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Everything posted by Chel

  1. I'm just wondering about the forum's notification sound. How did it get chosen as the sound? Did someone come up with the sound or did they get it from a website?
  2. I built a rocket to go to the Mun in career mode. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough science to get the tri and quad adapters, so I had to radially attach stuff and strut it all together. This was the result: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dEEEIYeBE3QtC5st1 When I released the launch clamps, it had too little thrust, hit the launchpad, and I now have to build in the SPH and launch from the runway while I figure out how to pay for reconstruction.
  3. Why didn't I discover this thread earlier! By model railroading, is LEGO model railroading acceptable? My LEGO railway, featuring my Saturn-V set. I filmed this while displaying it at a model train show. *Spam F5 and F9*
  4. 116? I have only about 7: KW Rocketry, Chatterer, MRS, Space Station Plus (Space Station parts mod, useful for adding cool bits to large ships), Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KIS and KAS (obviously) and Firespitter. In my opinion, it's not about having a massive amount of mods with parts you don't actually need, it's the mods that have the parts you can use (KW Rocketry is really good for helping me get stuff to orbit).
  5. And now I will go through every bit of Kerbal audio (excluding the Chatterer mod), reverse it, and run it through Google Translate to hear it in English. It'll probably just be random words as SQUAD wouldn't have thought that someone will do that.
  6. Really? I kept getting MM out of memory issues on loading KSP, deleted all but the newest version, and it loaded fine afterwards.
  7. I think I know why the mono.dll is crashing. Mono.dll is the Unity engine file, and KSP is built on Unity. So, put simply, the game can't handle all your mods, so try deleting some. If that doesn't work, and you still have the issue, make sure all your mods are up to date. By the way, do you have one 'ModuleManager' file, or many of them? Most mods come with ModuleManager, a file that makes the mod work with other mods or the game. Because of this, if you have a lot of mods, you may have a lot of ModuleManagers. You should only have one ModuleManager file, that should be the newest one. If you have a lot of them, then delete all but the newest version one. Otherwise it interferes with the game and also causes crashes.
  8. I installed B9, built a craft, and used the B9 wings. Next minute, when I launched it, the wings immediately dropped off (not due to weight, as it was a very light plane), and the craft is sent at lightspeed to somewhere unknown. Removing the wings fixed this. With Firespitter, again, it was the wings, but this time, the plane became uncontrollable, veering to the right and my controls not responding. Removing the wings and using stock ones again fixed the problem. So I ask the question, why when I've successfully installed the mod, and have the latest version, do some parts glitch out and others don't?
  9. A sixth thing, continuing on from @Mrcarrot, how would you even get the mods anyway? The only way to download things for the Xbox is from the Microsoft Store. You won't be seeing 'Kerbal Attachment System' listed as an 'Add-On' for KSP EE in the store, would you? You can't go on the Edge app and go to Curse, pick a mod and download, as the Xbox doesn't support that.
  10. And if I reversed the kerbal audio (which is reverse spanish), I would get Spanish, and be able to translate that to English?
  11. The not being able to leave glitch has happened to me as well. I would click on, say the SPH, and couldn't enter it, enter the RnD labs but not exit, and so on. I found that a mod I installed was the cause, but mods aren't available on consoles (yet), so it must have been a glitch. After quitting the game, and re loading it, did you experience the glitch again?
  12. What language do the Kerbals speak, and how did SQUAD record the audio? What language is it based on?
  13. No, I was a part of the Vintage Train and Railroad Society's display day, and decided to bring my Lego trains along, as I know that kids get very bored watching 30 year old tin and die cast wind up trains going around in a small loop of track. As a result, my display was the most popular by far!
  14. Well if you insist... .
  15. I don't go into orbit, I just go up out of the atmosphere, and come back down again. I could try adding wings, and making it a rocket-plane hybrid. At the moment, I only have access to the mk1 cockpit and the smallest elevon (roughly about tech tree node level 3 or something)
  16. For my career playthrough, I built a small rocket to explore Kerbin. It would travel on a suborbital trajectory, and after reaching the target biome, release the scientific payload (a materials bay, mystery goo, thermometer), and land, to be recovered for science. On it's first mission, I managed to get all the way to Kerbin's north ice caps. on the second, I tried to get it to the big desert (not that far away from the KSC). Instead, I ended up in the highlands for some reason. I've been trying to reach the desert, but seem to fail. So, should I A) Add more fuel B) Reach a higher altitude to then cover more distance C) Cheat and put 'Infinite Fuel' on. I was able to reach the ice caps, but can't reach the desert (which is closer to the KSC). Does anyone know why?
  17. Back in my day, we had to actually complete levels of games OURSELVES! We couldn't just search for walkthroughs on the internet!
  18. "I like you, I kill you last!" Very true... cats, they are always watching, plotting, conspiring...
  19. Self explanatory, right? A place to post cat memes. Have fun
  20. Wait... now I get it! The debug menu is accessed by the k code, isn't it. I'm sorry, I was thinking that it was that, not that it actually is the k code. I didn't know that it actually is the k code that accesses the menu. I was guessing, and I guess I got it right?
  21. Beat this bat boop, meanies bottle boot.
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