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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Ah yeah, that was it. And I was meaning to install your mod for quite some time too. Thanks
  2. Apparently not...I had a look on the OP of that thread and it doesn’t appear to mention anything about structural tube variants.
  3. Sorry for not being too clear...I was asking which mod the Enterprise was from
  4. Hullo @Roskii Heiral. Those Kerbal textures are...um... Topical, considering the ship they're flying...what mod is that from?
  5. I think there's a mod which adds a black variant to the Making History structural tubes, among other things...does anyone remember what it's called? Thanks in advance.
  6. Yes. Put them under the cost counter instead of those useless textured lines.
  7. May I ask what engines you are using there?
  8. Good to know that it wasn’t the engines. If it was, the abort test and DM-2 could have been delayed for a lot longer.
  9. Right in the middle of the day for me, and on a Sunday too. I’ll be able to watch that. Scratch that, I did my timezone conversion wrong It’s in the middle of the night. I guess I’ll watch the replay in the morning.
  10. Probably because you can’t recover the LES. I’d give the CM a reusable LES that remains attached, like the SuperDraco engines on SpaceX’s Dragon V2 spacecraft.
  11. OPM = Outer Planets Mod. It’s a mod which adds analogues of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the stock solar system.
  12. @aruoch You can already do #2, sort of. Once you’ve made your ‘walk forward’ track on a KAL, you can bind it to W on an axis group. It won’t work like a rover wheel (ie, you have to hold W to keep moving forward), but instead you’ll be able to press W and as long as the KAL track is set to loop mode, your mech will keep walking until you press the button again.
  13. Damn you, Angel-125! Stop making amazing mods that I can’t resist downloading! My framerate will drop even lower! I’m joking of course I’ll be grabbing this little parts pack as soon as it becomes available.
  14. Usually for me it’s 2.5m all the way, but I’ve designed a few stations that use 1.25m or 3.75m parts (Nertea’s SSPXR has a whole host of parts that are useful for both of those). I tend to roleplay quite a bit regarding the sanity of my Kerbals, so 2.5 strikes a good compromise between the internal diameter being just large enough for them to live comfortably, and being small enough overall for the module to be launched in a realistically-sized fairing or cargo bay.
  15. Nice work. I still prefer using the electric motors over the turboshafts because they offer unlimited range, but this is much better than what I've built with the prop blades so far
  16. They don't do devnote Tuesdays anymore, but every couple of months they do a 'KSP Loading' newsletter. They're still devnotes, but in a different form.
  17. @Ultimate Steve I would like your post for yet another sweet chapter, but I don’t want to ruin your perfect 7,000 rep...
  18. You need Kerbal Actuators. It’s for the third engine mode for the Ghidorah and Gojira first-stage engine clusters.
  19. @Tornado77 This mod adds, among other things, a NASA-style VAB for placement using Kerbal Konstructs. However, I don’t think it’s possible to replace the stock VAB, or move it for that matter.
  20. I could not be more excited. I cannot wait to see it properly go up
  21. Yay, thanks for the continued support! @UomoCapra Can we see a pic of the new nose cones that were mentioned in the changelog?
  22. Kerbin's ice caps are another choice (they're perfectly smooth) but from there you can't really get into any kind of useful orbit.
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