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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. What exactly do you think the player is going to discover besides mountaintops, craters, and valleys?
  2. That is also an extremely old post before the studio change, was it not? Frankly I would take anything said before or during that period with a grain of salt as what was said could have changed significantly since then, as we don’t know what exactly happened with the scope of the game since then. There will certainly still be limits to parallelism that they can achieve but they might have also re-designed how ships work where that isn’t as important.
  3. Take it from those of us with actual experience, your outlook is the same thing that happens on literally every single game in development, ever, if it has any news at all released of its existence more than a few months before the actual release. So it is utterly meaningless.
  4. Those videos may have also had other purposes bedsides general consumers. It would not surprise me at all if there is a KSP Edu 2 version in the works that will be subscription based for universities, etc. If I had to a wager a guess I think the education stream for KSP might have been the real acquisition goal for Take Two, as it certainly would be the most profitable long term.
  5. There is really no need for them to be unique in my opinion. The main driver for the player to explore it is the system itself, not the individual bodies.
  6. Reminds me of Tellumo from the Galileo Planet Pack except easier, heh.
  7. Saying light is infinite in the Kerbal universe is like saying people can't look up or down in the Doom universe. Don't do that lol.
  8. I wouldn’t assume that. It is relatively easy to take the ships current speed into account when calculating the amount of energy needed to further increase your speed, making reaching c impossible since it requires infinite energy.
  9. Ships will be able to be as big your computer/patience/frame rate allows. Also the dev's have specifically said they don't plan on limiting things, although that won't stop certain engines from having absolutely terrible atmospheric performance.
  10. Been awhile since we have had a juicy unsubstantiated rumour on KSP2. Fairly decent guess though.
  11. Principia is what you want. You didn't install it correctly if it doesn't do anything. It does modify the Joolian system so that planets do not get ejected. It makes it a stable system, so if you are expecting it to be unstable, that won't be the case.
  12. Ya I wouldn’t think that either. It’s entirely possible, and extremely likely given the game isn’t an automation game, that resources are infinite. The focus of the game is space flight and travel, and the devs have already said they want to avoid pressuring the player, which finite resources would most certainly do. Not to mention the headaches of time warp thrown into the fix making that problem infinitely worse.
  13. Interesting. I am getting a bit of Factorio/Satisfactory/DysonSphereProject vibes from this. I am certainly not expecting resource management to be anywhere close as in depth as those automation games, but I will be interested to see as to what depth KSP2 might venture into that area of game play in regards to colony management.
  14. I am guessing you don't remember the criticism regarding KSP having too many options?
  15. They are not lost forever. If you skip time the same ones will eventually show up again, although it could take awhile depending on how many you have left.
  16. The main difference is that fusion requires the process of fusing atoms together to release energy. Metallic hydrogen is simply an extremely dense version of fuel that creates energy by being burned like a normal fuel.
  17. Don’t confuse “amazing” with “good”. A technology that exists for no reason but to destroy the environment in a vain attempt to cash in on a fad is indeed a pretty amazing technology. I’m amazed it is still being talked about by anyone.
  18. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. People like to make mountains out of mole hills.
  19. Fusion engines are going to be MUCH too large for anything smaller.
  20. This is excellent. While the tutorials aren't the most polished experience, I may not have got into KSP more than a few hours without them, so I am very happy to see they could be fixed.
  21. It literally means that the rating is pending, because it is pending. That is it. Means literally nothing else.
  22. That looks like significantly more dry land than I remember.
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