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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. Um the naval battle league exists for a reason. If it’s old and inactive try to bring attention back to it. ALSO STOCK WEAPONS ARE BEST.
  2. That’s an interesting craft from an interesting username.
  3. Well I think I’m gonna need to really push my potato of a pc to its limits to make something bigger. Also the fact that you’re already saying it needs mainsails for elevons scares me.
  4. Still working on the meteor shower. I had to take a hiatus due to school though.
  5. Wait haven’t you made multiple threads called similar titles? If so you might want to make a single big repository. And maybe change the name from skunk works to something more original. Ya know. For some individuality.
  7. Hey man! After a bit of a hiatus I’m back! Nice looking craft ya have there!
  8. With this advancement, the tech tree might need some rebalancing.
  9. MWAHAHAHA SCREW YOU ION ENGINE PREPARE TO BE CONQUERED KERBOL SYSTEM ahem what I mean was “Joy! The restrictive Ion engine is no longer necessary to build non military crafts which is what I very much meant by “prepare to be conquered kerbol system.” anyway I’m gonna make a ship outta this. Probably gonna sheath it in a fairing and use it for a spacecraft in the Naval Battle League thread.
  10. My problem isn’t that I can’t buid well, but more that I suck at orbital maneuvers. The most complex thing I’ve done is land on the min, yet I can’t even get an orbital intercept. Even then my tactic To get a moon intercept is to just orbit over and over again until I actually land. I’ve made ships that can go basically anywhere but I can’t fly them.
  11. Ugh I haven’t played in a while since I kinda ran out of ideas. Plus there were so many bugs. You have any inspiration for me by any chance, Raptor?
  12. Tybpanda lacks the political superiority of the elephant, and therefore is inferior. It is adorable though.
  13. SIR YES SIR MR BANANA SIR. I still feel really bad that I let my personal grievances spill over here.
  14. Alright my bad. I have a weird method of trying to help. I mostly just wanted to see what he had so far. I’m not exactly the most empathetic person and don’t always realize how rude I’m being. @Raptor9 I’m also attributing it to the fact that I’m angry and sleep deprived from big tests in school. Also I’m not exactly bored I’m not actually sure why I said that. @Orbiter Space Program Sorry I didn’t notice how new you were here. Also still sorry about being such a pest. Good luck with the ship! When you have a working model maybe I can critique it a little and help you get better at building? Welcome to ShadowGoat’s slightly less tired and angry than usual today and suddenly realized how much of a jerk he’s been acting like! Sorry folks. Wasn’t really thinking before I sent stuff, and I’m generally pretty pessimistic and impatient and I don’t always catch that before I say or do stuff. Hey, at least I kept you on the front page!
  15. Meh I’m bored and don’t have anything better to do than police useless threads.
  16. This actually seems interesting. Might actually give it a try.
  17. Slight typo in the locations of interests things. It’s “paid” not payed. Sorry but I’m a real stickler about grammar.
  18. Alright I'm back and I'll try to update this more often. Also apparently the void save file is just gone. Don't know where it went, but I might be able to did it out of my Dropbox. Also screw you necro warning! It's my thread and I'll revive it if I want to!
  19. So basically nothing is coming out of this. Are you going to post a photo of the ship here or not?
  20. I literally just said remove it because it’s not a sharing thread, it’s not discussing the development of a craft, and there’s nothing going on here.
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