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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. There could be numerous reasons why the appearance of a lack of atmospheric scattering is present. From gameplay reasons, to multiplayer performance issues, to artistic direction choices. The abhorrent amount of aliasing in all their screenshots should be receiving a thousand times more scrutiny than this is because there is no alternative explanation to that other than the game is so under baked at the moment that we are going to get a lethal dose of salmonella on Feb 24th. I hope that isn’t true but… I am preparing for the worst.
  2. Some people don’t understand the balance needed between playability VS fidelity across multiple hardware platforms. They will learn one day.
  3. It looks like what would happen if someone was recording a monitor with a camera and there was something in the background causing a reflection on the screen. Which would be really weird for a stream… but who knows.
  4. Imagine a room with several hundred people each having their own conversation, sometimes joining in with a larger conversation that the whole room is having, while in the meantime you have a handful of the most annoying loudmouth people you can imagine running around interjecting the most frivolous and useless thing into every possible conversation that they can muster. Welcome to Discord! Whether it be IRC, Discord, or whatever, any real time chat goes down the drain if the community gets beyond a certain size. No amount of moderation can help it.
  5. This is my guess. I am about 90% confident no one will see it prior to Feb 24th.
  6. Same. Although I am known for my inability to notice details so that doesn’t surprise me.
  7. Unless this changes, I would just assume Steam being Steam. https://store.privatedivision.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2
  8. I think the thing you labelled “black star” is the star starting to explode (ie supernova), while the right hand side is the star actually exploded.
  9. The difference is going to be lost on some people, so worth mentioning.
  10. Keep in mind it is still using Unity as the engine, and we don't know if they purchased the license required to access and modify the under laying source code of the engine. So any issues in KSP 1 that were a result of the Unity engine have a possibility of being present in KSP 2 if the team was unable to work around it.
  11. And that is how the interstellar war between 2 species started.
  12. I would say that is a reasonable guess. Showing the exact same solar system would be rather anti-climactic, so I assume it is something like that.
  13. The mun arch is, and always has been, an Easter egg. Take a step back and rethink the situation and what that means.
  14. Not to mention that re-using existing code given the overall architectural changes to the design would likely be very difficult in the first place. I am sure some existing stuff has been looked at and then re-factored and used again, but I would be very surprised if they straight up re-used anything. And anything being re-factored is unlikely to have the exact same bugs.
  15. You are assuming that KSP2 will have grip pads, which it almost definitely won’t because that was a workaround to the slippery terrain bug which hopefully won’t exist going forward. The only time existing bugs carry over from one game to another is when they are reusing existing sections of the codebase. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is KSP 2 not KSP 2.0. There is a significant difference between those two.
  16. And they may even stumble across stuff like this. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/06/08/this-is-why-some-galaxies-have-a-green-glow-even-though-there-are-no-green-stars/amp/
  17. See the posts above. One solution is to download the latest CKAN and install it manually, if you don’t already have it of course. In my case it just fixed itself for no obvious reason after crashing a dozen times. I think I uninstalled and reinstalled the mod in question that was causing it crash and at some point in that process it fixed itself. It was one of the mods it had asked to reinstall to keep the metadata in sync (or something along those lines). Not sure if that was a red herring or not though.
  18. For sure, and we have already seen numerous parts from the first game shown off. I am just saying don’t set any expectations as to what parts you will see or how they will work since anything could change based on the needs of the new game.
  19. This is KSP 2, not KSP 2.0. Since it is a entirely separate game there is no guarantee that any parts from the first game will be in the 2nd game. If there are any there is no guarantee that they will look, function, or even be named the same.
  20. This the one thing I can’t figure out. The screenshots are very clearly lacking any kind of anti-aliasing being applied and for the life of me I can’t figure out why that would be the case. Surely the game is going to have something as basic as anti-aliasing as a setting, I hope?
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