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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Most nine year olds wont be too interested in this game,maybe they buy but then leave it forgoten due to it being to hard And for the small section that survived the learning curve.....I doubt they will be inmature if they had the patience to learn how to play
  2. Banned for not having the number 69 on your rep count
  3. Who ever understand this gets a cookie Hornet is made of void
  4. Banned for being the second to mention the alien relics
  5. Jokes aside I prefer and a lot more people do that KSP doesn't have violence...and BTW Why does a space game need guns?!
  6. When we were talking about cursed content i didn't expect this kind of cursing!
  7. I used the twitch app for minecraft modpacks and i knew that you can install mods for ksp throught there but i never tried it.. I'm actually taking a look at it right now,it looks good so I maybe try it! As for CKAN I like CKAN (especially because i'm extremly lazy,and im not installing the whole RO collection for myself(Plus is something goes wrong i can blame CKAN not myslef :P)) Now for curse: Direct NOPE for me,I don't know why(Oh I know!.The hundreds of adds! there(Im exagerating a bit BTW)) and as i said before if I wan't to download a mod i go to CKAN if it isn't there i go to he forums were i rarely see a link to curse.(well i saw quite a bit but its often shadowed by github or spacedock witch i prefer quite a bit more)
  8. Could be what you said..Witch i would love it! Or the most probable thing... Early sunflare testing
  9. Floor -30:You see the floor...you see a....MINUS SYMBOL!
  10. Granted. Lets do a full on traduction of what he said Them:Refers to multiple people on:On top of something keys:Similar things to buttons paw:what some animals have instead of hands so this means Multiple people on top of something similar to buttons what some animals have instead of hands Congratulations you now know what that is I wish to know what the heck i just wrote
  12. #! A yes when you are to lazy to type the command for a discord bot
  13. Banned for liking my posts in the don't click this threat
  14. The FPS where horrible but it's a pre-alfa so it should get fixed in the future And wow they changed the launch place a lot!
  15. I don't know if this was posted before here but... *relived breathing intesifies*
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