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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Because You need all this operation still. Procesor have limited power. Nbody simulation are not fast. Fair enough
  2. Parts "on rails" follow a perfect ellipse. Their position 5 years from now is just 1 calculation. True N-body physics are calculated the hard way, incrementally, 18-millisecond tick by 18-millisecond tick. So the answer is not N-body, but some sort of kludge to specially handle a lagrange point. Right, but that doesn't explain why there can't be timewarp.
  3. So, there's a mod for it, and it's coming to stock KSP2. What, exactly, is your remaining need? Well, care to explain why "no more timewarp"?
  4. Why are only Principia and KSP 2 allowed to rewrite huge chunks of code?
  5. It didn't "solve" it, it "re-implemented a large chunk of the game". It's not exactly a feature. And it seems KSP 2 can do that on-the-fly so it can switch to 3-body when around Rask and Rusk.
  6. Look at the speedrunning community, everyone who says their run is unbeatable is always wrong. It's rather silly to claim this is impossible.
  7. Oh no, you had to wait 45 seconds If you were to review Sonic '06, would you put the silly loading times under pros rather than cons?
  8. 1.11 changed how Kerbals work. Now their jetpacks and parachutes are inventory items that can be removed
  9. As @RealKerbal3x said with their brilliant English, you just need to throttle up.
  10. If I recall correctly, don't quote me on this; take this with a grain of salt, KSP 2 suggestions and stuff don't go in the pile with KSP 1 stuff. Just don't quote me on this, might be wrong.
  11. It is incredible that there are people who believe, to this day, a product shovelled out in 5 seconds is better than one that had time put into it. :unnecessary and cringy gif:
  12. Yeah, and both companies were saying that they were refusing refunds. That's why I buy games a month or longer in their life cycles. I did this with COD MW2019, BOCW, Warzone, Stormworks BAR, MSFS2020 and countless others. I'll never understand why people preorder and order games less than a month after release. Be prepared for disappointment, preorderers.
  13. Easy vote. Delayed. It just means there'll be more polish at the end if the devs can be upfront. If the devs try to be shady and opaque, it probably means they're hiding something, like a horribly broken game.
  14. Decent bridge should be build of stone or wood like Romans did. It works - do not fix it. As You see improvments create issues - do not improve! I like my cave! Pretty sure steel is easer than wood to bend, yes.
  15. According to Nova before they left and scrapped the planned story mode, a race had accidentally zipped their planet way beyond Kerbol. In a bid to keep life going, they launched monoliths into the system and created Kerbals. Not sure why they didn't just send manned craft instead of heavy glorified bricks.
  16. That's not how the phrase "transfer window" is normally used. Generally it means "a period of minimal dV requirement to maneuver between two bodies", not "any possible maneuver between two bodies, regardless of dV cost". That's more like smashing through the wall because the window is too far away. Well if they think transfer windows are useless, they are either experienced with building torchships, or still sending SRBs to 5000m to satisfy mission conditions. Probably the latter.
  17. That makes about as much sense as inventing solid rocket boosters before liquid propulsion, and inventing rockets in general before wheels and propellers.
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