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Everything posted by infinite_monkey

  1. So Duna Atmosphere is now back at 75 km? Or is something wrong with my install?
  2. The Antenna configs could use some tweaking. The antenna type in the crewed command pod should be DIRECT, not INTERNAL - internal antennas don't allow science transmission. Plus, antennaPower is too weak. Since both the pod and the engine shroud have antennas, it's probably enough to increase the one of the shroud to 100000000000 (same as the communotron 88-88 and the RA-100). Otherwise, CommNet blacks out soon after you leave Kerbin's SOI. And maybe the antenna type of the shroud should be RELAY.
  3. The ModuleKISPickup has an option allowPartAttach, but when adding the module to a part, I can only place stuff, not attach it. Is there something else that needs to be added in order to make a "robotic builder"? Can parts equip screwdrivers?
  4. Karbonite is outdated and not compatible anymore to the mechanics of MKS - see the posts above. You might wanna try this, but back up first:
  5. It thought so. I just wondered why Scatterer seems to perform better with SVE than with SciFi. Also, is it possible to tweak the colors via some config file? I find Duna's color a little bit too vibrant, looks like the ground is glowing... Plus, I can barely see the impact indicators from KER and Trajectories
  6. It is possible to drag parts from a KIS container and place them somewhere. Create a .cfg file somewhere in GameData with this content: @PART[Name_of_the_part_where_you_need_the_functionality] { MODULE:NEEDS[KIS] { name = ModuleKISPickup allowPartAttach = true allowStaticAttach = true allowPartStack = true maxDistance = 5 grabMaxMass = 10 dropSndPath = KIS/Sounds/drop attachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/attachPart detachPartSndPath= KIS/Sounds/detachPart attachStaticSndPath= KIS/Sounds/attachStatic detachStaticSndPath= KIS/Sounds/detachStatic } } Just put in the name of the part you want to modify (wildcards are possible). This is configured for a 5m radius (from the center of mass of the part, if I remember correctly) and a maximum mass of 10 metric tons. I have this on a part that itself has KIS storage, I'm not sure if it can also handle storage from other parts.
  7. How about creating a sabatier reactor + electrolysis reactor, which in the end would produce LF (instead of methane) and Oxidizer (1:1 from O2), taking CO2 from the atmosphere? That would make a much more realistic fuel production process than the stock ISRU from ore. Also, a real sabatier reactor would probably be roughly the same size as the Universal Storage II parts, not the exaggerated stock converters.
  8. Yes this was using electric mode. I think the problem is with Pathfinder, which introduces Atmosphere and CompressedAir as a resource. Maybe Duna's atmosphere isn't considered as "air". I'll try without Pathfinder, as I don't really use it anyway. Another question: I can change freight tank contents only inside the SPH, but not in-game. Is this intended behavior or did I mess this up with other mods as well? Yup, was a mod conflict as well, works since I uninstalled Pathfinder.
  9. Just ran in to the same issue - game crashes consistently after docking two ships, with this error message. How did you guys solve this?
  10. Hello @Nils277, thanks for this awesome mod! I have it installed for a long time now, but just now I found out how awesome the hover engines are. Unfortunately, they don't work on Duna for me, it complains about missing air. On your screenshot, however, I can see it zip around on Duna. Has that been changed or is there some conflicting mod on my side?
  11. Thanks for the hint, didn't know that was possible. Anyway, the SCANsat map still only shows resources from Classic Stock Play Mode.
  12. Since I started MKS first, I use Pathfinder merely for some pretty parts and don't want to use its resources etc. I selected "pristine mode" in the WBI settings, but the resources still show up in the Tracking Station and S.C.A.N. overlay. Is there a way to disable them? Do I need to delete some folder?
  13. @Redacted There are no non-legacy harpoons yet. But even when connecting a v1.1 winch to a socket the physics sometimes seem overdone. A little like the legs that tended to make the ship jump higher and higher... Might be a Unity problem?
  14. Thanks @Paul Kingtiger, the parts on new vessels are now accepted by the contracts. Does someone happen to know what I need to change in the save file? Nevermind, I found it out. I changed it for one of the 2 contracts (added the new names), and somehow the other one worked as well.
  15. Is it possible to change the color of the crosshair indicator somewhere? I recently installed SciFi Visual Enhancements, and on Duna it's REALLY hard to see the indicator in full daylight.
  16. @eskimo22 In addition to Textures Unlimited, you need the default stock config. That's where the additional lines should go. https://spacedock.info/mod/1841/Textures Unlimited Default Stock Config - Unofficial
  17. I'm having trouble with a contract that demands having a Magnetometer Boom and a RPWS Antenna on board. The contract doesn't seem to recognize the parts from Universal Storage II.
  18. Still confused about habitation: documentation says each seat gives 1 month of habitation time, while the Life Support Status windows shows only 0.25 months. Is this calculated in real months? Or has this been changed?
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