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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. KSP should adapt KSP 2's craft management system rather than having 50 craft with the same launcher. Before you say, I don't think "But it's already gonna be in KSP 2" is a valid reason to exclude KSP 1 from basic QOL features.
  2. If you love flying through molten rock, sure.
  3. All I'll say is that your straight-up escape system won't thrust the pod out of the way of the rocket. You'll go up and the rocket will slam into you.
  4. I like to think the new and improved timewarp won't be entirely stepped but will allow you to smoothly increase the passage of time - I'd rather this over KSP 1's sometimes jarring steps which can lead to accidentally flinging past things because you decided to make the journey a bit quicker. Side note, the output on the right hand side of the bar looks like it can be typed in.
  5. Gravity would have to get weaker closer to the center and stronger closer to the edge, this would be asinine behaviour to sane laws of physics and I'm not even sure if KSP would be capable of this without rewriting the physics.
  6. Dark Multiplayer is on the right tracks. Players should not be able to control another players' time warp.
  7. That's not how Lagrange points work, I'm afraid. Having the same orbital period of the body isn't the same as being in a Lagrange point.
  8. To either of those points: So? 1. Other games do spaceflight as well, spaceflight would not fit well in stock /devilsadvocate 2. KIS/KAS is also a mod, but the stock implementation can be helpful at times.
  9. I think a simple thing to do would be to merge different explosions into one giant massive explosion rather than having each part get its own dinky little poof of fire. Besides that, parts shouldn't magically disappear, they should either explode into fragments or take a massive dent as a result of the collision force. Rockets don't just abra kadabra IRL.
  10. Started in 0.18. I haven't got any surviving screenshots or much memories, but KSP taught me how getting into orbit worked. To think I was once launching things straight up and being clueless as to why it wouldn't stay in space.
  11. Imagine the absurd yet physically possible that could be included in the game. You could have a triple planetoid system locked in one of the special solutions to the three body problem, their delicate motion as transient as Saturn's rings. Of course in-game they would be on rails and therefore stable. But implementing such a system would be able to piggyback off of the mechanics already implemented for Rask and Rusk! Now that would be interesting. Good material for a mod, but the setup of such configurations in a natural environment are pretty much next to impossible.
  12. Might be cool, although I don't know what interesting gameplay that would bring to the table that the other ringed planets don't provide. It's easy to avoid a (relatively) small set of rings like around Saturn with sufficient Delta-V, but having to maintain a very low orbit or end up shredded without a lot of planning would be quite fun.
  13. Most games are usually capable of patching fatal flaws in good time.
  14. The 2.5m bays should be stackable like in Restock.
  15. That logic does not check out. KSP is a game about orbital mechanics, and maglev rails, space elevators, etc. don't take away from that. You can launch a rocket into space using a maglev to reduce the mass and still have a rocket that still has to go the rest of the way; you will still need the skill and knowledge to go further than low orbit. Reducing the mass of your rockets and increasing their payload potential will be an inevitable requirement for building orbital construction facilities. That brings up another hole in your logic - if we shouldn't be allowed to get a kick into orbit, then starting in space from an orbital VAB is probably forbidden.
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