although I do feel they made the right decision because the Navball in the middle only makes sense in either first person view or when in 3rd person view with a chase camera. (Again, personal opinion) 16:9 gaming may be the standard, but that doesn’t mean at all that developers don’t look at other scalings and also keep those in mind, and KSP2 scales very, very nicely to 21:9 like many other games these days do, that doesn’t come by itself but only when there has been thought about that by the developers. It’s not ackward that with KSP2 that they have wider screens on top of their mind. So no, I’m not saying they should develop with wide screens in mind, In my opinion they already have been. Maybe in the future one day you’ll get to play a bit of widescreen gaming as well, and you can experience for yourself where both the enthusiasm and growing popularity comes from and wont be so dismissive towards it being a thing. Peace.
  5. You can certainly say that I'm used to this screensize, I do stream a lot to my laptop on the couch to, and KSP2 (even more than KSP) doesn't fare well at 16:9 if you look at how filled it is with UI elements obstructing the view, in flight with the burn meter on it nearly covers 25% of the screen estate. In the VAB the Part Picker on the left is huge, open the part manager and the screen is filled. The extra sharpness of 4K could help I guess, but that would need you to be able to scale every UI element down, including things like the Part Picker in the VAB. But it could at least help with not putting so much interface in your face while in flight. 32:9 can indeed be seen as an absurd amount of screenspace, you get used to it very fast though, it's like two 27 inch QHD monitors side by side but without a bezel. For KSP maybe somewhat to much, but KSP2'S GUI does benefit more from width than from more sharpness, a 21:9 screen opens it up, not to mention the added immersion, KSP is a game of views as well for me, you do get a more cinematic view of the beauty from your space endeavors. KSP2, this is what you see if you clip into the cockpits.
  6. When talking about the first three images I indeed snap myself. KSP² in 16 by 9 is horrible. I can't play like that. And I didn't even post a map view or the mission Report View after crashing. I stand by my opinion that KSP² isn't developed for 16:9 screens.
  7. I wouldn't worry to much about it, they made the right descision. I mean, there is no space in the middle, look at how a 16:9 screen (picture stolen from @Mikki )is filled with UI elements, It's gotten even worse with the last update where they spread the bottom elements accross the whole bottom instead of grouping them like before. I really feel for you guys fiddling with a filled UI elements 16:9 screens. ehm... nope... Aga Nope again... Yes Only need to kick those bottom ellements back to the left when modularity is implemented.
  8. I missed that, hurray!
  9. Only one thing people tend to forget when building a new PC for gaming and KSP² in particular. Ditch your decade old 1080p 16:9 monitor, forget about 4k 16:9 and go 21:9 or even better 32:9. You want to be indulged by immersion? go wide!
  10. Only 7 parts? Could be worse, could be better. Looking forward to implementation and see how everything works out.
  11. Looks good, although the livery in the docks doesn't automatically spell that we'll be having bouyancy in Better not get hopes up.
  12. I thought so as well, to bad it's going to be a waiting game till they designed the command capsules IVA's, that's probably as to why there's isn't 1st person view yet. They'll be of good use when an Raster Prop Monitor equivalent for KSP2 is developed. At least there's one in the middle like (mostly) in real life.
  13. How about those IVA's? looks good to me, looking forward to IVA view. Don't mind the wide view, peripheral vision is something that can be trained
  14. Yes please! How could I forget, this one is getting on my nerves as well.
  15. They've already emphasized on it in the very first AMA, below Nate's respond.
  16. They got a long way to go, open the VAB and a part description tab, the part manager and a procedural wing PAW. This game doesn't seem to be developed for 16:9 but for at least 21:9.
  17. 1. Finish the manoeuvre node marker in the mapview, We can't plan a manoeuvre in future orbits, only the current one. 2. TWR in the VAB for all celestial bodies. 3. Add a transfer window planner. 4. Make the UI modulair and scalable for all GUI items. 5. Make us select our own FOV in flight. 6. Native resolution support for other than 16:9 screens. 7, Kerbal chutes 8. Give all cargo bays the possibility to select how far they open, not just one of all cargo bays. 9. Finish the IVA for all command modules and give us IVA view. 10. Hinges, rotors and cilinders. I know 10 is out of scope, but the rest of them should be in the base game in my humble opinion.
  18. No need, it's already been acknowledged in the very first AMA. We've already gotten the scalability since, and in the future we can place it everywhere we want to, even right in the very center of the screen to please everyone.
  19. I think SQUAD realized they made a mistake by having the navball in the center, corrected it by making it slideable but didn't set something else than the middle as standard setting because of the muscle memory of the playerbase.
  20. That is a very important attitude meter as well, better keep an eye on it if you don't want fly aways or to little battery to return to home, you can't feel the conditions where the drone is at and the drone is gimballed, so you won't get the information by looking at the picture.
  21. I've got no problems with my real life flight UI
  22. It depends at what task is at hand, and what you want to derive from that Playercount? You can't derive anything as to why the playercount is where it currently is at. Like I said before, I can name at least 10 reasons as to why people that bought it aren't playing. If you can't differntiate, you can't assess. The sentence you quoted and are now reacting to is a reply to below; That does not compute, or are you able to think for me? furthermore, I already gave you a reply to the first time you said that; And the answer to that remains the same.
  23. Broken might be a bit overstretched, but with the latest update I am getting KSP1 UI vibes because of the bottom UI elements have now been stretches across the whole bottom instead of grouped mostly to the left. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/220393-please-revert-to-grouped-ui-elements-again-instead-of-spreading-them/
  24. Yes, and I elaborated on why that is the case. And my view according to you as I asked? is that an assumption or is that one of the (some of which aren't assumptions)? Opinion based on assumptions.
  25. What is my view? Please share your... ...assumptions You are filling in blank spots you know nothing about. Yes, the subreddit has 1.5 million followers, and you are assuming a lot from that. I'm not the one making assumptions, and no, I dont wanna assume they're a hivemind. The reasons are a given, you equalize that 1.5 million redditors, are the KSP2 database, including being the silent majority. Assumptions, and you don't even know how large the market is, youre assuming such.
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