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Flavio hc16

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Everything posted by Flavio hc16

  1. you can upload the last persistent file, so you will lose at worst only 15 minutes of gameplay, but if you upload it, and you have manually saved your game, you can the just upload it back and you are good to go from where you left. Do you know how and where to get back your persistent file?
  2. Having a picture of your craft (or the craft file) would be very helpful, you can upload it on imgur and the give us the link. However 9/10 you have made a reentry stage that is too pointy and aerodynamic, so you butter through the atmosphere and crash. If reentry vehicle are usually ugly and as aerodynamic as a brick, there is a reason for it
  3. i'm using the sspx container, and i have seen your video and i have no idea why your heatshield is conducting the heat so well, when mine doesn't break a sweat...
  4. I put my rcs off for the entire run ( as you can see from the info pane on the top right of the screen, i still have 140/140 monoprop) and i'm not running FAR. This is the craft file https://db.tt/C5X7xM8wpL ( to go to the 1st version you just have to delete the fins)
  5. https://imgur.com/a/Lbimt I have tried your design ( i have used the normal rcs and the 2.5 meters heatshield), and i didn't find any real big problem, even diving from almost 300kms. Heat wise, not considering the heat shield, the Hitchhiker container never reached 65% of his termal capacity (1300c) way far from the 85% soft failure point of DRE. The only problem with your design is that while going at "slow" speed (under 1500m/s) it creates some aerodynamic torque, but if you put some dumb fins, everything is solved.
  6. I cannot open the craft file because even if i have an heavy modded game, i haven't the small seti rcs
  7. Hello everyone. I have a somewhat heavy modded version of ksp (70+ mods), but it's all running exceptionally well, especially since i changed the launcher to the 64 bit version. However there is one thing that annoys me to death: when i load the game i receive something like 25-30 notification "this mod is not compatible" or "new version released" of that particular mod, and they get repeated. For the 2nd one i know that I have to find in the settings how to disable the check ( and i might have found them) But I cannot find a way to solve the 1st problem, especially the 2 mods that are doing this are KER and docking alignment, that haven't got a proper 1.31 patch and get the message like 5 times each at the start. How can i solve this? thanks for everyone who will reply
  8. there is a corrupted save, to solve it you have to go: the folder where you keep ksp/ksp/saves/ (name of your career save): here you will find few things: https://ibb.co/c7HzMS 1) you have then to delete the last persistent file (ONLY the persistent, NOT the persistent.loadmeta) 2) go to backup and take the last persistent file ( it will have the date between brackets) and place it where you deleted the persistent at point 1 3) rename the persistent file you have just moved deleting the date between the brackets 4) Done!! You should be good to go, having just lost the last 5 minutes or so of gameplay
  9. another reason why your rocket might be flipping: you are putting a too light payload on top, so when the rocket get lighter and lighter the centre of mass goes too far forward and it's like you are trying to shoot an arrow backwards, you can't get how many times putting a fuel tank at the top of my rocket saved me from crashing it
  10. there is a corrupted save, to solve it you have to go: the folder where you keep ksp/ksp/saves/ (name of your career save): here you will find few things: https://ibb.co/c7HzMS 1) you have then to delete the last persistent file (ONLY the persistent, NOT the persistent.loadmeta) 2) go to backup and take the last persistent file ( it will have the date between brackets) and place it where you deleted the persistent at point 1 3) rename the persistent file you have just moved deleting the date between the brackets 4) Done!! You should be good to go, having just lost the last 5 minutes or so of gameplay
  11. You are on a surface with very little ore, combine that with the inefficiency of the small drills and probably with the absence of a engienieer, and you have Not A Number of ore rate ( it means that is very little/second)
  12. the centre core was trottle way down ( like 50% or so) because they couldn't do crossfeed from the side boosters
  13. images of the craft from one side, then one from top-to-bottom and then one from the front ( one per axis), Also if you have Ker(mechjeb installed it would be helpful to see those data about twr and deltaV. Or you could give us the craft file
  14. i would adveice you to download the fuel pump mod, that show the fuel priority in a way more intelligent way
  15. mmm..some says that it didn't start the last burn properly, so to avoid damaging the drone ship they left it crash land at 30 meters from it
  16. if i'm not wrong we are talking about tail end of 2018
  17. I cannot stress the message above mine ( @Tex_NL ), Ksp is really hard at first, but when it's starts to go right, it becomes really a drug. You have to consider that for my first docking (2 months ago) I needed 7 hours of time ( i ended up going to sleep at 3 p.m). Now i can dock in 20-30 seconds without problems. At first everything seem impossible, then becomes hard, the normal, then you can do it while sleeping. As said above, watch a crapton of tutorials,, whey' ll be very helpful, another advice that i can give you is to download some mods, 2 of them should be must have for every player: 1) ker (kerbal engeniering redux) 2) docking port allineator then, when you becomes better, I also suggest you: kerbal alarm clock window planner And don't worry about those who tell you how to play and not play the game mod wise, or those who play only vanilla ( imho is a waste, this game is like a canvas, and the mods are colors) , play how you like it. About the mods, i didn't advice to get mecjeb instead of ker because i like playing the game while steering my ships, but mecjeb can teach you a lot about how to get efficiently in orbit.
  18. i'm for streamlining that monstrosity too! ( the 9in1 launch). Put some nosecones and adapters, their weight will be greatly paid back with reduced drag ( and also a bit more fuel, that is always good)
  19. This is truly a great mod!!. I have a question though: I installed the Tac LS mod and, to make it more realistic and hard i changed the parameters of food and water consumption of my kerbals. RIght now i managed to change the stats of the tac greenhouse to keep it up with the new consumption rate, but I can't find the same parameters in your configs. WHat should i be looking for? Thanks
  20. is a known issue when you land something on a terrain that is not flat, if there is a slope, when you got out of warp the phisics hit box kick in, but they go on a procedural way ( from big to small hitboxes) so for a fractions of a second it thinks that the craft is "inside" the land and it tries to dissociate that, doing so it fires your craft up into the sky, right now you can solve it only by landing on a flat surface, but 1.4, with his new unity engine, should solve this
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