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Everything posted by woeller

  1. This is normal stock behavior. You cannot choose a celestial body as a target in whose SOI you are.
  2. And it wasn't possible to add this to the Stock UI settings (ESC menu) and do without dependencies?
  3. Isn't that already the case if you use both mods in parallel? And wouldn't merging both mods even improve the performance compared to using both mods separately? This may sound precocious, but it is not meant that way. I just want to understand it.
  4. @eightiesboi If your controllpoint is facing in the same direction as your docking port, you are good to go. Otherwise you have to set your docking port as your contrrollpoint. The same applies to your target.
  5. Some ladies at KSC wanted a little more pink after a new collection was introduced for the gents. The Unicorn Company sent these suits as a first design. There is also a small homage to @sarbian
  6. Braidy Kerman absolutely had to test his new suit in a special way. Poor Kitti Kerman.
  7. That is not a bug. Dennis is using a custom preview for his suit. With 1.10 you can change it too.
  8. It' just great that I can now integrate my own designs directly into the game without Mods. Thanks Squad! My first concept:
  9. BDB isn't implementet and fully supporrtet by this mod yet. BDB provides it's own configs for Real Fuels. See here: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/master/BD_Extras (No Warranty)/RealFuels-Dev
  10. @henrylzy Use the radial docking port and attach it to the Lab Module. Then use the docking counterpart and finally the truss.
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