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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. Yup. There is at least 1 mod that you can download that disabled vsync during loading screens if you want it enabled otherwise in the game. I think @Poodmundmade it if I am recalling correctly.
  2. Don’t forget that KSP 1 load times are tied to frame rates as well. A lot of people are unknowingly handicapping their load times as a result of that.
  3. They are no longer a community manager. You are looking for @St4rdust or @Ghostii_Space
  4. KSP 1 already has those things, which is what the video is from.
  5. They are moving to a LUA based system, last we heard a few years ago, so I expect it to be completely different.
  6. Kerbnet can do it. You nee a probe core with an active connection to KSC to use Kerbnet.
  7. Man I am terrible when it comes to actually listening to music in a game. If you would have asked me how many tracks Stardew Valley has I would have said something like 30 tops.
  8. Man you have one high tech lighter.
  9. I can tell you with about 99% certainty they are not, and never will be. You may see a few pieces from the DLC here and there, but that is it.
  10. KSP isn't an online game so that comparison doesn't make any sense.
  11. I doubt they are going to pollute a niche brand with low quality spin-offs. Seems very counter productive.
  12. It is hard to say. Originally it was being developed for the old generation of consoles (i.e. PS4, XBox One), but it looks like they may no longer be developing it with those consoles in mind. However we don't have firm confirmations one way or the other yet. As such the requirements would be, at a bare minimum, a PC at least equivalent to a PS4/XBox One. I suspect they will be higher.
  13. I don’t think it would even have time to disintegrate. I think the ship would just crumble into itself like a car hitting a wall. Or rather more like that video of a jetplane hitting a wall where the whole thing just disintegrates from getting smashed into a pancake from the force itself, rather than from atmospheric heating.
  14. Indeed. While I am sure some folks would love to have fuel tank ullage added, random parts failures, radiation sickness, gravity related illnesses, space craft manufacturing times, fuel leakage, mandatory maintenance missions, paper work, regulatory evaluations, limited engine ignitions, supply contract negotiations, and a whole host of other things that would make the game absolutely swimmingly realistic for a space program, I for one can accept the fact that this is just a game and won’t have those wonderful features.
  15. To be fair that is not being considered by most people in the thread because that is obviously not something that would (or should) be called “life support”. I wish I could just go on strike whenever I ran out of food and water. But anyway you are correct that whatever Intercept is doing (if they are doing it) is going to be something along these lines instead for reasons I already pointed out earlier.
  16. One thing people need to remember is that in KSP1 the vast majority of players never got further than the Mun and Minmus, which is data right from Squad themselves. Even with good tutorials and improved controls, interfaces, etc, there is a good chance a HUGE number of players will never even make it interstellar without life support as it is. Imagine how much worse that number would be with it? If you are going to make a game but difficulty gate 50% of the content to 10% of the player base, you aren’t doing a particularly good job lol
  17. Huge difference. Other than ones that can be resolved with a simple save/load, the other problems can usually all be remedied by sending rescue or repair missions, sending another ship to transfer crew, using EVA parachutes, etc. Most of the time the craft is not outright doomed, it may just need to alter it's mission accordingly (i.e. don't land on the planet, but do a polar orbit instead, or go to a nearby moon, etc). If you realize several real world hours later that the ship you sent is going to run out of life support, you may have exactly a 0% chance of changing the mission or salvaging the ship if it runs out while not in a stable orbit or landed. So you either load an old game and lose HOURS of progress on other fronts, or you simply accept the mission as a failure and watch it be doomed. This is also why by default in KSP1 basic probe control is still allowed with no comms, as it allows you to potentially salvage something.
  18. Agreed, especially when it eats up memory, which for KSP in particular can be precious depending on your setup. While killing it in task manager is possible it is easy to just use a work around to not start it to begin with lol.
  19. A little of column A, a little of column B.
  20. Yes if the launcher causes problems with actually being able to play the game, then absolutely I think that would be an appropriate reason for a negative review. Someone giving a negative review just because they don't like launchers in general is not appropriate.
  21. Indeed. Given that this game is being developed to be played by a large audience, it is going to designed to make the experience pleasant for the majority of their customers. Given that they likely have swaths of data from KSP 1 in terms of what mods people use, feedback gathered online, and likely through other data collection methods, they know what direction they should take. But regardless of all that, one their primary design pillars is to let players do what they want, when they want, which completely and unavoidably conflicts with pretty much any implementation of life support. As such if there is life support it will be VERY basic and will likely have little to no consequences that would impede the player directly.
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