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Everything posted by infinite_monkey

  1. My log gets spammed with this when I'm in the VAB: [FAR v0.15.11.1] Updating Untitled Space Craft I'm doing nothing, KSP is even running in background
  2. Proper wheel physics. Tired of tipping over. Let's drift!
  3. I just realized how much energy I waste by braking or pressing S when driving my rovers downhill. Wouldn't it be nice to recover that energy in form of electric charge? Would this be possible by adapting some settings in the wheel config? Maybe make ModuleWheelBrakes consume negative EC? How about ModuleWheelMotor, is there a setting that can achieve energy recuperation, or would that require a new module?
  4. I would love that! Since there already is a Sabatier reactor (when using Rational Resources, will that produce methane instead of liquid fuel?), it would be nice to have a part for electrolysis so we would also get hydrogen and oxygen/oxidizer.
  5. Seems like KK and Omega's Stockalike Structures are new dependencies? Btw: can anyone confirm problems with scanning surface features on KSP 1.7.3? I have them both with the released version of JNSQ and the dev version, but I'm not sure if JNSQ is to blame.
  6. I'm a bit confused by the double versions of mostly everything... Did you forget to remove old versions from the release? Which ones can I delete?
  7. Just tried the new version, unfortunately it didn't help. Has the issue/fix been confirmed? Do I need a new savegame for it to work?
  8. I like that idea. Maybe with different levels - you can't have all the instruments needed for analyzing Mun rock in a tin can. You can do a little bit more on a station like the ISS. And even more on a big module on a Duna base. And maybe behaving differently between if done in orbit or on the ground, but I have no idea for a realistic balancing.
  9. Playing a new career with a lot of mods installed, particularly Kerbalism and JNSQ. I'm close to a Baobab tree, but I'm unable to scan it with the CRSY Light Scanning Arm. It always complains about being stationary. Logs are suggesting that updating the UI fails due to some NullReferenceException: [ERR 01:49:02.887] Exception handling event onPartActionUICreate in class ModuleRobotArmScanner:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ROC.GetClosestScanPosition (Vector3 testPosition, System.Single& bestDistanceToPoint) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.SelectROCToScan (UnityEngine.Vector3& closestScanPoint, Boolean useRaycast) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.UpdatePartActionUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.OnPartActionUICreate (.Part actionPart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [EXC 01:49:02.887] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ROC.GetClosestScanPosition (Vector3 testPosition, System.Single& bestDistanceToPoint) Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.SelectROCToScan (UnityEngine.Vector3& closestScanPoint, Boolean useRaycast) Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.UpdatePartActionUI () Expansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner.OnPartActionUICreate (.Part actionPart) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventData`1:Fire(Part) UIPartActionWindow:CreatePartList(Boolean) UIPartActionWindow:UpdateWindow() UIPartActionController:UpdateActiveWindows() UIPartActionController:UpdateFlight() UIPartActionController:Update() Mod list: What are your thoughts? Do you think a mod is to blame? Is it my vessel (currently a Lynx rover from Feline Utility Rovers)? A bug in BG?
  10. How do I get science out of a Cacteye telescope with Kerbalism 3? I can make pictures, but I can't do anything with the science I'm presented with, neither store not transmit it. In both cases, it says I don't have enough space on hard drive...
  11. I noticed that in the log window, longer texts go over other entries, as the height of each entry seems to be fixed.
  12. I recently installed the Cacteye and Tarsier orbital telescope mods. I'm not far enough in the tech tree for Tarsier, but just brought a Fungeye to orbit. When making a picture, it shows the stock science dialog, but I can't neither store or send the pictures, it says it doesn't have enough disk space. How would I write a config for such experiments?
  13. Yay, so glad this is back I agree that automatic doors could be a bit dangerous on an airlock... But would make sense between internal sections. Also, I'm all for some switchable textures. Transparent, opaque, maybe even covered in regolith? Not sure if it would be possible to have the same color as the ground, that would be awesome.
  14. Sure, but I just checked the config files, ignoring CTT for the moment. Stock 2.5 meter parts come with "Fuel Systems" for tanks, "Heavy Rocketry" for Poodle/Skipper and "Heavier Rocketry" for the Mainsail engine. As most Ghidorah parts also come with "Heavier Rocketry", I think it would make sense to move Bagorah engines to "Heavy Rocketry" and tanks to "Fuel Systems".
  15. I also think that the Bagorah comes too early. The Bagorah tanks/engines are the only 2.5m parts I currently have - I don't even have decouplers for it I think it should go to "Heavy Rocketry".
  16. When I have a Magnetometer Boom from DMagic on my vessel, I have an additional entry "scanner" in my "AUTO" tab: Is this intentional? Clicking it does nothing.
  17. When decoupling the fallback towers after being in Step1 retracted position, it seems to snap back to vertical before fully retracting.
  18. I'm sure I've seen this before in this thread, but couldn't find it right now. I still get spammed with "+0.0 (Science Transmission)" messages in the dev version.
  19. I like that idea, but isn't that the wrong way around? It should be enabled first and then disabled during the countdown.
  20. I did some mod updates after not playing KSP for about 2 months, so I'm not sure if this is due to some incompatibility or a Modular Launch Pads issue: there are some "toggle" buttons in the right-click-menu that don't seem to do anything launch clamps are messed up - at launch, some of them explode, and they're arranged differently from what I did in the VAB. After reverting the flight, they're in a weird position also in the VAB. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? What are "Core hold beams" - do I need them? Another question: is it possible to have the EC generator enabled by default? I keep forgetting that, and end up without control when waiting for a launch window
  21. Just installed this, I think it's a really cool addition to the game. So the countdown duration depends on the length of the sound file, is that correct? Does anyone know of a way how to trigger the launch from kOS?
  22. As they promised that there will be multiple launch sites and that you're eben able to build your own, I guess modular launch pads will be possible. Maybe not on KSC's main pad, but on any other pad.
  23. I want a space elevator to be possible. Doesn't need to be easy or cheap to build it, I just don't want the kraken to be the reason space elevators don't work.
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