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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. You could always use the built in transporter.
  2. Found the same thing when I was flying over it the other day. Landed just off the pole to refuel, but when I hit the pole, both SAS and the camera freaked out. BTW - I hope you got your hatches battened down. Irma looks like a doozey. Nothing like having to get out and push during an eclipse! (I hope I can push enough to get home... got like 150 science on that craft.
  3. I wasn't even aware of this mod until I saw the appreciation thread. I can't wait to give this a try!
  4. I've had them turn themselves on in the VAB. Never noticed anything that triggered it, but it's happened to me.
  5. Most of my dead Kerbals came from me hitting > instead of / and them warping straight into a cloud of dust in an upper atmosphere.
  6. I'm probably a little spoiled, since I started with 1.3. I found the original games unplayable. However, I know I would have loved them as much as I love 1.3 had I started back them.
  7. Just need to copy the GameData folder. I keep one with stock, one with mods. Just rename whichever one you want to use to GameData. In the picture, I would be playing modded. To switch, I just rename the GameData folder to GameData.Modded, and rename GameData.Stock to GameData. Since your saves (and therefore ships) aren't kept in GameData, they'll be accessible either way without needing multiple copies of those.
  8. Contemplating just leaving Jeb behind on the last leg of the trip. He's done a plane inspection on almost every ISRU landing, but he royally flubbed up this time. Could probably get away with losing one panel... not three.
  9. ISRU started destroying my battery out of nowhere. Guess why?
  10. Got mine during the heyday of AdjectiveNounNumber usernames. Those things always drove me crazy, but I couldn't really think of anything that wasn't topic specific. So naturally I downloaded a random word generator and spammed refresh until something popped out at me. Been using this for like... 14 years? As far as hiding behind a username online... honestly you'd probably find out more about me googling Geonovast than my real name.
  11. Did some more flying on my global tour. Also learned that Engineers can repack parachutes! I don't need to consider my plane abort systems as a one-off anymore! There's something oddly relaxing about pretending to cruise over Kerbin's mountains.
  12. Tonight I helped my 8 year old toss a plane together that actually takes off. Before you know it, you'll be whispering to your wife "What is he doing?"
  13. 1680 x 1050 because that's as high as my monitor will support. GPU could go a lot higher. Still a 22" monitor, so it works for me.
  14. I've never had any luck going under water (Haven't actually tried too much), but this is really good to know! Thanks!
  15. I've certainly done a number of stupid things, but uh.. Jeb... just pushed the wrong button after an Apollo 13 moment and made things way worse. I've been flying so much, that I just had to launch a rocket. So I slapped together an Apollo style rocket for a landing mission to Mun. Decided to use the FL-S3 Petal Adapter (Don't remember which mod it's from). I didn't know how powerful the decoupling power was, so it exploded and destroyed half the lander on decoupling. No biggie, I was in Kerbin orbit (~3,600km x 90km). Easy enough, just ditch the lander, deorbit with the orbiter and decouple the command module. Or I could just forget the first part and decouple the CM before deorbiting. Warped to apoapsis, and after four EVAs, They managed to push the periapsis down to 38km. Returned to Kerbin normally. Although I forgot drogue chutes and nearly 15G when the chutes opened...
  16. Your questions were contradictory. I answered the second. The Mun's orbit is not inclined. Sorry for the confusion
  17. What's the difference between hitting Alt-F5 and just hitting F5? I'm a little confused here.
  18. Well, OP best not try it then. Wouldn't wanna give it a chance to work or anything.
  19. I use https://cubeupload.com/ for images. Really, really easy to use and doesn't even require creating an account. Is the top of your fairing touching the rocket at all? I've found that if the fairing closes only to itself at the top (top, words "Close Fairing" will be green), you're going to have issues. If you close the fairing against a nosecone or something similar, you should be ok. (bottom, words "Close Fairing" will be blue).
  20. Cloud storage issue maybe? Can you enable / disable cloud saves on the One like you can on the 360? I've had issues with cloud saves before. Like deleting my entire save history for one game during sync. If you can, try disabling cloud saves and see if it makes a difference.
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