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    Haunting the Necropolis
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  1. It seems that the Brits are going for a Kerbal-like design technique with interchangeable modules (from https://aeralis.com) :
  2. It's not playable if you need (or choose) to use a rover for your mission. Drives like summer tyres on greased ice; randomly leaps into the air/vacuum. Nope. Can't play with that.
  3. Overwhelmingly positive on Steam, apparently.
  4. https://www.nasa.gov/general/wrangler-capture-and-de-spin-of-asteroids-and-space-debris/
  5. Somehow not so formulaic as some of the stuff that charts nowadays...
  6. Omitting ComNet and Kerbal specialisations could have been forgiven temporarily while the EA was stabilised, but as up-front design decisions, not at all. The game was supposed to simulate running a space agency, which involves infrastructure and assets of the kerbal and non-kerbal kind. Colonies should have given even more scope/need for those topics - perhaps even more specialisations could have been woven in. Hugely missed opportunity.
  7. Anyone's guess on this, really. I imagined that some discovery (perhaps finding all of the alien artifacts) would trigger something in the tech tree that wold enable finding the new star system in the map, and along with the other interstellar tech (we'd already have colonies by that point) would enable sending the first craft to the new star, which would in turn enable navigation within that system. There we'd find more artifacts and the search would continue. Given the Kraken-ness of the artifacts we have, it may be based on a story arc of how the kerbals' progenitors slew the Kraken and learned to fly between the stars - the final stage of the progression would be to find the "Old Kerbin", perhaps populated by Kerbal-like creatures who welcome us home... Maybe, just maybe one day the ex-devs will be able to open up - but I expect this is top of the "You don't talk abouts" on the NDAs.
  8. Nah... we just douse them with propellant.
  9. Shame this got cancelled, I hoped it might help us move on a little... Shock Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Testing Acceptance ^
  10. @WatchClarkBand is on the forum, btw... This might be interesting anyway.
  11. The entire forum has been crawled many times over the last couple of years. Should be good without any further intervention.
  12. Yup. That's the thing that means KSP2 as an entity is totally dead and gone. And no, I'm not blaming the folk who left the negative reviews - that's fair warning to newbies. If anything does rise from the ashes, it will need to distance itself from the KSP2 legacy, even if it salvages much of the existing product, and if Jeb and co make a comeback. The new branding will need a good deal of pre-sales exposure and believable demonstrations of actual in-play footage before launch to get over the current disaster.
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