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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. It is not. It looks identical to that original announcement cinematic, so it is guaranteed to be from the next one. What it does tell us is that we can expect to see another cinematic video though.
  2. “Free” software is a very particular philosophical argument and it certainly has merit when it comes to software, that if restricted to payment, would have wide ranging implications in terms of accessibility and usability of other software (free or otherwise) or inaccessibility to broad topics of knowledge. Of course if you ever got a chance to hear someone like Richard Stallman talk they are purely on the side that ALL software should be “free”, but that would obviously curtail a lot of entertainment software development or inevitably lead to “loop holes” being developed to bend the intentions behind something like GNU, which would likely lead to a much worse solution in the long run than simply paying for the software you want.
  3. To be fair MW5 only hope was store front viability given the unfinished mess that it was. Don’t get me wrong though, as a MechWarrior fan I had a lot of fun with it, but it was a fairly bad game otherwise.
  4. Oh for sure, no doubt. But people will get bored of it eventually and having heard about KSP2 around the same time might mosey on that way.
  5. That’s the thing though, they are not similar games, not even close. That is the key.
  6. That is virtually guaranteed to be the goal for sure. Especially with a game like Starfield coming out around the same time, further peaking interest in space games, it would be pretty terrible to miss it. So in my opinion the game is coming out in 2022, hell or high water.
  7. Honestly the only thing I took away from your post is that the game could be even smaller than Microsoft Flight simulator, given the cheaper price. Don’t think you made the argument you thought you were.
  8. This is my belief as well. The complications of trying to do it otherwise is an extreme time-sink and adds very little to the gameplay. That time could be better spent on almost anything else, frankly.
  9. I just voted for the joke options for funsies.
  10. Things like that is why I think it will be fully abstracted. Although it would be amusing if you could do something like crash into an automated ship and ruin the supply run.
  11. We will have to wait and see. If I was a game designer though I would abstract the actual travel portion and simply spawn in the ship during the times the player would see it, such as landing, takeoff, or when your ship is getting close to it, as that is really the only parts the player is going to care about.
  12. 1) Better engines/better fuels. 2) Orbital shipyards. All that is needed to make it easier than Eve.
  13. Exactly, another instance of game play over realism.
  14. Nah, it will still be easier than Eve in KSP 1 for numerous reasons.
  15. The funny thing is that it is almost pointless for Eve. You would think it would make a big difference, as your landing stage could be empty of fuel and simply mine all the fuel it needs, but in reality the ship has so much dry mass as a result of all the fuel tanks, engines, etc, that the fuel is almost negligible to the overall mass, and your initial Kerbin launcher still ends up needing to be massive.
  16. Things they have already implemented and tested.
  17. That of course is assuming they didn’t already finish the design and even implementation of some of those things before then. The game has been in production for years, and potentially pointless upgrades are a waste of money.
  18. Most games have to be build from the ground up to enjoy the most benefits of a major engine update. If they planned some of these features in advance because of private discussions with Unity, then ya they could take advantage of some of them. If they didn't, then they likely won't take advantage of any of them unless it solves a problem they have that is large enough that an engine upgrade is easier and less time consuming than solving the original problem a different way.
  19. I am willing to be wrong but I have a feeling that the multiplayer will be about as popular as the multiplayer was in XCOM2.
  20. This highly depends on if recovery has a practical purpose in the game or not. We have no idea what the economy of the game is like yet.
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