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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I'd say the biggest hurtle to get around is docking. Once you know how to get to orbit, get to another body (like the Mun), and figure out how to dock, everything else will come easy. The built in docking tutorial is not great. Plenty of good threads and guides around here for it. Welcome!
  2. Last night I nearly finished construction on the Hyperion Orbital Constructor Station EPL tanks and pads: Fuel Tanks and some Konstruction! welding after sending Jeb and Bill up for maintenance: Strut it up! Also started working on one of Hyperion's drilling drones for Minmus: And today I re-did the K Prize challenge since I'd flubbed it up last time. Docked at Hyperion, which made me wonder why I'd sent a rocket up for the maintenance instead of an Astrid.
  3. Ok, I re-did it. Same craft, with some differences. I docked at a space station in the same mission. Not only did I land in one piece, but I did so on the KSC runway... which is something I've never done returning from orbit. I have a video as well if you'd like it, but here are some screenshots. Take off, break atmo: Circularize: Intercept maneuver: Docking: Leaving and deorbiting: Re-entry over KSC and turning about for landing: Landing! No 'splody bits this time.
  4. Looks like everyone's got it on sale right now! Steam is $20
  5. I feel the same way any time I stumble across php.net documentation. I learn best by seeing examples, and theirs always seem to be as convoluted as possible. It seems programming documentation is written under the guise that you already know what you're doing.
  6. @Jett_Quasar Oh man, I forgot about that thing! So cool.
  7. *cough https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13
  8. You can hold Alt (Or Shift in some cases. It's shift for me - either Linux or Nvidia is doing it) to prevent radial attachment.
  9. https://xkcd.com/1484/ I wanna use the cheat menu to somehow have a trip to the Mun return with extra Kerbals.
  10. I knew the games didn't, but for some reason I though The Lounge did, and that's where one of the posts in question was. I just posted in the lounge and see mine didn't go up. I got it now!
  11. How does one get 0 posts while having posts? Saw it twice yesterday.
  12. Lately it's been practicing my web developer stuff. I also have a number of webcomics I keep up with, and a lot of KSP. Also playing referee between the 5 cats and the 8 year old seems to be a full time job.
  13. What you'll want to do is get just the lander by itself and take a look at the CoM. You'll want that as close to the heat shield as possible. Also toss the decoupler between the lander and the heat shield. It's not necessary, the heat shields can jettison themselves and it's pushing your CoM further away from it.
  14. Great, now I want a KSP Monopoly even though it wouldn't make sense and would never get played.
  15. That's literally not true. I have hundreds of images on the forum and have never used Imgur in my life.
  16. I wish I had snow. I live in Southwest Missouri, and we haven't had a single flake this winter. Hell, it was 60* F yesterday! I grew up in Wisconsin, and this is just wrong. I need there to be half an inch even just forecast so I can giggle at all the native southerners clearing the shelves of TP and bread.
  17. I use the debug menu for testing quite often. Usually just for placing crafts in orbit. (Say I've got launch down, but re-entry is iffy. No reason to launch every time) I only use infinite fuel if I'm just mucking around. (Like seeing how quick an MK1 command pod, nosecone, and 8 twitches can leave the solar system) I don't think I've really used it for anything else. I won't touch it if I'm trying to achieve some kind of goal.
  18. Too late now as I'm just off lunch, but I'll be sure to remember that. Thanks!
  19. 10/10 down with the Apple regime!
  20. Well, I was gonna mess with it on the rest of my lunch break, but 1.3 is telling me it's incompatible. (It was made in 1.3.1)
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