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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Maybe we could let the people who enjoy this post, enjoy it? I don't get how their suggestion to post what should be the result of several years is a suggestion that you should stop enjoying this post.
  2. Good point although I’ll probably be dead in 20 years so I won’t care either way but I’ll come and haunt anyone playing KSP on an emulator as a compromise. Either you're not very young or that's an incredibly dark joke
  3. Using cubic projection sounds like a good way to reduce the manual labour of smoothing out the flaws of rectangular projection.
  4. Did they mean using emulators in 20 years when current PCs are comparable to a Megadrive today.
  5. Rather than not updating, Squad should re-evaluate its programmers and playtesters, and stop rushing updates out for each quart.
  6. This makes sense. The reason to even bother making a sequel to a game instead of just making new features in updates is to earn more money (apart from getting to solve some issues that are to deeply within the code that you can't fix them without starting all over). If they just keep releasing updates for KSP 1, or give KSP 2 for free, then they wont make enough profit to pay for the development. that is also why they have paid DLC's. KSP 2 is being developed by developers unrelated to Squad. Yes, it won't be free for veterans so as to drive profits, but it isn't for the reason you think.
  7. It'd be worth seeing stuff from creative people who don't want to get into spending hours in configs trying to get everything right, reloading the game over and over again to see the changes.
  8. That is called emergent behaviour. Basic laws of physics are programmed and phenomena appear.
  9. KSP's development would not have been worth following if the devs didn't let us follow the development hands-on.
  10. Beforehand, the stock craft list should get an overhaul, adding folders and a way to search and tag these, so that the list doesn't just get swamped with stock ships after a couple years.
  11. Ok, let's say it's 2022 and KSP 2 is out, it just dropped. Give the community 2 seconds and it will be a mod. There will be a divide, exhibit 1. the LEGO vs Play-Doh sides of the community.
  12. I'd like to avoid suggesting that Intercept should capitalize on whatever divides the community or is already implemented in mods.
  13. Making everything completely procedural might alienate people in the LEGO camp, but I don't see why all those tank profiles have to all be separate parts. Following my train of thought further, why do I have to wait for the devs to implement whatever tank profile is missing? Ok, why can't I just fill in all these holes in the parts list myself? It's hard to steer away from making tanks procedural because otherwise you end up with holes. I mean, Restock mod has a division for filling in all those irritating holes in the parts list. I'd like to avoid interfering with the LEGO nature of this game but it's very difficult.
  14. Why would separating the map for interplanetary and interstellar serve any purpose but to make planning medium distance manoeuvres difficult?
  15. From what I've seen, we have nothing on. The latter would still need a skybox to look decent and not just an empty creepy void with just the ship and a few points of light, but a skybox would look horrendous with the 4 or 5 actual stars moving and the rest just being part of a low quality backdrop. I expect KSP 2 might do what Portal 2 does and project a backdrop from a much smaller starfield to give the illusion the stars in the distance are real while also making them follow the rules of parallax like everything else. If we want to go extreme, you could have an actual galaxy with hundreds of thousands of procedurally generated systems to give the player the opportunity to really see how far they can go in a rocket, while keeping a small bubble in that galaxy to put Kerbol and all the other handcrafted and significantly more fun to explore systems. If that doesn't happen, I hope KSP 2 team really means that the game has "extended modding capabilities".
  16. The camera can't print them, but human eyes can. It's almost sure that astronauts could see start's from Moon surface, because moon don't have atmosphere to overbought than. But would human eyes actually have the range to pick up the stars billions of times further than the one blocking them out to cameras?
  17. Multi Year burns! Jeez! Would physical time warp go to Timewarp x1000000000?! Image all the Kraken attacks. Timewarp won't have to go that far up, transits should only take many decades at most. I’ll will just use a Jool assist. Hope your PC can handle not having any downtime for weeks at a time
  18. Manoeuvres now take into account burn times when calculating the final trajectory so they will work fine with multi-year burns.
  19. A. I personally think it would be good to have an upgrade to the NERVA. It would need to be expensive and require lots of science, but it would be a good late-game upgrade. Rockets are already op lol, I don't think it'd do balance any good if we got anything higher than an isp of 800.
  20. Yes, and to add to these the KSC and other launch sites should have some customisability like the colonies we've been shown.
  21. Its gonna be hard to do that since they didn't release a trailer 9 years ago. Posted 8 years ago
  22. "I either don't have any idea, don't give a kerb about cranes, or just don't have a favorite brand." sounds like a solid brand
  23. I do agree with one thing they said, that adding some new goodies to the Kerbol system would give a sense of wonder for returning players.
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