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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I would consider the Kerbal to be the Payload. Stuff like this would be good for Space Station crew rotation.
  2. This is awesome! Any chance you can share the craft file?
  3. My claustrophobia sympathizes with the Kerbals. If they leave the Kerbin system, I always make sure they're either frozen or have somewhere to stretch their legs. I do have an LS mod, but it would be the same without it, like my Dres colonization.
  4. You could be right, but it's pretty hard to tell just by looking at it. I mean, how many FPS games out there look like re-skinned versions of games in the same genre? A great deal.
  5. Unless you can prove that code has been stolen, I'm not seeing anything that could count as illegal - but I am far from an expert. As stated above, this is good. Competition promotes innovation.
  6. I've always known about the re-root tool, and it was a bit frustrating at first because I had to save what I was working on, open up the sub assembly separately, re-root, re-save sub assembly, then open the project back up and hope it worked...until I accidentally realized I was doing it all wrong. Once I realized you could re-root sub assemblies on the fly while they were red and translucent sitting next to the craft you're working on, it became one of my favorite tools. Well, except that functionality is there. You can have several assemblies floating around and you can re-root them separately.
  7. <insert picture of R2-D2's eye stalk thing poking out of the sand that a Google Image Search failed to find>
  8. Very nice! I like how compact it is.
  9. If you have a 100 GB HD that's screaming about being full, it can be a life saver. Although I bet there's a ton of trash sitting around that HD that could be cleaned up in addition to this folder. My system once had a hiccup where my 1 TB HDD was suddenly full (I don't have much on there), and it turned out that two log files that were supposed to be pruned daily had somehow grown to about 600 GB together. Also, Harddrives are cheap. I suggest looking into adding another one if you're on a desktop, or getting a bigger one if you're on a laptop (Some laptops even have a slot for a second one)
  10. 10-4. I thought that'd be the case but just wanted to make sure.
  11. If I might make a suggestion: Please re-edit your post to have your original problem and what you did to fix it. Might help someone else with the same problem in the future, either by finding your post themselves or by someone else recalling seeing what was here.
  12. Well I wouldn't be selling a product for profit like a business or anything. There's also that. Probably won't happen anyway, I was just seeing if it was an option.
  13. This mod has one. Wonderful mod overall. Go to the Spacedock link, and click on Changelog. This will let you download the 1.3 version.
  14. Discovered this completely by accident. This is my very first excusion below the surface built a small probe using EPL metal cans for weight. Also stuck some landing gear for touchdown on the ocean floor. I'm not sinking very fast, and when I opened the landing gear, I started ascending! Sinking: Ascending: Was this done intentionally somehow?
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/7610/Railroad_Tycoon_3/ GOG has it as well, for $2.50 right now.. https://www.gog.com/game/railroad_tycoon_3
  16. Nope! Where's @Lo Var Lachland, with the Leetest rep amount around?
  17. Get'm a 3D printer so they can make their own trains/planes/automobiles.
  18. Right click on the wheel in the SPH/VAB. One of the menu settings will let you select SAS only.
  19. I recently bought a new processor. At this time, I'm keeping my old one. But should I decide to sell it, would it be allowed here? I'd rather a fellow KSPer get a good deal on a good processor than some random person on eBay. The actual sale would be done through eBay and/or Paypal to keep everyone protected. Not gonna fight you if it's not, just curious.
  20. I've done very unnecessary things with monorails and train rides in Roller Coaster Tycoon. I also used to build massive train networks in Sim City 2000. No actual train sims or models though. When I was a kid, we had a family friend that was really, really, really into it. He had probably a 700 sq foot basement that was nothing but model trains. Mountains, towns, you name it. Shelves full of cars, engines, and parts. It's always been fascinating to me... but $$$.
  21. I could listen to this song on a loop all. day. long.
  22. I can't wait for this to come out. Yeah I can get tons of parts from mods, but it'll be refreshing to have new stock...stock.
  23. Season 3 is short, and it's creepy. I would advise watching the whole season early one morning, and give your brain some time to settle before trying to sleep. But it stars Peter Capaldi, so... I liked Season 4, although there's a moment at the beginning that I can almost guarantee you'll scream "That's NOT how physics works" at the TV. Has Nana Visitor and John de Lanci in it. (dunno if you like Star Trek) Any time I try to get someone to watch Doctor Who, I try to get them to watch Torchwood along with it in aired order, mainly so the end of DW Season 4 makes more sense.
  24. You guys are really making me reconsider my opinion of ole' number 9. I wish I had the old show as a reference, might appreciate him better.
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