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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Or does it become a stealth opportunity to teach people about exactly how the controls work? like say having snap planes colour coded to the sliders. Learning how burns in certain directions affect your orbit is integral to KSP and you can't do without it.
  2. Still need a computer running KSP - all you're doing is making your phone the keyboard. To say this is sorta KSP mobile would be a stretch.
  3. I dunno, the very oblate-spheroid form of an ocean doesn't look much like a torus.
  4. Only with that number would genetics problems probably happen. I can't imagine the game will go into that much detail with when and how Kerbals can reproduce.
  5. That is for consoles only. It was a “gift” given to consoles, as their updates are far behind the Pc versions, and we have mods that already do what you are suggesting. Which isn’t to say it shouldn’t be in stock. It’s a fine idea, and because we can’t be sure when KSP2 will come out, I’d be happy to see it in 1. Bring the console version inline with the PC version? Nah, strap on a feature every PC player has probably wanted at some point. Why should we need to download mods onto a game which reacts badly with mods past a couple of updates to test rovers beyond Kerbin? Just asinine.
  6. "I doubt that nice water features are high on the list of a space simulator type game’s priorities." Ok?
  7. Gravity boosts only work on vessels and debris which are not on rails. Unlikely in this case, since he doesn't know what it is, and hasn't followed it through multiple gravity assists I'm not quite following you there, I thought gravity assists didn't need active propulsion to work?
  8. KSP should adapt KSP 2's craft management system rather than having 50 craft with the same launcher. Before you say, I don't think "But it's already gonna be in KSP 2" is a valid reason to exclude KSP 1 from basic QOL features.
  9. If you love flying through molten rock, sure.
  10. All I'll say is that your straight-up escape system won't thrust the pod out of the way of the rocket. You'll go up and the rocket will slam into you.
  11. I like to think the new and improved timewarp won't be entirely stepped but will allow you to smoothly increase the passage of time - I'd rather this over KSP 1's sometimes jarring steps which can lead to accidentally flinging past things because you decided to make the journey a bit quicker. Side note, the output on the right hand side of the bar looks like it can be typed in.
  12. Gravity would have to get weaker closer to the center and stronger closer to the edge, this would be asinine behaviour to sane laws of physics and I'm not even sure if KSP would be capable of this without rewriting the physics.
  13. Dark Multiplayer is on the right tracks. Players should not be able to control another players' time warp.
  14. That's not how Lagrange points work, I'm afraid. Having the same orbital period of the body isn't the same as being in a Lagrange point.
  15. To either of those points: So? 1. Other games do spaceflight as well, spaceflight would not fit well in stock /devilsadvocate 2. KIS/KAS is also a mod, but the stock implementation can be helpful at times.
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