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    Kerbal Transport Tycoon
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    Factorio, Bean Slinging, and Soviet Karaoke.

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  1. Figured out a solution, discord has more reasonable verification now.
  2. To do a little necro'ing, yeah the mod still works for 1.12.x. Module Manager does say that there are 2 errors under the mod, but my planes still have fuel in their wings as advertised.
  3. To the NAVAL guy on the discord, I don't have my discord phone verified.
  4. Finally! I can know how low I can get my flyby missions without worrying that I'm going to finally kill Jeb. Thank you!
  5. Ah, yes, the mod that I'll need when I aerobrake my ISV at 1%c
  6. I'll be trying this out as soon as a version with a part is released, because finally, an alternative to FTL that isn't slow as hell!
  7. I'm voting for this question, as I'm having the same issue. Will see if anyone has the solution. Edit: I will add that my icons that are duplicating are all that stryth has, and including USI's life support green box icon, USI's colonization menu thing, and USI's WOLF icon.
  8. I like how I don't have to update my 130 mods every time KSP decides to add something new.
  9. Could I probably get some assistance in the current situation that I'm in where I can't even scale my procedural parts? As in I cannot scale the length, diameter, or even shape of my procedural parts.
  10. Thanks, I skimmed like excrements I guess, lol.
  11. Is this compatible with FAR? (I'm also getting KerBalloons again, I miss that mod deeply and just learned it's been revived through this mod.)
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