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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. This is something that IMHO should be implemented, because unlike all other parts that break but don't explode, solar panels can't be fixed by any kind of kerbal. I mainly made this thread because my Multipurpose Space Station (MSS) is now lopsided and I've been itching for a non-cheaty solution to fix the broken panel, and I'm annoyed by the inconsistency that I mentioned earlier.
  2. Konsidering that Kerbals somehow have infinite tyre air and parachutes in their back pockets, it's not unreasonable to think they should be able to just hit a broken panel with a hammer and repair it.
  4. You know something's wrong when the station docking port is missing in image 3
  5. 2 days ago: I made a jet car that somehow had enough lift to glide until I powered down the engines 1 day ago: Made a reusable booster based off the booster landing scenario Today: Made a little spaceport shuttle for taking Kerbals around the KSC buildings, then sent it to space The shuttle: https://imgur.com/a/O4QCbiZ Just make your spaceship and droneship out of Nokia 3310s and they will be able to survive anything
  6. Ugh, I just don't like how there are only 3 types of landing legs that we've already had for years and only had slight alterations. I landed a booster with 30m/s of delta-V to spare but, of all times, THIS is when the landing legs would decide that they'd bounce and destroy the booster. I like KSP but sometimes it's evident that the programming and engine suck more than a perfect vacuum. It frustrates me that Squad still has no evidence that they have ever tried/are trying to fix the problem, nor have ever talked about implementing larger F9/FH style rigid booster legs. Ik this is a slightly old forum but I really needed to vent somewhere appropriate.
  7. Kerbals are also quite good at surviving that. You could probably return to kerbin, no parachutes, in just a small service bay.
  8. Mach 1.5 is quite slow compared to usual reentry velocity - only just below 500m/s. You could probably push Duna reentry velocity to maybe 5km/s - many times the speed of sound.
  9. I'd understand. Maybe a category (old parts) with subcategories (Versions) that contain subcategories (part functions) would help split the modern parts from the old ones. Custom categories within categories are possible, so it could be possible use the cat' structure /^\ above /^\ .
  10. 1. Both 2. I made the craft and haven't touched the lights action group
  11. Put simply, they won't activate when I want them to. Even when I'm spamming them.
  12. Cool. Yeah, I think I half understand. Whaaaaa....?
  13. What I was getting at. Someone managed to retexture Venus' clouds in US2 (https://youtu.be/HYd4BFsGrEI) Yeah, heard of that, but what about a 3rd part program (Like To Boldly Go) that let you set textures and parameters without needing to write configs, and possibly a graphical display of the system. 0.18? or 0.19? I cannot forget those days, all with the bouncy Kerbal helmets and stuff.
  14. probably not very worth, but seriously, there should be some sort of Kopernicus planet maker for noobs like me.
  15. Maybe possible, if pro on the level of being on the Microsoft team enough, with code that converts between US2's sim encryption (or whatever the garbled mess of characters is when you open a sim in notepad) / Kopernicus's simple configs, then simplifies all the gravitational interactions to planet --> biggest gravitational factor on planet, then just take the motion properties of the planet and apply it then? Maybe someone could reverse engineer US2 and KSP if legal. Maybe, if someone with enough patience and obsession, could pull the appearance properties from US2 and apply that to a heightmap. As I said, if I could, I would, and as far as I'm aware, no-one's pulled off any game to game code stuff. Were you on the forums for long enough to know how people reacted to Kopernicus when it first got released?
  16. Yeah, I know it's a long shot but wouldn't it be possible to just ignore the asteroids and N-body stuff, and just convert the bodies and make their biggest gravitational influence the parent object of it? Even if we needed to use N-body calculations, there's still Principia.
  17. Is it possible to make a program that reads US2 simulation files into Kopernicus (Possibly CustomAsteroids?) configs? If so, I'd love to see if this community could pull off this sort of feat. I'm obviously not a programmer and don't know if this is even possible, and if I could I would. Idk if this is the right thread.
  18. This'd greatly reduce space in the editor list required which means that Janitor Closet use will go down.
  19. Can KHI start incorporating old parts as part variants so you can instantly use full classic parts using the variant selector within the advanced parts list? (Icon looks like a drop)
  20. Pah! Once I got 53993 patches, and the last time I loaded, that was 2267.
  21. On to my modded install, I make a massive one-launch mun base, and I accidentally attached the solar panel array to the landing rockets. I now plan on opening my modded game, removing some modded parts and fixing the thing with the solar panels.
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