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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. maybe we can get 0.625 M open cockpits (single and tandem seat) and more 0.625 engines?
  2. T-34/85 turret looks kinda oversized i compared it's size with an oerlikon skyshield, and it's size is A little bigger than the skyshield in the game it looks like an IS's turret than T-34
  3. any explanations why part names shows like "#autoloc_SMIndustries_40000etc" rather than the correct part name?
  4. basically KWS is a " Borrowed" BDA files with reworked CFGs, uses same model and textures
  5. oh wait i can save it as mp4 my whole life is a lie
  6. no Windows Movie Maker? most ksp youtuber uses it
  7. ayy look at these cuties destroying a bigger drone ship.. btw why don't you get bandicam? the free version had 10 min recording limit, enough for recording battles
  8. anyone here has an issue of engines catch fire when dropping BDA bombs?
  9. @Earthlinger so my huge @$$ PTB wont work, so i make it smaller sauce : https://kerbalx.com/dimas_1502/sm0l-PTB
  10. uhh not today... my lo-part ship need MANY tweaks, and i need example ship to.. uhh.. y'know.. learning kerbin shipbuilding
  11. when did the battle starts? i have Mun rated T-34 with KS-19 from KWS (i'm not sure using old BDA) sauce : https://kerbalx.com/dimas_1502/T-34ish
  12. so i was working on BDAc Air Superiority Fighter challenge, when i try to fight other planes, the hidden vulcan 20mm round doesn't seem to give any damage to my plane anyone? pic
  13. Mun tank battle is kinda difficult, tanks can float up after get shot by others i recommend using vernor engines on ur tank to keep the stability and keeping it touching the ground pic is target tank without rcs installed after getting shot by halftrack
  14. NNUUUUUUUUUU I"M NOT READY well it's already going so whatever MAKE MOAR PLANES
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