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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. How is it not "Moar Downloads"? Seems like they've missed an opportunity there.
  2. We recently had a software update, so it looks a little different from when I made this, but the process is the same.
  3. Yup, I've also seen it happen to the Vector. Not sure what's up. Also moving to Unmodded Tech Support
  4. Comments are posts. You don't need to start 5 threads, just have 5 posts. Note though, that posts inside The Lounge or Forum Games do not count as posts in those subforums don't increment your post count.
  5. I really like Tim, and that was a nice video. Best part was the SLS joke.
  6. They're at least not doing it for the first recovery. They want to fish it out of the water and see what kind of re-entry damage there is to see if this is even possible.
  7. Moved to Gameplay Questions as this isn't a tech support issue, but a "how to play the game" issue.
  8. I see it all the time, never gave it much thought. I just assumed it was some sort of graphical glitch that isn't worth dev time to fix, or the remnant of a graphical separation feature that was abandoned. I wouldn't worry about it, it's not "real" as far as the game is concerned. I don't think it's actually meant to be anything now.
  9. I believe it's possible, and it's been brought up before, but don't expect anything like this to happen.
  10. You can add USB expansion with PCIe cards. You can't add better VRMs.
  11. I've found that having any reaction wheels on the rover set to 'SAS only' helps. That way they'll try to keep the rover in position instead of apply torque from your input. I also put that setting on an action group toggle, so that if I end up jumping in an low gravity environment, like say on Minmus, I can quickly toggle the setting and orient the thing correctly before landing.
  12. Today I found my very first comet, completely by accident! Can you see it?
  13. Wait, that's a thing on other forums? Sounds like self-perpetuating nonsense to me, right up there with "trending" posts on social media only trending because people were told they were trending and therefore clicked on them. I'd rather the rep system just not exist over something like that.
  14. Overlapping threads have been locked.
  15. Some embedded content has been removed for containing language and imagery not allowed on the forum. Please make sure any content that you embed in your posts follows our forum guidelines. Thank you.
  16. A great deal of content has been removed, for a couple reasons. Being off topic, backseat moderating and badgering other members. Please remember that not everyone is a modding or licensing expert. It's great to offer tips in this regard and to offer some advice, but please do so in an appropriate manner. If you see a mod thread that needs to be addressed, please just report it. We will take any action needed. If you see comments in posts that you believe are inappropriate, please just report it.
  17. I literally can't even with this thread.
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