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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. As someone else said once, game engines are like toolboxes and it's up to the devs to make it work.
  2. Granted. Firespitter stops Part Variant from working because Firespitter stops Part Variant from working. I wish for this wish to not backfire.
  3. 1. Not an issue for me, but again, that's when my payload isn't so wide that I should be assembling it in space. 2. Takes 2 seconds anyway, 15 seconds worst case. 3. I've gotten used to fixing this. 4. Doesn't affect me. That's just my opinion though. The mod felt unintuitive and didn't help a whole lot.
  4. This document is boring, however briefly it could have been written.
  5. If you are referring to (my opinion on usability/quality) ghastly and unwieldy version they put in, then, you are right, but, the mod procedural fairings is by far superior. In every single aspect.* *at least it was when I last played KSP in late 2020. 185106222021 I don't find em unwieldy and ghastly, but that might be because my payloads don't have a circumference 5 times bigger than the rocket. I used the mod once, and from what I can remember, I just couldn't be bothered with the extra complications it brought.
  6. A system centered around its units multiplying by 10 to get the next one is naturally the best one when it comes to the incredible distances in space. It's also more convenient in everyday use. Verdict: the only use imperial has in modern society is saving money on replacing road signs.
  7. I still want to see KSP 2 running live on an average machine. I really don't get what T2 has to lose here.
  8. Im hoping mechjeb or similar is stock in ksp2. Heck i hope the use something like procedural fairings for ksp2 (what we have for fairings is so ugly no imho compared to proc fairings). Imho ofc. 164405082021 Probably won't happen. Procedural fairings already exist. I disagree. Don't forget the guys on consoles. They can't install mods and have to hope for the ksp devs to deliver new features. So I think, something like kerbal alarm clock or transferwindow planner would be nice additions to stock. Or more nice station parts, like Nertea's stuff. Instead of porting all 150,000 mods to console, why don't we tackle the issue head-on - maybe build console and PC versions on the same architecture and provide both access to a CKAN-like database of mods? Console guys can't install mods right now and porting loads of mods won't fix that.
  9. The hype is not blind, if you followed even a bit of KSP development over the last decade. They're spot on on a lot of their design decisions and for a sequel of a niche, complex game made by an external studio from a big publisher that is a rare thing. Gameplay right now would mean nothing except that the whole team wasted a month or two of organized work to make a single vertical slice of the game good enough for the video (like it happened with the 40 minutes of gameplay of cyberpunk). If anything half a ton of reveals later the podcast interview remains one of the best source of information and even a hour of unedited gameplay wouldn't change that. There'd be a lot less disappointment if we didn't hype but looked at what we have with logic and realistic expectations. Chances are KSP 2 will be successful, but if it isn't and everyone riots, just remember I said that.
  10. I want to see 10 minutes of unedited gameplay, none of this montage stuff that probably cherrypicked the least broken stuff in this game. I'm sorry, but I cannot understand blind hype.
  11. It does worry me that we're this close to launch and we've only seen snippets of untouched gameplay.
  12. The safe distance is never, if not as far from any human populated planets as possible.
  13. As someone said earlier, it's about making the limits of the ingame world invisible.
  14. Each one of your responses have actually been very insightful on how this could be achieved - interesting stuff!
  15. Well I guess such a feature would set a flag that allows the part to move in timewarp, but would come out of timewarp if said part begins to intersect the collision of another object, or if the motor reached its limit.
  16. Someone mentioned that before, but I could never find the setting to switch it 1 way or another. It's in the difficulty settings, with kerbal/part G-force tolerance. Can't remember where, but you should be able to find it! (:
  17. Not really, you've just got pressure tolerance on.
  18. The deepest you can go inside Jool is 250 meters. Did you explode 370 meters above the 'surface'?
  19. With Windows 11 (really just Windows 10 with a lick of paint as far as we know) around the corner 2 years after this message, I do also consider using Linux instead. Let's hope KSP 2 comes to Linux and Mac, lest we have to use dualboots or hackintoshes to play the game.
  20. 0.19 was the first update I got besides upgrading from the demo, so that holds some memories.
  21. If you ask me, there's no choosing. Having to co-operate with several others between massive timescales wouldn't be fun at all and the warp-to-X model has been proven to work in DMP.
  22. Word? How does it deal with quicksaves? I don't know, but DMP works flawlessly.
  23. But isn't this what Dark Multiplayer has always done?
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