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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Personal experience in the game of planes nosediving and flipping with a CoL too far back. Makes you wonder why all real life aircraft don't put their wings at the very back then. You might notice that I requested is craft so I could specifically see if my concern was actually an issue. I don't understand why you're so vigilant to prove how right you are. You're telling me something different than I've seen personally and mentioned many times over, so I simply wanted to check to see if it really was a problem.
  2. Diggin' the picture for it. I'll play with it when I get home.
  3. You can't, but you can at https://kerbalx.com or use a regular file sharing service like Google Drive.
  4. Your CoM and CoL are significantly close than his, and your screenshots are only showing re-entry at roughly mach 3.5. That's not the same as gliding down to land. @MysticTURBO can you link the exact mod you're using and post the craft file from the SPH so I can see if my concerns are valid?
  5. It's just a different size, not a type. Not sure if that's what you meant. To test I took the stock inline docking port, changed its size to match the Konstruction 1.25m docking port, and they docked just fine. Obviously can't weld, but will dock normally. I'd really like to make something that gives all docking ports a PAW option to switch between "normal" and "konstruction" sizes during flight, but I have no idea how.
  6. You're thinking of drag for a rocket, not lift for a plane. Take the thing for a flight and see how it handles.
  7. Center Of Lift, it's the blue arrow. With it so far behind the CoM, it's going to want to flip really, really bad. When I get home, I can give you a similar picture of the shuttle I showed before. It took quite a bit of tweaking to get it glidable. In KSP, it's very necessary to build backwards. You need to change your focus to strictly the shuttle first. Get it so it can re-enter, fly/glide, and land. Then work on strapping it to a rocket. If you don't, you might find that after hours of tweaking to get the shuttle up, it can't come down. Then you need to change the shuttle. And once you've changed the shuttle... then comes the lifter tweaking again. Launch your shuttle to the runway, then use the F12 menu (Alt+F12 on Windows) to cheat it into orbit, and bring it down. That way you can test it over and over without worrying about launching it up first.
  8. How does the shuttle fly by itself? The CoL looks way, way too far back from the CoM. So unless you have a payload in the bay in you SPH picture, I don't think it's going to fly well. Have you done any atmospheric flight testing of the shuttle?
  9. Stuff like this makes me really wish for a single-SOI-no-time-warp LAN multiplayer option so 4 freaks like us could cram into some poor sap's basement and play mission control.
  10. No, when you buy the game, you get it for Windows, Mac, and Linux all at the same time.
  11. You can only use one decoupler to connect two pieces together. To make it more rigid, you need to use struts. Not knowing this was a killer for me right when I got the game. I'd try to use three decouplers to attach a booster, and it would just flop around on one. You can either enable advanced tweakables in your game settings and use the autostrut feature, or you can strut manually. I prefer to strut my own stuff. Just a couple struts at the top and bottom will make everything so much better. Try to place your coupler in line with or just ahead of the CoM of the boosters for the boosters, and the tank for ejecting the main fuel tank.
  12. Uh.. Glad I'm not the only one.. Finally sent some semi-permanent crew up to the space station, since assembly has progressed far enough for habitation and life support. But instead of keeping a shuttle up there all the time, I went with a Kerbin return pod. SSTO Rocket with the lifter brought down with landing legs...although no effort was made to get it back to the KSC. Landing the lifter needs some practice. Once I get it down without 'sploding an engine or two, I might try to get it to the KSC.
  13. Most mods, you just copy their contents into you GameData folder. It's best to check the OP of each individual mod for installation instructions, in case they're different, and to check for dependencies. Not all mods come bundled with their dependencies.
  14. I understand that there are Linux distributions that will run on your hardware. You wouldn't need to learn much to get one of those installed, and boot to it only for KSP. Just an option.
  15. I've run into an interesting problem. I've been running a new shuttle program in my main modded install. I switch between installs by changing GameData folder names. Everything else is run the same. I decided to run my SSTO I built awhile back, since I know it works and would do exactly what I needed it to. Except it didn't. I've launched this plane in previous saves many, many times. Always gets to orbit with a minimum of 600m/s dV left. Got me my K Prize. I always fly it the same way. But this time, it barely made it to orbit by using every bit of fuel. Major difference I saw was acceleration, previously it always started slowing down on just the whiplashes at about 1350 m/s. This time it barely hits 1100, and I have to hit the LF/OX engine early, using up all the fuel. Thinking it was one of my more recently installed mods, I went back to my stock GameData folder (well, with KER). Same result. Could just not do it. So then I did a fresh install, and only installed KER. Grabbed the craft file from the save I was in, loaded up. Acted normally! Got to 1350 m/s just fine in the same amount of time I was used to. What could be going on? The Physics.cfg files between the two installs are identical. (Checked using the Linux diff tool). Settings.cfg files are different, but I don't see anything that could be doing anything. Just joystick config and brightness settings and whatnot. Here are the mods I have installed in my main modded GameData folder. I can do videos of both launches if it'll help. Also can get log files if they're needed. I used to have SVE installed.
  16. Remember that you can attach stuff to docking ports in the VAB that aren't docking ports. Then you can decouple them when needed. They essentially just "let go" instead of pushing anything away. You can also turn down the ejection force on any decoupler.
  17. Wow, that was impressive! I'm glad I decided to watch when there was less than a minute to go.
  18. The built in docking tutorial is horrible. Almost made me quit the game. There are good guides here (both videos and people) who can help you with docking. Docking is probably the hardest hurdle to get over. Once you have that down, everything else will come to you pretty easily. You learn the most from docking, I think. The first couple weeks I had KSP, my single goal was to shoot rockets straight up, and crash them into the Mun. I didn't even know map mode existed. After many failures, I finally pulled it off, and it was awesome. Your English is just fine.
  19. I think I know what you're talking about, and I've wanted something similar for awhile. I'll look into your thread after I get home.
  20. Alternator just went out on vehicle number 2. At least... probably. Other option is the PCM, given that my gauge cluster is acting... weird. But the cluster's been wonky since I put it in 7 years ago, so eh. I was really hoping to put vehicle number 1 down for a bit for some much needed TLC... but looks like that'll be a few days yet.
  21. That one, and the Next Generation one... the one where you got into orbit by flying through floating squares.. I also had Starship Creator for PC... which was pretty fun for its time. I mean, you got to build your own ships! Sorta. I glanced at Star Trek Online at one point, but was hesitant to get into it. I mean, ST has enough continuity problems...
  22. They also have pools, like, everywhere.
  23. The last Star Trek game I played was for the NES...
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