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Everything posted by Mrcarrot

  1. The answers are to why there are answers at the bottom of your bowl. Waiter! There's in my soupl!
  2. I first need to download the mod. I will take some cool screenshots and put them together.
  3. That's kind of crazy. My older 2004 Windows XP Laptop, my oldest computer, can actually run KSP 0.25. When I tried 1.2.2, the words on the loading screen and main menu were pink rectangles of varying size and shape.
  4. I've got 80. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899. When you discover a new KSP hack nobody else thought of(drilling in a cargo bay).
  5. "Yesterday, we discovered a hack that allows mining for ore while not on the surface of a planet. We put our drill in the cargo bay." (Actually try this out in KSP, it works)
  6. The door is closed. Waiter, there's a in my soup!
  7. 9/10 only humans would have any reason to search Google. I am a human because I use Google too.
  8. Here to say that this is not the problem KSP 1.2 runs on my 3GB RAM computer. My Broiled half-a-potato computer.
  9. No minimum time limit. One could enter orbit, wait till apoapsis, and burn retro. Are you sure both your apoapsis and periapsis are above 70,000? If so, that's all I've got.
  10. I'm on Windows 7. I'll give you the output log when I get back to my computer, and yes, I do go somewhere during the day. Where, exactly, you'll just have to guess. Muahahahaha!
  11. I had no clue, not in the slightest, that this mod was even one patch outdated. Anyway, thanks for continuing it! one of my favorite mods!
  12. Yeah, 64 bit. Will get logs.
  13. I have a little glitch on Jool Reaper, and I don't know if anyone else has this problem(My 3GB RAM makes it hard to know) but here's a screenshot:
  14. Awesome that it's released! I'll see what Reaper looks like with no visual mods. Also, how about a download option with no visual mods installed, for those of us who will never be able to use them and want to download it faster?
  15. 2/10 you have a generic-ish profile pic. Only robots, with no personality and thus no interests, would have that. I am a "Hyoomann", or whatever they-we call that-our species.
  16. Not true. If you want it backward compatible, everything not Kerbin needs "isHomeWorld = false" or they will break. Kerbin also needs that same value, but true. Edit: in "Properties". I think you knew that.
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