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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Some content has been removed. We all have different opinions on what's important in the game. It's ok to disagree, but it's not ok to demean what's important to others.
  2. And yet in a lot of ways, they're still too small.
  3. whackjob is another forum member who's known for making giant, complex, cpu-melting crafts. I believe it was meant as a jestful compliment.
  4. Some content has been removed. Guys, necroing a thread isn't specifically against the rules, but complaining about it is. If you see a post that you think is a bad necro, please just report the post and let the moderation staff take care of it. Given the age of the thread and the now-irrelevance of the content, we're going to go ahead and lock this to prevent any more confusion. If you'd like to discuss multiplayer in KSP2, there's a pinned master thread in the KSP2 subforum that would be the perfect place for it. Thank you.
  5. I think you misunderstood. I'm running Linux. With it trying to use the linux bundle, the planets are completely pink. If I force it to use the MacOS bundle, then it works. It's a little glitchy and flickery, and the sea level rises as I go up in altitude, but I wasn't gonna complain since I'm not using it in the proper way. Given my issues, the fix, and the massive file size differences, I'm just assuming the linux shader is broken, but it's working well enough with this workaround.
  6. You can do it with the probe core, if it has one. If it's just debris, you can rename them or destroy them in the tracking station. (not my pic)
  7. This seems to have fixed the "everything is pink" problem I was having as well.
  8. What was that black line about halfway down the first stage? Doesn't seem normal.
  9. If you are ok with modding and want something even simpler than scaling parts or installing new parts, you can use a simple MM patch to give the Pollux the same gimbal range as the Clydesdale. @PART[Pollux] { %MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalRange = 1 } }
  10. Congratulations on Thread Of The Month, @mikegarrison!
  11. Congratulations on Thread Of The Month, @seyMonsters! Very nice.
  12. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present Threads of the Month Awards for October 2020! Welcome to our October 2020 instalment of TOTM, where we showcase interesting forum content. As always we hope you are all happy, healthy and having fun in the game and on the forum. And so, without further stalling for time, here are this month's winners: First up we have @Akino's StarLink Satellite Pack, a wonderful little mod that lets you have your very own Starlink constellation! @Aazard's mod HumanStuff gives your kerbals an inclusive, realistic look! With this mod, @Superpenguin160 lets you fly ULA's Vulcan rocket before ULA gets to. @Gameslinx's new mod gives your game a whole new feel with a highly detailed terrain shader! Know how sometimes a mod comes around that adds a basic function to the game that it's obvious you've always wanted, but never knew you did? Well, @ValiZockt brings the newest one to us, by letting us keep our ships parallel during docking! I didn't even know you could add SAS functions to the game. I'm sure there's one goal that we've all wanted to do, but never could or never could get around to it. @AlamoVampire shared theirs, and wanted to hear yours. Wings sure are a lot more complicated than KSP makes them out to be. Here we have an in-depth discussion about airplane wings brought to us by @mikegarrison One of our new members, @seyMonsters has a series of wonderful videos showcasing what it's like to be brought back to the basics as a new or returning player! Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month. Special thanks go to @Nightside, @woeller, @eatU4myT, @EchoLima, @Poodmund, @Superfluous J, and @Clamp-o-Tron for their nominations this month. All winners are free to add the great new Thread of the Month badge (created once again by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or to laser-cut it out of a piece of sheet metal and use it to project a spotlight signal in the sky.
  13. It's been a couple years since I threw together anything like this. First time I wasn't really aware of the concept of lining up CoM and CoT, so things... did not go well. This time took that into account, but those 48 ion engines can only run for about a minute at full blast, then the thing takes about 23 minutes to recharge. Not exactly warp speed. Bad first attempt, many years ago.
  14. Unfortunately I have no idea where to even think about looking, either. The only thing odd I noticed was that the Parallax-linux.unity3d file (11.6 KB) is significantly smaller than the macosx (225.2 KB) and windows (182.5 KB) files. Not sure if that could be an indicator of something not compiling correctly? I tried it in Steam with the Windows version under Proton and it seems to have worked, although the game's all flickery doing that. I'll probably just leave it for now, if you figure something out and need me to test it, lemme know.
  15. Thanks for the update Unfortunately I'm getting the same pink textures as I got with my workaround from yesterday. Log File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kZJQew2uuq_-BTZKXqaQFoDilpYThI13/view?usp=sharing
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