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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. I am relaying this information to your past self to prevent the bootstrap paradox turning into a worse paradox.
  2. That wasn't my point. Small companies can be unethical, sure, but there's being 'bad' and then there's 'doing things that make no financial sense'. It was just a scenario. Of course it doesn't make financial sense.
  3. But why would they do that? Financially speaking, it doesn't make sense for a company to indefinitely postpone the release of a product they're spending money to develop. If Star Theory had planned to continuously delay KSP 2 and never release it, they would spend money for every day they continued to work on it but never make a return on their investment by actually selling the game. Though we might view big corporations as soulless machines that exploit their customers, their ultimate goal is still to make a profit. And working on an expensive product like a game but never making money off it goes entirely against that goal. My point still stands. The "big corp bad small studio good" logic doesn't work here.
  4. We don't know who's at fault here. For all we know, Star Theory could have been planning to never release KSP 2, just keep delaying the game by a year every year.
  5. That just takes the fun out of making rockets as light as possible.
  6. If KSP 2 has scalable tanks, for example, then why would you need those parts? Exactly, you wouldn't. We're not running under the assumption it will have any sort of procedural parts. Even with scalable parts, space suits and historic parts would be nice to have in this 60$ game. Besides, BG's robotic parts have nothing to do with scalable parts.
  7. People seem to think KSP 2 means KSP 2.0. That isn’t the case. Still, it should have all the features added by KSP 1's DLC.
  8. No to 1 because several fuels does nothing to add to gameplay unless it's just fusion pellets, futuristic fuel and interstellar gas, and yes to 2 as long as I can turn it off and it doesn't get in the way of leaving a kerbal on Eeloo for a long time while I sort out a rescue mission.
  9. Yes, as long as KSP 1 remains a buggy, slow pile of cobbled together code that belongs inside a septic tank.
  10. KSP 2 is being sold at 60$, the DLC better be stock. Besides, you're overthinking what the options mean.
  11. An editor is not supposed to be "easy on the eyes". It's not promotional material or something to hang up on the wall. It's a tool to be used and as the ergonomics of it are far more important than the overall look. Don't get me wrong, the design is critical, but the focus is totally different than a customer-facing commercial web portal where the aim is to get the customer to focus on the product, not the usability of the site. Syntax highlighting editors for the same reason. I want to be able to identify the bits I'm currently interested in quickly. I'd be interested to hear from any programmer who prefers a monochrome code editor these days. Anyway, not my decision, just my opinion. When I'm spending several hours trying to get a rocket to not flip or designing an interstellar ship, I care a lot about the editor being easy on the eyes. Besides, the flat icons don't make it "harder to identify the bits I'm currently interested in". If anything, they make it easier than 500 gradients.
  12. Sure? These things look like so high in quality to say it is free! Thanks for the hard work to all the devs at @SQUAD. Thanks once again Hard work I.E. implementing bulkier or watered down versions of existing mods.
  13. All you have to do is disable max pressure in the difficulty settings.
  14. What if the craft uses a new variant introduced by Restock?
  15. Bingo! Very nice! Will the editor be a part of the flight scenario like in Balsa and pre-0.7.3 KSP 1? Am I the only one that can:t stand the modern fad of single-coloured flat icons and UIs? It really makes it far more difficult to find stuff. Had a big argument with the VisualStudio devs about this too (luckily I wasn't the only one and Microsoft eventually backed down) In my opinion, the flat icons make the editor easier on the eyes. I really hope KSP 2 keeps the flat style because it makes the interface much easier to process and look at.
  16. There's a radio dish and other structures on top of it though. Wouldn't that interfere with roof launches? Edit: nvm, that was a perspective error -- I think you're right, that's how it will work. Taking another glance, there's a door on the side, so the VAB definitely seems to be 2in1.
  17. The launch pad looks like it's going to have the vehicle built inside with an editor, then the vehicle gets raised up to the top to launch, or it comes out of the side and uses the ramp. 2 in 1 VAB/SPH maybe?
  18. They could make a system where you could "Slave" a ship within physics range to a craft within focus, so if you're doing a SpaceX like booster recovery you could punch both boosters and control them while descending. You wouldn't need multiple keyboards or mouse, and the inputs would just be passed from the "Master" craft to the "Slave" and it would attempt to replicate them. There's a couple issues with this though; firstly is that there would need to be a minimum distance between them at all times. Secondly is this would only work for Falcon Heavy style recovery, and only for Return to Launch Site recovery unless we get massive oil-rig sized boats in KSP2. But honestly; replicating FMRS is easier, requires less work and achieves the same results with less code and hassle. Personally i don't see how something like FMRS is "Cheating" considering all it's doing is allowing you to conduct a mission as if you could control all craft, and using save merging to achieve the final result. And what if you need to control 2 boosters in unique ways, for example: one booster ends up over land and the other over the seaside. Dual control isn't going to work without severely limiting control unless you're Stratzenblitz75 or Hazardish.
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