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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. Doesn’t look like it, and if they do do anything, it will be pretty small. They are likely saving those costs for the 1.0 release where it will be more profitable since the price will increase.
  2. Lol, that is such a ridiculous exaggeration I had to call it out. There are plenty of other games on-par with KSPs level of jank that people also like that also have lots of competition.
  3. Haven’t played KSP for like a good 4 months other than messing around with optimizing my Eve lander a bit.
  4. Thank you for posting community content to the official community forum!
  5. Yes there is green. Do you think that is a problem or are you just wondering why things in space can show green in the visible spectrum?
  6. So it that a yes or no to my question? Do you means the stars/galaxies/nebula's, etc?
  7. That one is easy. The color settings on your display device are set horribly wrong.
  8. It’s nice to have some new screens finally. The “pre-alpha”, “alpha”, “beta”, etc tags are completely meaningless. Every single screen could be labeled as pre-alpha right up to release date and the game would be completely the same. It is a PR thing so ignore it.
  9. Ya, no kidding. I am less than impressed with Private Division and their lack of community communication on this. I don't even play console, but I can already tell this kind of lack of communication is going to be a problem when KSP2 goes live as well if there are any issues.
  10. I have yet to actually try this mod, as I have been staying away from KSP so as to not burn myself out before KSP2. Perhaps I should give it a try anyway.
  11. Indeed, all I need to have fun is a box of paper and a pen. All the games in the entire world right at my finger tips.
  12. Safe to say this update is dead in the water at this point. RIP console users.
  13. It's okay to have all 3. If you find being polite as being dishonest and pandering, well that is unfortunate.
  14. Yup, although that was a very long time ago, so that info may no longer be reliable.
  15. Your post doesn’t qualify something to be a rumour.
  16. The topic was created yesterday and likely was just "un-hidden" shortly ago. Just an FYI that when this is done it looks like it tends to break the automatic notifications that occur when you are configured to follow a sub-forum. I am following the Dev Diaries sub forum for example but no notification got to me for this post. I noticed a couple errors sneak through the editing process: "but don’t [SG16] have the efficiency " <- editor note? "between the area of the engine’ s throat and its area of the nozzle exit" <- incorrect carriage return. Anyway as to the topic of the post. I really liked this dev diary. As I go back and remember my first time playing KSP, I think that adding engine archtypes would have definitely helped me out without me needing to immediately dive into the specific stats like ISP to better understand what engines to use. It is also good to see that attention is being provided to game play balance.
  17. The problem with realistic scales similar to our solar system is that they can be very boring. It takes 10 minutes to get to orbit for Earth compared to like 2 minutes for Kerbin. I suspect for gameplay reasons they will stick to similarly sized systems.
  18. Its different because you won't be getting any news. Hahah, just kidding... I hope.
  19. I actually remembered to tune in to watch. Good stuff.
  20. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that competing in the main stream here is a better option than choosing an even smaller niche to shoehorn yourself into.
  21. It means if you limit your frame rates the game takes longer to load.
  22. Fantastic news! (For me anyway who doesn’t want the overall game handicapped by bad hardware. :))
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