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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Imagine the absurd yet physically possible that could be included in the game. You could have a triple planetoid system locked in one of the special solutions to the three body problem, their delicate motion as transient as Saturn's rings. Of course in-game they would be on rails and therefore stable. But implementing such a system would be able to piggyback off of the mechanics already implemented for Rask and Rusk! Now that would be interesting. Good material for a mod, but the setup of such configurations in a natural environment are pretty much next to impossible.
  2. Might be cool, although I don't know what interesting gameplay that would bring to the table that the other ringed planets don't provide. It's easy to avoid a (relatively) small set of rings like around Saturn with sufficient Delta-V, but having to maintain a very low orbit or end up shredded without a lot of planning would be quite fun.
  3. Most games are usually capable of patching fatal flaws in good time.
  4. The 2.5m bays should be stackable like in Restock.
  5. That logic does not check out. KSP is a game about orbital mechanics, and maglev rails, space elevators, etc. don't take away from that. You can launch a rocket into space using a maglev to reduce the mass and still have a rocket that still has to go the rest of the way; you will still need the skill and knowledge to go further than low orbit. Reducing the mass of your rockets and increasing their payload potential will be an inevitable requirement for building orbital construction facilities. That brings up another hole in your logic - if we shouldn't be allowed to get a kick into orbit, then starting in space from an orbital VAB is probably forbidden.
  6. The trick is to put the COL very close (but still behind) the COM and make sure the fuel drains evenly
  7. I've been to the surface of Duna and the orbit of Jool, but I never have enough inspiration or motivation to build my rockets.
  8. Here we go again Paraquoted: "Not in stock, but as long as I need to pay, it'd be fine" If it's possible, it shouldn't just be another paid DLC developed to milk wallets. I'd prefer KSP 2 to not relegate features to glorified paid updates DLC, but that's probably not likely since Squad got corporate overlords involved with the the KSP name.
  9. We could not observe black holes in the early 20th century, but Einstein still predicted them - as much as he didn't believe they could exist. In essence, you're a guy in the 1920s arguing that black holes can't exist, and also arguing we don't see infinitesimally sized infinitely dense objects in nature therefore they can't exist.
  10. earlier nertea said that he just didn't like how they look lol
  11. Im just saying it always has got to be considered. We could get KSP3 before we get KSP2. Its really unlikely, but it could happen We don't need a KSP 3.
  12. Ah OK, you're thinking of a different feature. I'm looking for floppy hoses, not rigid pipes or struts. I don't see why we can't have both for different applications.
  13. I agree, but this would likely be a quite a bit more complicated than now because the craft will drift apart and eventually you'll run out of hose, unless you manually keep them in position. I.e. no more time warp while refuelling. Why would the craft drift apart? Pipes have integrated struts.
  14. We are potentially getting the second best selling Call Of Duty game in 2022 as a reboot/redone, either how they have done the new MW/BOCW Series, or as a complete redo, like COD4 MW/MW2. We don't know just yet. So, yes, KSP 3 must be a considered option, at all times, from here on out. What's COD got to do with anything other than salty 12 year olds?
  15. I sure hope the UI isn't too screwed. I don't see a point in just completely re-arranging it. The current one is a bit outdated, but it just needs some nicer lines or less clutter. I guess we'll just have to wait for some real gameplay footage There's images of the UI you can find on the internet, and on this forum. The UI is much less cluttered and makes a lot more sense than KSP 1's jumbled-up mess that grew slowly with time. The devs couldn't see that KSP 1 would be as advanced as it is today, and couldn't take that into account when designing the UI. Of course, Intercept is developing the game in a much more organised fashion and has developed a proper UI. The navball, altimeter. speed, throttle, etc. are all in one corner so as to reduce the amount of darting around your eyes will do, the SAS autopilot buttons will be on a compass with your ship orientation in the middle so newbies will have an easier time visualising what will happen, timewarp and portraits are on the top and bottom of the screen respectively away from the more important UI elements, and the staging is on the right hand side in flight rather than jumping around like in KSP. Of course, the UI will change as it did between the dev story and the PC magazine.
  16. Refuelling is so easy it's kinda silly, but Engineers shouldn't be restricted with how they can connect craft. You should be able to connect 2 craft in orbit with a fuel pipe.
  17. Yes, considering that COD 2022 is already being leaked, then always. COD 2021's stuff hasn't been announced yet and we are getting rumors of a BO2 reboot. I beg your pardon?
  18. KSP 3 for the sake of KSP 3. Does KSP 3 have a reason to be considered at this time?
  19. If your making a good flag then yes that's how much time you usually do It doesn't even have to be a built in paint program, just give me something so I don't have to faff around in the files like a moron.
  20. I was saying it's not that hard if you know what you are doing It can take really only 10 minutes to make a flag and drop it into the game. I don't think an ingame software would be the right answer, that's because why spend your time making a vector software in the game when many companies already have done that for you for free? I don't think it's a good use of their time. Especially if you have software like Google Drawings or GIMP or Paint.net. Why do you need to make a painting software ingame when you already have three amazing free softwares. 10 minutes is a lot of time to spend on a flag.
  21. I'd still (and also) like to know hiow. Orbital Construction is way too nerfed for my tastes. Bug in the game is preventing me from undocking my landers from a space station, unfortunately I can't break the connection manually because of 'part connections' or some silly arbitrary reason like that. Devs, why?
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