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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Yes, I just about always see more utilization over the cores, running with or without HT, running 1.2.2. You must have missed the last line in the first post where I elaborated a bit on the usecase, if you follow the link you can also see how it is with hypertreading and on 2 cores with hypertreading. Hypertreading doesn't help on I7, and when running dualcore with hypertreading you could really feel the performance hit in the scene. Like I said, part count will always be the limiting factor. I see little point in comparing a use case with massive partcounts, from which you already know you're gonna bottleneck that particle single thread, and then try to conclude form there if more cores are usefull or not. Also, the same goes a little for just running Vanilla, and draw conclusions for modded installs. I was searching for a topic I saw in the last month, that discussed the impact of mods on the performance, and the relations between the two. It had some very interesting results in them, but I just can't seem to find it anymore. The conclusion was somewhat like, if you have headroom in your main physics thread, more cores will let you profit when using visual mods. I think its pretty safe to say that Hyperthreading won't get you more performance, and IPC in combination with clockspeed is King. But I'm eager to find out if 6 or 8 cores will get the same utilization as I've seen on 4 cores.
  2. This!! I'm amazed at how fast everyone came alive after 1.3 dropping. I didn't have any experience because this was my first actual update of KSP, but was prepared for weeks before I could go 1.3 because of the amount of hell raising on the forums/reddit. Hurray for the modders!!!
  3. Have you seen the screenshot? It shows pretty good utilization (85% in the shot and a minute history) on all 4 cores with hyperthreading disabled in the bios. The use case is different from yours. I really don't think that benchmarking KSP for multiprocessing by bringing it onto its knees by taking huge part counts is the right way to do it. I think if you bottleneck the physics on one thread/core, you can't even begin taking advantage of multicores. I made another screenshot just now, a bit of a different scene then from my first, but it spikes beyond 70 although I couldn't catch it. I'm no expert, not at all, but when I see the shot of my first post, it's hard to say that KSP doesn't profit from more then 2 cores.
  4. As this game is all about green little men, I'd really like to hear what the wises green man known to mankind has to say So Yoda, what do you think of all this shizzle? "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in this community” Any idea what will happen? “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future..” Any tips? "Calm you shall keep and carry on you must, Yes, HMMMM" Ok thanks man, let the force be with you
  5. I'll confess, here's my most early memory of Electricity My last one was a full diagnoses of my bike's charging system after malfunctioning, which can be pretty tricky stuff. I was proud of myself to fix her up again. Doing it yourself does make it a bit less Voodoo, but I still have a healthy dose of scare of electricity.
  6. Yes Please!!! Would buy that within a heartbeat! Ah, and another thing @Badie Can't help saying, You look as cute IRL as you look kerbalized
  7. What we've got here, is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men. the Captain, Cool Hand Luke, 1967
  8. How easily we tend to forget, we just connect the power cord and don't think about it much further. Mainboards, CPU's, Graphicscards, PSU's throwing enough current threw them, we can easily weld things together. We're even trying to cool things down with... Water...
  9. Not to mention that all 3 of them have their own national space program. We haven't seen Chinese parts yet within the Making History expansion pack, but they have been mentioned in the very first announcement. I wouldn't be surprised at all if both China and Japan will be part of Making History. The German language has merit from an enginering part of view, but I can imagine it's not considered an world language like Spanish does. I think at least French and Portuguese will be the next languages that will be included within KSP, because those will bring another billion people to KSP in their native language.
  10. You've got your thinking cap on dear sir... I'm a bit surprised nobody thought of it sooner, they basicly couldn't ditch the port untill Squad setled on an agreement with FTE to part with eachother. Let me refrain my 01:00 statement a bit , It could very well be that Squad couldn't have pulled the FTE port untill legal matters had been agreed on between them, and now that they've officially parted the roads have been cleared to finally ditch it.
  11. Just because they haven't been brought to you on a silver platter doesn't mean they're not out there
  12. That's no good, you need to change that, there should be additional one that can be selected, that just says 'performance mode' or 'high performance mode'
  13. Wouldn't have been likely that it was your graphics card either. Could be a number of 'problems' though, it sounds like you have swapping issues, and that doesn't have to be CPU related. For one, I read in one of your many 'support questions' lately that you've got 8 GB ram, with a modded install AND the desire to multitask, you're cutting it close. Are your Windows power settings in "performance mode" ? If its in 'battery saving' or 'standard mode' It can have a huge performance impact.
  14. This sounds interesting, I'm gonna play with this sometime this week on my 1.2.2. install.
  15. I saw something pass by on Reddit a few days ago, might help you
  16. I have to use two letters, or it'll go to some website that starts with F1
  17. Good advice, If you weren't using an platform to distribute your content which autoupdates by itself. By emphasizing on the users duties and resposibilities in advance by dropping a note in communications. Oh no, that didn't happen... As a Facilities Manager I know you shouldn't take for granted that your customers know and act on their responsibilities, ever. And you don't emphasize on it once, you do it every time a customer's experience can severly be effected or broken. That's taking good ownership of your customers. It makes the difference in getting a 4.5 or an 8 in your yearly customer research survey. I have very little patience or pity for players that complain about broken mods as well, just as long as you've warned them to expect this in advance. No matter how 'expected' or 'common knowledge'it feels to you, you shouldn't think that customers act on their responsibilities, no matter how faulty the customer may be. Telling customers that have broken games that it was their own responsibility they have a broken game, although 100% true, will only be perceived as a massive kick in the butt. That's not constructive at all, it doesn't help in any way. It will only make the customer feel worse about the issue's they have. From today's weekly... Ouch, that's a major recognition that they've made a major blunder in marketing 101, not knowing how your customers use your own product... Please take this post as feedback and not just another rant. My game isn't broken, I did the research.
  18. You can make yoúre own reality here mate, They do have 'a look' to me to. I've personally maried a beautifull girl that was initially my colleague, happens all the time
  19. I'm not into Near Future yet, but when I get to it one day, I'll definitely have this awesome 'how to' in my mind, awesome guide!
  20. It definitely originated from that promo video, like I've seen shots from the loud and clear update as well, they've gone through an art pass though. Funny to see that it's all up to your own imagination what mood it sets, the same goes for the video itself, some love it because it seems humorous, but the same video gets detested by others for glorifying killing Kerbals.
  21. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...? (1:50)
  22. Now that would be great for 4K display owners! From what I've read it was totally unreadable at those resolutions. I'd think it would also be in their own interest to
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