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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Nice, @Cupcake...!! And another fantastic video too!
  2. I like your use of Kickback SRBs as structural elements! Great work!
  3. ‘Landing’ on Gilly? ‘Walking’ on Gilly? What kind of witchcraft is this?! More accurately, you docked with Gilly.
  4. Sounds interesting, but I reckon quite a few on here (including me) envisage a united Kerbin society with no countries. I’m not sure how that would work on there.
  5. @Pak I didn't really want to double-post, but would it be possible to add the HRSI tiles to the bottom of the Block 2 canards? I've been using B9 procedural wings instead, but they aren't perfectly stockalike and look a bit out of place amongst your lovely parts.
  6. We have an exception to this rule coming up in 1.5. How long has the current flawed manoeuvre node system been in the game? SQUAD are fixing that now.
  7. There was a discussion a while back about pinning the WDYDIKSPT thread, but the conclusion was that it's so popular that it's already pinned by the constant posts coming in.
  8. @Dark LionIt's not a bug, it's a feature. When you put Kerbals in command seats, their 'chutes become part of the staging sequence of that vessel. I'm not sure if there's any way to disable this, but make sure the Kerbals' parachutes (they should be a parachute icon in the staging sequence) are in a stage after the one that activates your cannon. Don't have them enable before or at the same time.
  9. Nope! We can still be friends TUBM likes reading.
  10. 8/10 I've seen you around, and you liked my mission report thread
  11. Build the hype! I, for one, am looking forward to the new textures and models. But I think the most hype is probably emanating from the new manoeuvre node system, at least for me. I mean, hopefully they have more to show. A new skybox would be great.
  12. That’s intended. Just disable the staging on the SRB parachutes, or have the SRB sep happen before those parachutes deploy and the noses blow off. Hope that helped.
  13. It's google translate borking it again. I'm pretty sure that means: 2 things make me think that's a bug.
  14. If you've not heard of it, it's a weekly KSP devnote mixed in with some real space news. I love your control panel by the way! That's some serious dedication!!
  15. A couple of screenshots from the re-entry of STS-3.
  16. IIRC, it's infinite, but the Kerbal needs to get back into their craft to grab a new flag. Obviously the Kerbals' crew modules use the same technology as the TARDIS. I mean, how do they store those giant helmets, let alone infinite flags and EVA propellant?
  17. Hey guys! Long time no see! I'm back! Here's a new part where I achieved exactly nothing, but had fun! I'm going to make a couple of changes: I'll put the name of the part in the title of the thread, and I'll make a listing of parts in the OP. Anyway, let's get on with it!
  18. I don't think the BFS docks 'butt to butt' anymore, with the new design. Those panels around the Raptor engines are cargo bays. @damonvv says he plans to make those KIS storage. I have no idea how the 2018 BFS will dock.
  19. Yay!! Release candidate 2!! @IgorZ How many RCs will there be before we get the full release?
  20. That is amazing. Now I need to figure out how the hell you land a BFR. Do the fins fold? EDIT: I assume the BFR 2017 parts will be removed and replaced with this?
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