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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. This is Asparagus staging - the fuel is all flowing clockwise, coming out of the first pair quickly because that first pair of tanks is pouring fuel into the other two pairs. then the second, and the third. In onions staging, these tanks would not share their fuel, and would take longer to burn through. They'd drop off at the same time but the rocket has to drag this mass for longer, hence why asparagus staging is used on the Kerbal X, and why asparagus staging is better than onion staging.
  2. "It's pronounced JIF, not GIF" 'I hope you can see the problem in that.' - Tom Scott
  3. Oh, paid mods? All I can say is that I hope this idea of paid mods should be banished to the under-realm. By making mods paid, you take away people who do it for the fun and enjoyment, and add a bunch of people who do it for the quick buck.
  4. Because Alpha textures and Smooth lighting doesn't do the trick, you'd also need brightness on moody, the chunk distance to be the same, and a mod should be able to change everything else that vanilla can't, such as billboarded item sprites, old guis (even technical stuff like a version number in the corner), a mod could even incorporate old terrain generation. Bada-bing, bada-boom, you have Minecraft in the most Alpha feel you can get it. If it still doesn't feel right because of the new features, then omit just the right ones to get a desirable result. You continue to omit until you're left with nothing. If you're left with nothing, then there's absolutely no reason for it to "not feel right", but, since you reached this point, you should realise that you should've just played real Alpha Minecraft to begin with, straight from the Minecraft launcher. Is my point clear now? With the right programmers, a mod could do anything to KSP. The game is still in Unity just like KSP 1. I promise you that a mod could get the retro charm you're seeking. Down to the GUIs and fonts. You just don't get it.
  5. It's like Minecraft - you can use an Alpha textures resource pack and turn the smooth lighting off, and you've got some of the charm, but there's a certain feeling the true old versions had that I can't properly put into words. Well it shouldn't be hard to use the next closest part to what you want, and KSP's building style won't be gone for the most part; you just won't have to wrestle with the 2, 3 wing types to get the wing you want. Cylindrical tanks are easy and don't need proc gen, but wings are a whole different beast. The KSP 1 system is just terrible with wings and I'm wholly glad to see it being banished in this sector.
  6. I like unification, but by unification, I mean making similar themes for all parts so that rockets and individual stages can follow the same theme without odd parts - not making all the decouplers identical. The old part models were yes, uniquely kerbal, but also had a function in letting you tell what a part is immediately without having to look at the name. KSP 2 might have picked up on this and will probably be remastering the parts properly, retaining the original models and colour palettes while letting the players colour the parts with a specific theme to fit each other, rather than copypasting 50s boring bland ugly rockets.
  7. That's not entirely what retro charm is about.
  8. Assuming KSP 2 is as great as I hope it is, the lack of massive loading times, and improvements to graphics and performance will kill KSP for me. I stopped playing KSP 1 because I couldn't bear the loading times anymore, but it will always have a retro charm to it.
  9. A link to this article off the bat would have been nice. I was looking at the 1.12 main article, not the vaguely titled one. Cheers anyway.
  10. It says nothing in regards to 1.12 being the last of anything. Was it worded badly, or is 1.12 the last with any new content?
  11. Probably not because I cannot find anything on the Internet pertaining to KSP 1.12 being the last update. @Minmus Taster, is KSP no longer being maintained, or was your post simply worded badly?
  12. what... I can't find anything on Google pertaining to KSP 1 no longer being maintained. Is it that one, probably hypothetical post that was made earlier?
  13. Just stop. Repetition isn't fixing your incorrect understanding of what I'm talking about Please calm down. You don't seem to think I misunderstood you here.
  14. Ok, that makes vectors the clear superior choice. If you like, you can limit the gimbal. If price is bothering you, stop wasting your time in career mode and switch to the superior Sandbox mode You're welcome!
  15. Um. No. Your mind reading abilities are lacking. It is called good game design and entertainment. Do you really think that having some "good luck" one out of a thousand times dice rolls is cheating? There would be mistakes also, like things missing from shipments. Would that be cheating? Perhaps mistakes, and serendipities could be related to the level of kerbals involved, or how long it has been since recertifying the route. But I'm giving up explaining this to you. I wasn't realizing that I was dialoging with the only person on the planet who never received (or sent) an incorrect shipment IRL. If you want a game that cheats you when it krakens, memory leaks until it crashes at whim, and never, never throws an extremely occasional bone, that is just bad game design. And I'm very weary of you ignoring the fact that this would not be a mechanism one could even remotely rely upon. It would happen very rarely, and make the game more interesting and entertaining. It would add what game designers call "grit"; basically things that don't feel cookie-cutter or automated, but instead add uniqueness to points in the game rather than yet another permutation of the same stuff over and over Saving the player from their mistakes, even rarely, goes against the whole 'if you fail, try again' pillar the game is built on. If you forget panels, then you should have to relaunch or send a service craft up. The latter, you'll have fun homing in your rendezvousing skills and grabbing your satellite with a claw.
  16. But this is Kerbal Space Program, and half the game is making mistakes and learning your lesson. The idea you suggest is essentially the automated incarnation of cheating something in because you don't want to bite the bullet and giving it an in-universe reason so you don't feel bad about it.
  17. Should have put a link here beforehand, here! https://www.blender.org/
  18. And overuse of K words is a very tired kliche. How about we make the forums a happier (or at least marginally more creative) place and avoid them? no
  19. Blender is free and beats it by a long shot.
  20. But what if the game noticed you forgot a solar panel so it threw a dice, and depending on the roll, would cheat in a solar panel without you having to open up Notepad++ and edit the inventory. The devs don't have to do anything, you can just cheat in a panel and pretend someone accidentally threw a panel in.
  21. I'm sorry you read my message in an angry voice - I'm not angry. I'm simply saying there's a thin line between cheating in another solar panel and finding a solar panel you never ordered but the game put there anyway. As I said, it wouldn't be much of a challenge if you didn't have to launch another one or send up a service craft. Hope your next reply isn't 10.06% insults.
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